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Played Character Adelle Morwen

This character is actively played.


Sep 3, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Adelle Morwen No. 5
  • Heritage / Culture: Mystech (Puppeteer Spirit)
  • Age: 24 since being a Puppeteer Spirit
  • Gender / Pronouns: female- she /her
  • Religion: agnostic
  • Occult: none
  • Character Occupation: caretaker/ explorer
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Dark Blue Celurean
  • Skin Color: her torso, arms, hands, neck and face have a barley white tone while her legs and feet have a chalk white color, her arms, a part of her torso and legs have light Delft Ceramic type designs in color or tones of cobalt oxide
  • Hair: she has a butter blonde silky,wavy long hair
  • Height: 1.60 mts
  • Body Type: inverted triangle
  • Additional Features: In some parts of her torso, fingers on her hands and feet, his porcelain is cracked, some have cracks, some are old and were fixed with the kintsugi technique, however others are newer without having yet been fixed, which can be obvious if look carefully and feel clearly if you touch her hands
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    • Hobbies: cooking, writting, explore to get ingredients to cook, listen to music, read
    • Talents: basic medical knowledge, sew, cook, build, sing, dance
  • Mechanics:
    • Her spirit cannot manifest an existence on its own outside of attaching to the porcelain doll boddy
    • She will not attach herself to living people, thus having to manipulate the porcelain doll body that has very fine motoric control and expressions, but her Spirit does not reside in it
    • She is aggressively possessive of the porcelain doll boddy as for her it is her body and her most precious possesion the only thing that is totally hers or at least that is what she thinks, and yes while they can be temporarily banished from their possession, will eventually return to it
    • As a Puppeteer Spirit she survives by consuming Sinistral Magic around her (except their own), meaning she tends to innately seek out Sinistral Magic users and encourage them to practice the dark arts so that she can survive. In a pinch, as her fellow Puppeteer Spirits can also leech life essence or a soul directly from a living person, but she will try to avoid doing so.
  • Languages: common
A long time ago, maybe long, maybe little, there existed a man, a man who liked to make "inventions" that he gave to his daughter, the light in his eyes and a reason to live. They both lived together after the death of his wife and mother of his daughter. Elizabeth, whom he had raised with great affection alone, however, things were not perfect because the little girl was born with an extremely weak body and prone to getting sick no matter how much her father tried to be there as much as possible for her, the little girl needed 24/7 attention. In case of any accident or event that occurred, she had to be attended to immediately but the father could not always be with her because he had to work to get money and put food on the table as well as pay for any type of treatment or medicine or pay a doctor. payment, clergyman or doctor to treat Elizabeth.

The expenses were significant and the father could not afford to hire nurses, magicians and doctors who would be with the little girl 24/7. In addition, making sure the little girl was comfortable with these strangers would be difficult because, since she was not in good condition since she was little, she had He grew up in a very closed environment, not socializing like other children at his age and developing a fear of meeting other people, partly because of his lack of socialization and partly because most new people only came to cure him, diagnose him or take samples to be able to see. What could be done for her to improve. That's why the father decided to create something so that he could be with his daughter all the time, take care of her and be her friend, this is how the father built Adelle Morwen No. 1, being an automaton, however, the father did not know about programming. So when trying to activate it, a big error arose, leading to it falling into a nearby water source. Seeing this, he knew that he should do something else, so he worked and worked creating other versions. 2 did not turn on, no.3 had a design that seemed too robust and scary for his daughter, no.4 gave an uncany valley type sensation, attempt after attempt the father could not understand how to put such complex mechanisms and programming in a body that It was pleasant to look at for his daughter, that it was not robust or very thin that it did not have an overly human appearance but not inhuman either but that it did not give that uncany valley feeling.So after research and asking favors from others he came to a conclusion that he needed to use a spirit that could inhabit body No.5, this being so far the most suitable visually for him to interact with his daughter, so begging the Ordial Entities he offered them that body. so that a spirit could live in him, that he would do anything just so that a spirit could help him.

And his prayers or requests were heard because a spirit ended up taking this object or manipulating this object giving it a kind of "life" thus giving birth to Adelle Morwen No. 5 a Puppeteer Spirit with no real memories of its "past life" other than its talents and certain hobbies, since then she cared for and helped little Elizabeth, and that was until on a difficult day, on a trip to a relative's house, the carriage where the three of them were traveling overturned near a ravine. Adelle had prevented little Elizabeth from falling to the ground. nothing taking her by the collar of her clothes, however the edge of the road where she was holding on would not hold for too long, so with all her strength she lifted the little girl up to where her father took her, seconds later the part where she was holding on broke. causing her to be the one who fell into the void of the ravine, suffering a blow against a body of water that was at the bottom of it and hitting some branches causing her to have numerous cracks in her body, the next thing Adella saw besides remembering water , his skills, hobbies and the sense that he had missed was that he was on the banks of a river

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Dexterity 4
Defense Stat: Wisdom 7
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 2
    • Mimicry Pack
    • Wardrobe Pack
  • Wisdom: 7
    • Medical Stance (free)
    • Medical Buff
    • Medical Revive
    • Medical Barrier
    • Medical Rescue
    • Medical Resist
    • Medical Canteen
    • Medical Bolster
  • Dexterity: 4
    • Sharp Reflexes
    • Fleet Footed
    • Escape Artist
    • Smokescreen
  • Faith: 0
    • N/A
  • Magic: 1
    • Magic Trip
  • Theme music
    • The Magic Music Box - Orchestral Music by Jojo Comps (2023)
  • Trivia or facts about the Character
    • She tends to sing at night or when she has been alone for a long of time
    • Some times she looks at the dolls on toy stores to get an idea on what clothes they usually use so she wont use it and look a lot like one
    • Gets easily distracted by other things even when traveling resulting on getting lost easily
    • Writtes small fairy tales when she has nothing else to do