Preserved Sheet Adelinda Sina Lispector

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Mistress of the Beneath
Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score



Family Tree

  • Full Name: Adelinda Sina Lispector.
  • Age: Twenty-two years of age.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Ailor human of Alt-Regalisch heritage.
  • Main Ambition: To rise in the ranks and gain political power for her family, by almost whatever means necessary. She places the needs of her family above her own, and will happily do things that go against her own wants if it means rise in power for the Lispectors.
  • School: School of Lancyon.
  • Level: Warrior.
  • Source: Educated fully at the Havre-sur-Bastillion in Basta.
  • Eye Color: Teal blue.
  • Hair Color: Dirty blondish brown.
  • Hair Style: Shoulder-length hair pulled back and up into a bun and secured with a silver hairpin.
  • Skin Color: Very fair pale.
  • Clothing: Skintight, yet fully covering as to not reveal any unnecessary skin.
  • Height: 5 foot 10 inches.
  • Body Build: Ripped.
  • Weapon of Choice: A long steel halberd with intricate engravings.
  • The facial build of Adelinda's is one that would vaguely be defined as subtle yet angular. With a relatively strong jaw to be seen, her head is still not what would be considered compact, still holding a reasonable length in comparison to her body size. Adelinda's eyes are a round almond-y shape, wide and peering, yet not staring. Long, somewhat dark eyelashes frame her eyes, creating a youthful look. With full lips, Adelinda's mouth is somewhat small, however, lips crimsoned from the cold.

  • A common colour in her family, Adelinda's eyes exhibit a slate shade of blue, one that would be somewhat dull if not meant for expressing her emotions. A small discolouring should be noted, however, as her left eye has a triangular misformation of her pupil, flowing out into the iris. Adelinda's relaxed expression leaves her eyes slightly slimmed down, leading to a vaguely intimidating look if stared at. Apart from that, her face is lax and, depending on her mood, her jaw clenched.

  • Thick locks spring from Adelinda's head, ever so slightly wavy. A wild fringe frames her face, snaking its way down to her shoulder. In front, the locks tossed over her shoulders reach to just above her chest, abruptly cut off in a diagonal cut facing inwards. On the back however, her hair is left to its wavy origin, cut off in a relatively short cut yet long enough to be braided and put up decoratively in a bun. Her hair is a light dirty blonde colour, once again a very common colour within her bloodline. Her hair is worn down on informal occasions, yet if going out in cold weather or the likes, it tends to be put up in a bun on the back of her head.

  • Adelinda does not have many facial accessories. The only piercings she has are in her ears, as she wears earrings for formal occasions. She simply wears very small studs as the norm, dreading the holes closing up so she would need to have them re-pierced. As aforementioned, Adelinda does have a minor defect on her left eye. While this does not affect her eyesight as of much, it does look special.

  • A rather tall and rather broad woman, Adelinda stands at 5'10 (~177 cm) and weighs a good 140 lbs (~63 kg). Most of her weight is centered in her torso; her chest plentiful yet her stomach somewhat muscular from swimming, something she enjoys in her free time. Overall a curvaceous figure, Adelinda takes pride in her body, yet almost always leaves it covered up when in public. Her legs provide the reason for her height, being long and feminine, yet not entirely disproportionate.

  • Adelinda's skin, like almost every member of the family, holds an almost sickly pale shade of white. It is in fact so pale, that on many occasions her health has been questioned. She is neither malnutriated nor sick, however. No tattoos litter her body, as she prefers keeping it pristine and pure. Small freckles littered her cheeks and shoulders.

  • Adelinda's body is almost free from hair, with exception of the head. What little hair grows on her body is a very bleached tone, almost to parity with her skin colour. She plucks herself from unwanted hairs, as to make herself look presentable, primarily focusing on her face and brows.

  • Adelinda is an honourable person who holds her head high and posture straight. Keeping an authoritative air about her, she's always genuine in her speech and actions, often leading others to see her as an aristocrat. Eloquent and persuasive, Adelinda is a naturally gifted speaker and charmer, yet very chaste and respectful in her actions and speech. She is sadly however very fickle, and has a low sense of willpower and therefore bends easily to other opinions. She is known by others as someone incredibly loyal to her family, although not many know the reasons she acts like this.

  • If others prove themselves as Adelinda's superior, she is very submissive and obedient, carrying out commands out of fear. In that sense, Adelinda is paranoid to the outside world, yet is outgoing because of her Father's wishes for her to be. Therefore, Adelinda is often quite a pushover to the people she respects. Adelinda has very little self confidence, and the confidence she does show is usually feigned. While she does view herself highly, she's so considerate of others' opinions that they often become more important than her own in her head. In terms of intelligence, strategy and fighting, however, Adelinda is quite sure of herself. She would never ignore it if others gave her advice or criticism, however. Adelinda sees herself as a tool for carrying out the needs of her family. As the only daughter, she knows she's to marry whoever her father deems fit.

  • At home, Adelinda is quite likely to be ordered around and abused, and she accepts this as a matter of life. She cares deeply about her family and as such hardly ever questions their morals, or their wants and needs and requirements of her. While Adelinda has little friends, she only relaxes truly around very few of them, the others left to her typical formal attitude. When relaxed, she is quite talkative and breaks her timid nature, often engrossing herself in conversation for long whiles. Lovers are something rare to Adelinda, as she keeps herself clean and ready for whoever her Father demands she marries. Any interests she does have, she always keeps secret.

  • Being an avid Unionist, Adelinda views the actions of others and evil with a very judgmental outlook. She is good at heart, embracing the creeds and the teachings of Sancellist Unionism with genuine passion. All heretics and lesser beings however are viewed with thorough distaste in her eyes, and are to be treated as the inferiors they are. She embraces the difference in rank between the rich and the poor; knowing well that people of lesser wealth are supposed to work for those of greater wealth, and that lesser races are below all. This mentality was brought on later in her life due to her interactions with the noble scene and the court, leaving her a bit snobbish about her own wealth.
  • Combat Training
Fully trained and Warrior level in the School of Lancyon, Adelinda is very able in combat and frequently maintains this ability by sparring with others. It is further upkept through her job in the Confessors of Volckamar, as her strength is often put to the test there. Furthermore, Adelinda's tactical mindset allows her to make the best out of her military education, being a very bright student of Lancyon.
  • Politically and Tactically Intelligent
Acquired from both private tutelage and much experience within the courtrooms of Regalia, Adelinda is exceedingly talented in understanding foreign politics as well as slight military tactics. This ability was partly what earned her her role as State Reichrat Consul, which she does her best to maintain. Regularly participating in local and international events, Adelinda is ambitious to further her family's name and has recently seen a lot of personal improvements.
  • Physically Balanced
Through dance practice when young and through footwork practice during her Lancyon education, Adelinda is a very physically balanced person, hard to knock off her feet and often keeping an elegant grace about her movements. This ability makes her a very good and active dancer both solo and with another, but also improves her ability in sparring and in combat.


  • The daughter of Claus and Joanna Lispector, Adelinda Sina Lispector was born in Portimao in the Kingdom of Lusits on the 2nd of May, 283AC. She was the third child, having two older brothers and one younger brother.
  • Although the family had their base in Portimao, they maintained their Alt-Regalisch morals and similarly passed both the culture and the language on to their children while still mingling with the Lusitsian people.
  • The Lispectors were not at all poor, owning several wooded areas within the Lusits that they harvested for lumber and miscellaneous rich dyes from the plantlife there. The business of exports was led by Claus Lispector, and had been in the family for two generations prior.
  • As such, Adelinda was raised with the manners of somebody on the verge of a title, receiving a good private tuition since a young age and being rather pampered, being the only female in the family to marry for political purposes. In her schooling, Adelinda seemed to have a knack and peculiar interest for Herbology and medicine.
  • From a very young age, Adelinda grew to respect her father excessively because of the way he treated her. She was regularly reminded that her lifestyle was due to how much he had sacrificed for her, and as such she was easily kept in check.
  • Around the time of Adelinda's fourteenth birthday, Claus Lispector succeeded in landing an very large export deal that netted the Lispectors a tremendous profit. As such, this money was used to buy a great deal more land for the trade.
  • Because of the sudden increase in wealth for the Lispectors, the family was thrust into the political spectrum of international relations, and widened their export range to the Regalian Archipelago and similar surrounding areas.
  • Seeing the family rise in power and influence, Claus Lispector decided on sending off his children to reach higher education in different lands. One of such children, Adelinda Lispector left for the Island of Basta, to study the School of Lancyon at the Havre-sur-Bastillion. Adelinda of course obeyed her father and begun her studies.
  • Adelinda graduated the school as Warrior level just after her twentieth year. Struggling in the beginning with the act as she had never built up any sort of strength in her body prior to her military education, she eventually passed the programme with active perseverance. She was especially complimented on her light footing.
  • Once graduated, Adelinda returned to Portimao to join back with her family. Her two oldest brothers, Juman and Alfons, were still off in education and were as such not around when she returned. During her trip, Claus Lispector had unfortunately fallen sick and was at such a point where he could not actively take care of the family business.
  • Being the eldest child with the highest level of completed education, Claus was forced to hand over the business maintenance to Adelinda while he was in betterment. Since she was a female and her father did not trust her to keep up the current levels of profit, however, she was merely a representative while her father hired someone more able to lead the business.
  • Until her father either became better or her brothers returned from their educations, Adelinda was the head of the family and the immediate heir to the land her father owned. As such, Adelinda was once more put into private tuition to be taught the current affairs of her surroundings and brief politics.
  • Having just turned twenty-one, it was noticed that the trade routes going to the Regalian Archipelago were less effective than they used to be. After failed attempts to reestablish the Regalian business sector, Claus made an executive decision to send Adelinda off to Regalia herself to further the family there. She once more obeyed.
  • While Claus recovered, he would stay in Portimao. However, he sent Adelinda's youngest brother Gerolt with her to Regalia so he himself, 19, could earn some life experiences and perhaps make something out of himself as the runt of the litter.
  • Once in Regalia, Adelinda seemed to thrive and explore herself further. Having studied the School of Lancyon in the Holy Land of Basta, Unionism beliefs had increasingly gotten to her over time, and she found herself an avid believer now she was in the Holy City itself.
  • Working on furthering business mainly, she decided to apply her military training to a good cause and join the Confessors of Volckamar, a religious order working directly from command of the Supreme Reverend and the Emperor. She considered it a high honour to be part of such an order.
  • Closely supporting the House of Ravenstad who funded and founded the majority of the White Order, Adelinda was further involved in the political conflicts of Regalia. She became very close to Vulmar Ravenstad during this time.
  • Before long, due to her involvement, she was appointed to the position of one of the State Reichrat Consuls, contributing to the political spectrum further. She brought more attention onto her family name during this time, participating in many noble-focused events and the like.
  • Continuing to work hard to gain popularity and power for her name as the temporary titleholder of the house, Adelinda Lispector is soon at the age where her Father would start arranging a marriage for her.
  • Present.
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  • 16th May, 2017 - The character was reviewed for the first time, and the following changes were made.
    • Expanded on the fourth paragraph.
    • Edited the "Physically Balanced" talent.
    • Sectioned off life story.
    • Changed a bit about her Lancyon tutelage.
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Let's get started, shall we?
  • Firstly, I'd like to say that this app is very well-made. Your formatting isn't obstructive or distracting and I very much enjoy how you've compacted the information.
  • To begin, I'd like you to expand the fourth paragraph of Adelinda's Personality & Abilities, specifically surrounding the idea that she 'embraces the difference in rank between rich and poor.' Is there a reason for this? Was she raised with such a stance, or has it been an idea that has developed over time?
  • Moving on to her Talents, I'd like you to remove the second mention of 'physically balanced', mainly due to the unneeded repetition of the phrase.
  • Regarding Adelinda's Life Story section, I'd like you to label the different periods of her life (i.e. 'Childhood, Teen, Adult' etc.) so as to give a rough idea as to when things happened, as well as to break the section into easier-to-read chunks.
  • I'd also like you to explain how exactly Adelinda passed the School of Lancyon programme 'with flying colours.' Did she have a specific knack for the Combat School, besides being light-footed from her dance training? This is especially important, as you earlier mentioned 'she had never built up any kind of strength prior'.
Everything else, however, looks good! Mark your edits in red and tag me when you're done!
@Scribbe I did the necessary edits, I believe.
  • Expanded on why she agrees with the rank difference and how this came to be.
  • Removed the physically balanced sentence.
  • Sectioned off life story.
  • Removed mentions of passing with flying colours.