Preserved Sheet Adeline De Letoirneau-celyreos

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The Georgest of all the Foremans
Jun 23, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom






  • Full Name: Adeline Flore De Letoirneau-Celyreos
    • Nicknames: Addie or Ada
  • Age: 25
    • Birth ~ 285 AC ~ December 12th - Age 5
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ithanian Alior
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual


Skill Information

Proficiency Pool: 25

  • Knowledge Proficiency
    • + 3 Historical Knowledge (+3 From Points)
    • + 5 Threads Arts (+5 From Points)
  • Science Proficiency
    • + 5 Alchemy Sciences (+5 From Points)
    • + 9 Medical Sciences (+9 From Points)
  • Arts Proficiency
    • + 2 Musical Arts (+2 From Points)
  • Body Proficiency
    • + 10 Bodycare Training (+10 Ithanian Ailor Bonus)
  • Body Shape
    • Physical stat: 0
    • Shape: Average
    • Body fat: Moderate
  • Languages
    • Common |Fluent | Learnt from Family
    • Ithanian | Fluent | Learn from Family
    • Leutz-Vixe | Fluent | Learnt from books and Family
  • Being in the newly united family de Letorineau she was given another chance at a restart to change herself and hopefully make a difference in her life. Adeline moved into Regalia to join some of the few siblings she had there to rebuild the lie she was fed as a child. Living in a fairly small place she keeps many books around her, often leaving it in a mess from pages of writing to books scattered around, though when someone would come over she made sure to clean up first to save herself the embarrassment, though made bottle of sweet and strong wine herself when she found herself without new books or finding new wine tastes.
  • Being born in Loiree, she grew up with her cousins instead of her real parents, feeling betrayed by this she refuses to speak with then as she still doesn't know of the reason why they abandoned her. Without knowing of a lot of her family she believed her cousins were her siblings though only knowing about her real siblings years later and building a great bond with some of them even though she felt like the outcast. Newly discovering her extended family the de Letorineau's only being brought back with the distant lines lately.




  • Eye Colour: Light ocean blue.
  • Hair Colour: Warm blonde.
  • Hair Style: A long wavy ponytail or half down with her bangs swept to the right and two small braids at the sides of her hair.
  • Skin Colour: Pale.
  • Clothing: Her outfits change a lot though she keeps up with her usual house colours of Black and Orange to support her family, also wearing a small pair of glasses most of the time.
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Body Build: Curvaceous.
  • Adeline usually has quite a neutral looking face, not one that looks mad or sad more like she's concentrating when she not smiling. Her eyes being bold and very bright to others making her stand out a little from her siblings. Her hair colour slightly changed through the seasons going to sandy and light through the winter and summer months. Both her ears have a bar going through the sides, also know as a scaffolding piercing that she got at twenty and has kept since, it going through one side of her ear to the other.
  • Adeline however had a history and because of this she had gained large gashes on her back from lashings, though they have recovered to only smallish scars she is still ashamed about her choices. She never really wore dresses a lot due to getting too hot or cold in the seasons, deciding to wear pants which made her look like a woman in men's clothing. However recently she started wearing dresses to make herself more presentable as a of nobility woman and person.
  • Speaking in a soft tone she had a slight Ithanian accent that she often would replace normal common words with d'Ithanian. Depending on the person depends on her tone, if she is talking to someone she dislikes she will have quite a blunt and still tone, but when talking with someone she likes she may stutter or even forget her words and say somethings out loud.
Family Friends

Ana De Letorineau-Polignac
| @Miss_Silver
Close friend through being introduced through her brother Enzo. Over time they have developed their relationship to which Ana is now her tutor in the Rose Flower Union. Adeline may be older than her but Ana is much more mature than she is.

Sophia De Letorineau-Polignac | @Ellimairy
Adeline can't help but fear this woman and her fan, mostly because her niece attacked her once for being impolite. However she has nothing really against this woman, barely speaking with her she finds it amusing to see her try and wiggle through a small door in her dress.

Gaberiel De Letorineau- Polignac | @Friendly_Gal
She doesn't know much about this boy other than he is the little brother of Ana and that he can tell her meanings of peoples names. She can't help but feel happy around him with his small facts that he randomly comes out with, let alone his company.

Enzo De Letorineau-Celyreos | @ZiggyStarDusted
Her eldest brother which she refuses to be around normally as he with try and be a lovey big brother while Adeline herself would run away immediately to avoid contact despite being close and blood related. These two in a room can and most like will cause a little chaos depending on the situation, as in the past he has stolen food and wines from her house while she was away.

Nadia De Letorineau-Celyreos | @SpoopMelon
Her most loved sister for years, being the older sister she tries to judge what is best for Nadia though she finds Adeline to be somewhat of a buzz kill and tells her nothing at all despite her love for her.

Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire | @Nathan
A Highly respected member of her family, owning the house guard and in charge of taking care of the whole family. Adeline herself likes Cyprien for his passion towards the formed family and feels he deserves the utmost respect from others.

Roesia De Letorineau-Alaire | @Lutsu
Adeline has a small history with Roe, having a few glass of wine here and there. She once did a stage performance with her also, the two laughing at each other as they danced on stage. But both enjoy mocking Ana a little bit when she tries to buy something really expensive.

Trusted Friends

Thomas von Bruhl | @Zombiel3ait
Adeline's fiancee and best friend, meeting through a few drinks at his tavern they grew an unbreakable bond. Though they had feelings for each other they said nothing of it and attempted to move on, however after a long period of time the two join again over a drink and reconnected with small jokes and stories, Thomas then proposing to her after courting her for a long period of time.

Edouard Lambert | @R_O_B_E_rt
A old friend of hers and somewhat ex in the past before he became an Url, Seeing highly of him she enjoys his company with her when she would have a social gathering. Lambert holds a soft spot in Adeline's heart as a close friend she can come to in her time of need.

Distant Friends

Joasaie Lloablen | @JokerLupus
A really old friend from her reckless days, not seeing her for over a year she misses her company that she bright with her. When the two met they would have small outings together to get drinks and often end up dragging each other home, none of the less she misses her as she was probably the best friend she had at the time.

Phaden Howlester | @Nixces

Phaden is quite an old friend of her's, being almost set up by his twin sister she found him quite nice despite being a little short tempered. Wanting to set up a book reading event with each other she lost contact and only recently got talking again due to a rather interesting ball. She feel quite happy around him and even sometimes teases him for her own amusement, however she has no bad blood with him unlike others.

Julius Peirgarten | @Anarchizm
An old crush of the sorts, being pushed away from him by his family she sought to change herself to benefit herself and her family. Refusing to talk to him for a long period of time she finally had a talk with him though she didn't want to at first he kinda walked in on her reading and forced her to talk with him a little.


  • First Paragraph:
  • At first Adeline comes off as a kind and gentle woman, though recently being taught in etiquette she learnt proper manners for greeting people. Keeping with her usual personality she is quite bubbly even excitable compared to others around her. Not really being a woman fond of balls and such she'd rather read at home and enjoy a nice glass of wine or tea.
  • Second Paragraph:
  • Adeline feels that a lot of people judge her based on her aristocrat title as to being a snob in some ways when she isn't. Her confidence to talk to strangers was brought on as a child, however if a person looks uneasy or hostile she'll avoid them at all costs. Adeline out of all the family have the worst reputation from past mistakes however is trying to redeem herself and her reputation. Seeing herself as a good person to chat with and overly fun person to be around.
  • Third Paragraph:
  • With family, friends and "lovers" her attitude is highly different as she becomes more stubborn, even rude at times, but is still friendly and humorous in her own ways. The comfort she has gained with these people are very high and she hides almost nothing from them. The difference from stranger and family is very different as she hides herself a little and tries to play off as a good girl with good manners, however this was not the same for family. Seeing Adeline at a bad time, e.g. when she's depressed or angry she has a high chance of snapping at those who help when she wishes for them to leave her alone.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
    • Her morals are good even if told otherwise. She wishes for those who are unarmed and even taken away from what they love most to be happy again, punishment being given if need, though not agreeing on it fully. Although trained in a little combat she's relatively passive and doesn't wish to fight unless needed to. Seeing others doing evil acts she will try thinking it over before heading in and sorting out the situation if she is able to do so.




  • ~Birth ~ 285 AC ~ December 12th - Age 5~
    • Adeline was born 285 AC on December 12th from her mother Adrienne Celyreos in Itania, being the fourth child born into her large family. Being a rather small child she was still very energetic despite being only 5. Growing up with her cousin Natasha Celyreos seeming like a older sister to her, being separated from her real siblings for no real reason.
  • ~Age 6 - Age 10~
    • At the age of 7 she became a huge bookworm, reading almost half of the books in her "Father's" Library, finding a huge passion from it she read many medical and alchemy books, finding them interesting she searched for more as she grew up over the years.


  • ~Age 11 - Age 13~
    • Adeline at the age of 12 had finished reading almost all of the book in her family's home, her knowledge of the world around her despite herself staying indoors to read a lot. Although she stayed indoors she was well known with the servants, gaining their liking since she was easy to look after as she only read most of the time or studied with a medical teacher.
  • ~Age 14- Age 17~
    • Close to finishing her studies of all her books in her "father's" library she discovered Natasha wasn't her real sister but a cousin, going to now go back to her birth parents and meet her other siblings, she was not aware of at all. Having this shock and lie throughout most of her life, grew a small dislike to the first line of the house due to the lies. Her new plan of joining her siblings in Regalia and finishing her studies.


  • ~Age 18 - 20~
    • Finally arriving in Regalia she gained new friends and relationships with her real siblings along with completing her studies. However after a few weeks she got involved with the Nordmark guard charter, it ending soon after her joining and the proconsul sending a warrant over every Nordmark member's head. In the end leaving her a horrible reminder of how the world can be really be like. Now having been publicly flogged in front of many people, surely going to damage her mentally perhaps? When the dragon came an Arken randomly jumped her and her lover, possessing her to do as they say when it came to it, destroying her relationships till it was all over.
  • ~Age 21 - Present~
    • Adeline had made a odd disappearance to Loriee, her home. To get away from the issues going on in the Crown City at the time, after staying there long after the issues she made bonds with her family and ties with many people in the area, gaining her reputation in Ithania then returning at the age of 25 in search of her siblings. After months of reading and being in and out of Regalia she was told about Enzo fiance and herself having issues with name taking decided to look back at the family trees finding out that the three families Celyreos, Du Polignac and Alaire were part of an ancient family called the de Letorineau's. Ana bringing the three families back together through this making a once strong Ithanian family once again. Adeline being quite open to the changes with the newly brought back family.
Last edited:
<3 Nice job!!
  • Regarding the weapon of choice, while what you have is fine, the training your character received was specifically to do with longswords. Can you please put the longsword in the weapon of choice. You may keep the current weapon in there as well.
  • Add one more sentence to the first paragraph.
  • Add one more sentence to the third paragraph.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
I am taking over this review.
  • You are a few points over in your Skills section. Please re-calculate as you only have 15 to spend.
@Percuriam Did rework on a few things, adding new parts to story, personality and did new format for proficiency update.

Approved! However it didn't need a re-review at all as its mostly aesthetic changes.