Preserved Sheet Adrian Marth

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Dec 2, 2014
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Adrian Marth


Basic Information
  • Full Imperialized Name: Adrian Kelwyn Marth
    • Full Birth Name: Sharian Kaeral Eilrie Myrin Calellethe
  • Age: 20
    Birthday: 5th June
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Half-Ailor (Claith - Altalar)
  • Sexuality: Homosexual | Half-Closeted
  • Main Ambition: Adrian is devoid of an ambition most would expect, all he wishes is to live a life where he's not-uncomfortable, and where perhaps he can help those he cherishes.
Skill Information
  • Proficiency Points (20)
    • + 13 Medical Sciences
    • + 10 Linguistic Knowledge (Claith Culture Boost)
    • + 5 Nature Care Sciences
    • + 2 Musical Arts
  • Body Shape: Average/Lanky - Low Body Fat
  • Languages:
    • Modern Elven: Mother tongue (10/10)
    • Daendroquen: Learned (8/10)
    • Common: Learned (10/10)
    • Dressalo: Attempt at Learning (2/10)
Visual Information

Eye Color: Aqua
Hair Color: Currant
Hair Style: Wavy yet attempted to be styled to hides his ears.
Skin Color: Fair and freckled
Clothing: White, long-sleeved shirt with a blue vest, big blue-green scarf.
Height: 6'3



Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph | Stuttering Teen
    When around strangers that seem intimidating, Adrian is tense, anxious and a bit paranoid. He's afraid of not knowing what people might do. This causes others to simply see him as a scared child, which isn't far off from the reality. However, when people around him are speaking of something that he's knowledgeable of, or if they seem quite kind, he'll hesitantly stutter his thoughts on the situation, and offer an awkward, shy smile, hoping not to bother anyone. This makes him look very awkward. Manipulating the boy is incredibly easy, as he'll try his best to avoid any physical confrontation and be so stressed that he'll do anything, he's incredibly submissive. However, if a stranger is in need of help, be it emotionally or physically, Adrian will try his best to make them feel better because he wants to help them.
  • Second Paragraph | Somber Sadness
    Adrian generally feels stressed and anxious, as though there was a tight knot in his stomach at all times. He's worried about being boring or bothering people, as when he was younger his twin brother always teased him of being so. He tends to keep his head down, trying to be invisible. He's also depressed. He'll at times simply slump himself onto a table and sigh, as he feels useless and annoying, he hates himself and is fearful of making others hate him too. He feels that the only way he can make up for being such a bore is to help people, which is why he enjoys medical practices. He'll read late into the night to try and escape some parts of reality, this causes him to sleep very little.
  • Third Paragraph | Wistful Wishes
    When with friends and family, Adrian feels more comfortable and his usual tenseness is dissipated into a slightly more relaxed posture. He loves his twin brother, yet sometimes feels put down by him. He loves many of his half-siblings and feels protective over them, when with them, he's soft and gentle. When it comes to his father, Shane Marth, the young boy feels like he disappoints him as he's not "a true Claith" and this saddens him. Adrian feels a tad more comfortable around his mother Tiatha Calellethe, but since she's been away for a long while for work, he feels let down, abandoned. He wishes he could be close with his family. However, when he's with his significant other, Adrian is awkward, shy and blushes a lot yet actually seems very happy. He'll be especially protective over them too. Since he doesn't want to be a bother to those he loves, he's easily manipulated by them. When with good friends, he's always considerate and concerned for their well-being, not wanting to bother them with his own issues.
  • Fourth Paragraph | Melancholic Kindness
    Adrian is a good person, he wants the best for everybody but himself, as he thinks he's not worth the while. He tries to help people in any way he can, be that by stitching up their wounds or trying to help them out emotionally. He's not just nor corrupt, he does what he thinks people need. Growing up, his mother was very just and strict, which led him to believe that that was the best way to live. When he met his father at 13 years old, he saw another aspect of life: that not everything is as simple as the law would let it seem. He now sits somewhere in the middle, not wanting to cause chaos, nor to bring down harsh justice. The alignment "Neutral Good" would be best to describe him.


Depression: Adrian suffers from depression, he hates himself and tends to feel devoid of any motivation or ambition. When alone or when around people he doesn't know, if he's not feeling too stressed, he'll slump down and hide his face in his arms, sighing, or perhaps crying.

Insomnia: The young half-ailor sleeps an average of 1-3 hours a night, he struggles with falling asleep as he fears something might happen when he's out. He also tends to read a lot in the late hours, getting lost in thought, transported to another world thanks to his books.

Anxiety: Unfortunately, Adrian also suffers from anxiety. His depression and his anxiety seem to clash a lot in his mind, as he's either sad and caring for nothing, or he's tensed and shaking from stress. He'll feel overwhelmed by large crowds, which cause him to have panic attacks. He'll also stutter depending on how stressed he is, the more stress, the more his words seem incomprehensible.


Books: Adrian adores reading as to him, it's a sort of escape from life. He however mostly reads history books, medical books and non-fiction, as for some reason he believes that fictional stories end too well, and aren't realistic. Though, he sometimes will treat himself to a good fantasy story to truly escape reality.

Helping People: Adrian enjoys helping people through medicine, or through talking. It allows him to stop thinking of his own issues for a while, and it gives him even a small purpose in life.

Ozy: Adrian holds Ozy dear to his heart. He loves his enthusiasm and the way he can always bring up his mood. Adrian feels that Ozy is the best thing that's happened to him, so of course, he loves him. And so he'll always keep an eye out for him, hoping he doesn't get into too much trouble, but even when he does Adrian can't help but care for him.


Siggs: The smoke that emanates from these makes the boy cringe and scrunch up his nose. Its smell is strong and makes me feel uneasy and sick.

Crowds: Large crowds of people create a situation where Adrian feels only stress and anxiety. He starts to overthink, and he wonders if anyone in the crowd would want to hurt him. Crowds give him panic attacks.

Fights: Adrian despises fights, he tries his best to avoid them, but he also tries to dissolve them if he can. Of course, with his weak body and dislike for confrontation, he can't do much but plead for them to stop.


Ozy Devereau: @TheHufflePug | Ozy has become Adrian's most cherished, and favourite person. Ozy holds an important role in his life, he's his best friend and boyfriend. Adrian's never felt happier with anyone else. Though, this does mean that Adrian tries his best to watch out for Ozy, hoping he won't get himself hurt; but if he does, he's always there to patch up his wounds.

Damien Marth: @DiabloDonut | Damien is Adrian's identical twin brother. The two grew up side by side, and until their early teens, they were never apart. Lately, their relationship has fallen into a slump of sorts as their interests differ, but they're trying to change that. Adrian trusts his twin brother with his life, knowing that he'd never want to harm him. He'll go to him when things are rough, knowing that he'll receive and accepting and kind response from him.

Aoife Marth: @SpoopMelon | Aoife is Damien's wife, and so consequently, Adrian's sister-in-law. He first met her when the blind girl had stumbled into the slum clinic, and then promptly walked into a wall and passed out. Adrian finds her quite... unique. He doesn't really know what to say to her, but he's happy that she gets along so well with his brother, and that she makes him happy. Usually. Despite not being very close to her, Adrian tries his best to make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble.

Tiatha Calellethe: @Gennaveie / NPC | Tiatha is Adrian's mother. She was always a kind, yet strict mother whom the kids never went against. Her stern words and attitude were the reason Adrian was always so well behaved as a child, and even now as a teenager. She now works and lives away in Daendroc.

Shane Marth: @DolittleGuy | The father of Adrian, Shane only met his kids when they were already thirteen. He was out of the picture their entire childhood. Their relationship was rocky at first, as Adrian constantly suspected the worst of the stranger. Gradually, they got closer, and a father-son bond slowly began to form. Adrian still tries to seek Shane's approval, finally wanting to have a father.

Nemesio Callieo: @Numbless | Nemesio Callieo is Adrian's ex-boyfriend. Nemesio was manipulative and abusive, after two years of it, Adrian was finally dragged out of the relationship by Ozy. Nemesio still torments Adrian, trying to make him feel uncomfortable and blush to spite Ozy and amuse himself.

Saen'eallver: @CRASHIR | Adrian doesn't only see Saen as his therapist, but also as a sort of mentor to him. He deeply appreciates the man and hopes to do whatever he can to help him, whether it be by working around the clinic, or through emotional support. However, Adrian hopes to never bother him, and will sometimes avoid talking to Saen if he believes it might tick him off.

Mimir the Url: @MippyMoo | The giant Url jumped to Adrian's rescue when he was being harassed by two women wanting him to buy a drink for them. He was obviously frightened, and uneasy. Mimir came by and called Adrian his son, and scared the two away. Adrian is thankful to the big man and feels a tad more comfortable when he's about.

Rico: @mochalattes | This cute black rabbit has helped Adrian with his anxiety! He adores the small bunny and is glad that he found him.

Life Story

Infanthood 0-3:
  • Born Sharian Kaeral Eilrie Myrin Calellethe, along with his twin Aymon on 5th June 290 AC to Tiatha Calellethe in Daendroc. Later on, they will be respectively renamed, Adrian and Damien.
  • He and his brother were raised solely by their mother, who refused help from her family to raise the twins.
  • Being born to a well respected Altalar family within Thellassia, the boys were cherished and didn't go without much, therefore grew healthy and happy.
Childhood 4-12:
  • Growing up, Adrian was surrounded by friends and family and was never truly left alone.
  • He was raised in a comfortable and friendly environment. He remained very close to his twin brother and was rarely seen without him, they were truly the two sides to one coin.
  • He was very sociable and somewhat emotional in his younger years and had many friends whom we enjoyed company from.
  • He rarely got into any trouble, but when he did, it was usually his mischievous brother's fault.
  • Adrian started attending the School of Medicine when he was 10 years old thanks to his mother's influence on him, who encouraged him to do so.
Teenagehood 13-15:
  • At age 13, the twins' mother believed it was time to move to Regalia. She did this mostly for work-related reasons. It was a big change for them both, and Adrian felt quite startled at first in this large, unknown city. Tiatha made sure to tell the children to be careful, to never let on that they were only half-human, and so she gave him an imperialized name: Adrian.
  • Adrian would continue his schooling in Regalia.
  • Having left all his good friends and family behind in Daendroc, the poor half-human felt terribly alone. He was now wary of all strangers, scared that they would turn him into the authorities. This started the development of his anxiety and his stutter. The fact that he had a new name frightened him, he felt as though he wasn't truly himself, and he felt tense, uncertain of even who he was.
  • One day, Adrian and his brother were out in the park. They playfully fought over a swing and threw snowballs at each other. One of them landed on Shane Marth. Tiatha proceeded to introduce this absolute stranger as the kids' father. Upon learning this news, Adrian felt confused, sceptical, and worried that this man would betray them.
  • As he grew to trust his father, Adrian was intrigued by his medical skills and was quite glad that it was something the two could bond over. He also felt good helping people in any way he could.
  • Despite learning to trust his father, Adrian started to distance himself from both his twin Damien and his parents. He kept to himself, studying alone and not sharing his feelings; scared of being a burden to others. This developed his depression.
  • Adrian noticed that his brother was interested in girls. He wasn't. He started to question whether or not he was normal, the thought of being gay worried him, as even if he was, he didn't know how his family would react, nor how strangers would perceive him if they knew.
  • He broke down one day and sobbed hopelessly in front of his father and brother. He told them that he was gay and that he didn't know what to do. His family was oddly understanding and didn't take it the wrong way at all. In a way, this comforted Adrian.
  • At 14-15, Adrian's relationship with his twin seemed to have slumped. They two barely talked to each other as they simply didn't have anything in common anymore. It saddened both of them, but neither of them had the strength to say anything about it.
16 - Present day:
  • Crowds have started to make the young boy anxious and tense. As time goes by, it seems to only worsen, and now he'll simply start breaking down and having panic attacks.
  • The twins have acknowledged that their friendship has, in a way, died. Adrian now tries to become interested in what interests his brother, such as alcohol. This proves to be difficult, but the two truly do attempt to rebuild their brotherly relationship. They're also starting to look different, they have the same face, however, Damien is much more tanned and toned, while Adrian is pale and skinny.
  • Adrian recently met Nemesio Callieo, a young man whose words are as smooth as could be. For once in his life, Adrian doesn't feel uncomfortable around a stranger and instead feels giddy. The two seemed to instantly connect, but it seemed Nemo's intent aren't quite as clear as Adrian first thought.
  • Adrian has encountered a dangerous Kathar named Lliev, the man seemed to have many evil intentions, and after Adrian was hurt through his actions, Shane Marth went to get revenge on the Nelfin. Lliev in turn took it out on Adrian in his own twisted way...
  • The half-ailor contracted Dulofall, he was sickly and bound down with ropes in the slum clinic for two weeks until his sickness dissipated. Adrian is now clearly gaunt, having not eaten much in his aggressive and paranoid state.
  • After healing from Dulofall, Adrian has become slightly healthier than his usual self. He puts the focus off of himself and dedicates himself to helping people in need in the slum clinic, and he's slowly making some new friends.
  • As Adrian tries to focus on others to forget his own issues, he's made quite a few friends, the most notable being Ozymandias Devereau.
  • The friendship between the two boys grows stronger, and soon, they find out that they do truly like each other. A relationship forms, and they start to date. However, Adrian is never left alone by his now ex-boyfriend Nemesio, who seeks vengeance and torments him for his own amusement.
  • Adrian graduated from the School of Medicine, he can finally start to properly utilize his skills as he works in the Slum Clinic as a healer.
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For whoever reviews me!
Might I add that Adrian is currently attending a school, hence I wasn't too sure what to do with the proficiency boosts. For now I've only used 6 (so the 16-10) and barred out the boosts. When Adrian graduates I'll unbar them and update the app a bit!
If perhaps I should do the proficiency points another way, please let me know!
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Be friends with Azra, Adrian..
A lot has happened since I posted this so I'm going to be adding a couple points to the Life Story, as well as a few small things here and there! Hope it's not an issue!
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  • + 20 Medicine (School of Medicine and Oath of No Harm Points)
  • + 10 Surgery (School of Medicine Points)

+ 10 Horticulture (School of Medicine Points)
What is up with this? Are you omitting it? Because if not, you should be. You need ten years to complete a school, not to mention you can only start at as young as 10.

Other than that, everything seems to flow fine. Clarify this whole proficiency thing with me please. @Mistles

What is up with this? Are you omitting it? Because if not, you should be. You need ten years to complete a school, not to mention you can only start at as young as 10.

Other than that, everything seems to flow fine. Clarify this whole proficiency thing with me please. @Mistles
I mentioned in another comment on this thread that the barred out proficiencies are being omitted, and when the character has finished attending school (when/if I age him up) I'd unbar them, if that's alright. If it's better, I'll remove them altogether.
Just remove them for now please.
Just remove them for now please.
Though I do wonder whether that means I still only have 6 points to spend, instead of 16? Do the -10 of schools come from entering the school, or are they only applied after graduating?
Unless told otherwise, I'll keep it at 6.
Yeah you invest the points at the start, and get them later. So you should only have six to spend currently.

Since you already have it at 6, this is Approved. @Mistles
@Mooffins Hey! It was Adrian's birthday so I edited the proficiency points to fit and added a small part to the life story as well as a few other edits, all in purple. Hope all is still good!
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@Mooffins Hello!

So I've aged up Adrian another 3 years, so here are the changes I've made to fit it in Blue!
  • Aged from 17 to 20
  • Removed Weapon of Choice, Added Sexuality
  • Updated the Proficiency and Culture Points as he's now graduated from the School of Medicine
  • Added a Language he's trying to learn
  • Added small details to the personality paragraphs
  • Added a bit of life story
And that's it all! Thanks for re-reviewing me yet again.