Archived Adjustments To Vampire Plugin

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


juice thought.
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
I'd like to preface this by saying I'm not a PvPer, so everything said below is coming from the perspective of someone who's only involved in Massive's Survival and RP communities.

With the re-enabling and readjusting of the Vampire plugin, there are a few problems I've noticed. However, I'm not entirely certain they're bugs. Some of these things might be intentional, hence why this thread is being posted in this particular section.

1. Vampire Jump Height:
When not in Bloodlust, vampires have a level 1 Jump effect. In Minecraft, the Jump effect translates to just a .5 block increase in jump height, which is all but unnoticeable when it comes to actually jumping over things. Even the "Jump" trait actually grants the "Jump II" effect. Since the intention seemed to be to align the Vampire plugin with the power level of MassiveTraits, I would think this is in error. If not, I'd like to suggest the increasing , as this gives a great mobility disadvantage to vampires, who are already comparatively more fragile due to their inability to use any defensive traits.

2. Potion Effect Particles:
While effects granted by traits have their particle effects disabled, those granted by the Vampire plugin are reduced, but still visible. Assuming this is simply a holdover from the days before particle effects could be hidden with a simple tag, I'd like to suggest hiding the particles, as they can be mildly distracting.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is the first "change the vamp" thread ive seen that actually has (at least what i think to be) quick and reasonable fixes. +1
This suggestion will be further looked into by staff.