Archived Adjusting Anticheat

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Jul 19, 2014
Reaction score
Argost Domain
I'm going to cut straight to the point. The Anticheat, in one word, sucks. Now I'm not suggesting in any way that you remove the anti-cheat, I am simply suggesting that you test different configurations on the anti-cheat to make it enjoyable to all players, not just players who have low ping. Recently, I have become significantly worse at PvP. At first I thought it was just me, but after watching many videos of me PvPing on Massive I have noticed that about 1/2 or 1/3 of my hits actually land, with the rest of them vanishing, leaving only particle effects and a slight feeling of "Lolwut." I am not experienced AT ALL with AntiCheat coding, but, if possible, I am suggesting that you try and keep the presence of AntiCheat without removing 2/3 of all hits produced by high ping players and I'm sure many others (Can't confirm, speaking only from my experience, sadly). Another issue with AntiCheat is the fact that it kicks you for "KillAura" when no hacks are present. I played KitPvP (Excellent job btw, really fun, with the exception of the AntiCheat hitreg xD) for an hour, and over that hour I was kicked 4 times for "KillAura- Impossible angles" likely due to my high ping but I have heard many complaints about this particular feature. Finally, the NPC that hovers over you when you hit ANYTHING is extremely annoying and not needed. Perhaps you could make the NPC invisible? The AntiCheat has the potential to be really good but at the moment it is highly flawed and needs a fair amount of adjusting before it gets there. Just some suggestions :)
@BenRekt @spoonly @Sevak
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I can't speak for the PVP part since I don't PVP often. That being said I have noticed my hits a few times in the new kitpvp not hitting. I didn't know what it was and I agree it's really annoying

But the NPC.. There has to be a way that.. It just doesn't become visible at all under any circumstance. The fact that it can go either way tells me that it can just go one way and you can be completely invisible 100% of the time
I'd like to add on to this:

I see running particles around me due to the anticheat, which can be very distracting, and possible ruin a good screenshot.
If possible, could the NPC not run? Or if it does, could the particle trail on it be disabled?
I noticed this happening to me, when players are running away, usually I'd be able to hit them in the back but now the hits don't seem to register at all sometimes. I would normally assume this is just due to lag but this is happening even in 20 tps fights
I notice that the bot has blocked quite a few hits whenever I'm pvping or, less often, darkrooming. It also occasionally blocks arrows and once might've blocked a pearl. Would it negate the system to just have the bot fly a little farther away form you, or just a little higher?

Perhaps it swims in the blocks under you instead of flying around you? I know that when you're in a cramped space it runs through the ceiling and showers you with dust, so I assume that's possible.
Forgive me for my lack of knowledge on the subject, but uhm, what in ze wurld r u peeps talking about? XD
Honestly though, it's really just ruining pvp. With all the rubber banding, it's making people miss their pots, get caught back up into combos, etc. I mean, I'm losing to people I know I'm substantially better than (yeah I'm also a bit egotistical <3), because I'm rubber banding from the anticheat and missing my pots. And no, it isn't lag, it's affecting pretty much everyone (particularly the better players who exchange a lot of hits in short periods of time, I've noticed) and it's been happening to me with 100 ms and 20+ tps at kit.
I might be wrong about this. But I didn't think we had as big a deal with cheaters and hackers on massive as this new plugin would suggest.
Fun fact: CorruptionSource got banned about six times in a fight due to Teled Methen lag.
Honestly though, it's really just ruining pvp. With all the rubber banding, it's making people miss their pots, get caught back up into combos, etc. I mean, I'm losing to people I know I'm substantially better than (yeah I'm also a bit egotistical <3), because I'm rubber banding from the anticheat and missing my pots. And no, it isn't lag, it's affecting pretty much everyone (particularly the better players who exchange a lot of hits in short periods of time, I've noticed) and it's been happening to me with 100 ms and 20+ tps at kit.
Although it's egotistical to say, the same thing has been happening to me and it's really infuriating. If it's noticeable at 100ping, imagine 200+ xD
As Anti-Cheat has been removed from the server with the 1.9 update, this Suggestion is rejected.
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