Preserved Sheet Adelias Callis

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Local Imperial Knight
Dec 20, 2020
Reaction score


Adelias, The Crimson Shield
"Warm or cold, I have a flask that needs to be filled."

Adelias's Theme

What good can I do, when I am filled with darkness? | The only thing guaranteed in this life, is death.

Basic Information

Full Name: Adelias Callis von Hohen Berg
Nicknames: Adelias Callis
Titles: N/A
Voice Claim
Age: 22
Birthday: August 7, 287 A.C

Race: Half Ailor - Von Kërle Brood
Father - New Regalian Ailor
Mother - Qadir
Lineage: Brannon
Culture: New Regalian

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Find out.

Large, two handed battleaxe.
Small buckler strapped to his left forearm.
Preferred mount: Heerstepper named Brutus

Skill Information

Total Points: 60 (+50 Free) (+10 Free Hobby)
Total Used: 60, 0 left unused.

Combat Group
20 Shielding (15 Core +5 Racial)
17 Greataxe Combat (15 core)

Rogue Gift 4 (3 Core)
Wall Climb 3 (3 Core)
Weapon Metallurgy (3 Core)
Armor Metallurgy (3 Core)
Iron Family Metallurgy (3 Core)
Ellad Family Metallurgy (3 Core)

Hobby Points
10 Husbandry (10 Hobby)

Common (Upbringing)
New Regalian & Calderliga, Alt-Regalian (Upbringing, Father.)
Faraddi (Parental, Mother)



Great Force I - If at any point within 7 blocks of the user heavy objects are falling (for example, a collapsing roof or beam, or a large boulder) the character can brace the falling objects and hold them up long enough for nearby others to escape or not be harmed, and also create an escape for themselves. This Ability cannot be used for any Combat advantage.

Gate Smash I - The Character can muster all their strength and smash through a metal or wooden gate or door that is locked or barred. This Ability does also work on cell gates in the Regalian Prison. This Ability can be used once per day. And produces a lot of noise, thus requiring the actual Ability usage to be done in announce emote (+h). Because of the size and bulkiness of the Character however, they are also permanently incapable of dodging or side-stepping any Mundane or Ability based Projectile attacks.

Bunker Down I - If wielding a shield, the Character can choose to "Bunker down", requiring them in a kneeling position with a shield down in front of them. While this stance is upheld, they become immune to any Mundane or Ability based harm effects from a 180 degree angle in front of them (Ability based effects besides damage still apply). There is enough room behind the user for 1 additional person to gain the benefit, with the user counting as an Obstacle. The user of this Ability cannot do anything but talk while bunkering down (they cannot even see past their shield), but the person behind them (if there is one) can move and use Abilities, Weapons, or Items.


Weapon Metallurgy - The Character is able to craft weapons including ammunition and parts of weapons. This pack does not include any metals, purely the skill to forge these items.

Armor Metallurgy - The Character is able to craft armor such as platesteel or chainmail. This pack does not include any metals, purely the skill to forge these items.

Iron Family Metallurgy - The Character now has access to using Iron, Ferr-Iron, Steel, and Blacksteel for their Metallurgy Craft.

Ellad Family Metallurgy - The Character now has access to using Omnaleya, Khazalitra, Dhobrøk-Khor and Metalitra for their Metallurgy Craft.


Von Kërle Base Kit

Servile Collar 1

Servile Collar 2

Afflicted Life 1

Blood Feeding 1

Blood Eyes 2

Blood Curse 1

Vampiric Form 1

Cursed Soul 1

Von Kërle Bloodline Kit

Primal Horror 1

Belliard Horror 1

Super Self 2

Super Self 4

Super Self 5

Blood Dance 1

Blood Dance 2

Blood Dance 3

Vampiric Familiar 2

Power Howl 1

Corvaic Will 1

Void Mark - An indented black marking anywhere on their skin that represents either their favored weapon or their Blood Sung Weapon. When wielding their weapon, this marking can either disappear, or start glowing.
Adelias bears an indented black greataxe on his right forearm, though he actively attempts to cover it up.

Void Rot - Blood becomes coagulated and appears almost rotten after it leaves the body.

Void Tears - Tears appear like blood or a pitch-black liquid.

Body Shape

Physical Stat: 35 Cap [37 - 20 Shielding + 15 Greataxe + 1.5 Metallurgy, rounded up.]

Body Shape: Ripped

Body Fat: Built

Visual Information

Eye Color: Crimson Red, Black Eye Whites

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Hair Style: Loose curls and worn long, drops to mid back.

Facial Hair: Clean Shaven

Skin Color: Noticeably Pale

Height: 6'2"

Clothing: Typical New Reglian Style, Waldmann robes, unless in armor.


- Adelias's hair turns a pale white
- Adelias's eyes seem to glow blood red, with wisps of red mist curling upwards from the sunken orbs
- Adelias's skin becomes a pale, ashen grey, as if the life itself has been sucked from it.
- Adelias's armor becomes a twisted, necrotic version of its former glory. Embedded with skulls, and shining with a dull grey sheen, the eye sockets and nose indents of the skulls burn with an unholy red light.
- Adelias's Bloodcast cape, too, becomes twisted, seemingly now stained red with blood, it constantly drips crimson liquid that seems to rot away as soon as it hits the ground.
- Adelias's weapons follow the same path, seemingly becoming blood-soaked, and his axe glows with the same unholy energy that fuels his armor and eyes.
- Adelias sprouts crimson wings from his back, that seem to give off a blood mist and drip crimson liquid on the ground that rots away, similarly to his cape.

Personality and Beliefs

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Personality Type: ISFJ-T - ENFJ-T (Defensive Protagonist)

Adelias is a very dark man, one who strives to do good in spite of his troubled past. Being a bastard child of a Von Kërle and a Qadir, he sees himself as a blight on this plane. Because of this, he does his best to earn everything he has, refusing to take charity, ironically, mimicking the mentality of the Von Kërle he tries so hard to suppress.

Adelias is slow to trust, yet offers himself, and his axe, to any cause he deems worthy of his time, from a simple commoner's request, to an emperor's demand, should it align with his morals, he'll have a difficult time saying no.

Give my all for the greater good.
Who am I to withhold myself for what is right? Should it place my head on the block, so be it.

Be a shield to the innocent.
Those who have no quarrel, should be brought no harm. Let my armor take the hits for them, and shield them from the chaos.
Keep the peace.
Peace, something that's sorely lacking these days. Peaceful locations shall remain peaceful, or I'll die trying.
No collateral damage.
The innocent have no place in my fights. Should there be the chance to cause harm to those not involved, my blade shall be stayed.

Religion: At the moment, Adelias isn't interested in religions in general at the moment, though he is curious about the Faith of the Dark Ancients, given his father's Vampiric Status.

Life Story
Adelias was the product of a Von Kërle seducing a wandering Qadir, being born on a warm August night in the mountains of Calemberg. His father was..less than ideal, only sticking around long enough to teach Adelias a trade, the languages of home, and how to be smart with his eyes, before disappearing. Whether he was hunted down by a band of Darkwalds, or simply moved on to the next woman is anyone's guess.

Life thereafter was spent with his mother, and it was relatively uneventful. Picking up on his mother's tongue, as well as running around the village he called home, he spent plenty of time enamored with the local smiths, watching them work chunks of metal into gleaming weapons, and effective tools. This fascination would carry on into his later life, as he intended on picking up the trade himself.

A few months past Adelias's 6th birthday, an aging Bloodcast rode into Adelias's small mountain town. Having need for a new blade, and information on a bear that had been terrorizing the towns meager animal supply, Adelias happily supplied both, sharing information over the flying sparks of steel and fire. Impressed with the young brood trying to make something from himself, that aging Knight asked Adelias to accompany him on his hunt, something Adelias took him up on happily.

Throughout the hunt, and subsequent nights spent camping, the Bloodcast, who was known to Adelias by the name Reyarch, passed the time by inquiring into Adelias's life. Adelias, suprised by the lack of hostility for once, reluctantly opened up, and shared with Reyarch the troubles of his past, notably being an outcast in his own home due to something out of his control. Reyarch, taking pity on the young man, offered to teach him the ways of the Bloodcasts, and offered Adelias the chance to make peace with his existence. Adelias, having no better option, agreed.

Returning home from the hunt successful, Adelias packed his meager bags, said his goodbyes to his mother, and left with the Knight, intent on winning the war in his soul. Turning 7 on the journey, he spent the next several years of his life on the road with Reyarch. Reyarch, having seen the young man's affinity for working with metals at a young age, ensured that he kept up on his training, even helping him learn how to work with heavy foreign metals at the same time.

As Adelias grew, the Von Kerle blood in him showed, as he developed muscle, and shot upwards in height. Taking on a heavy, two handed axe as a weapon, and strapping a small shield to his forearm to help block blows, he became a formidable combatant, excelling in close range brawling. Reyarch became an almost father figure to the young man, especially since his dad had left at such a young age. Such resulted in the pair working well together, establishing a friendship that would stand the test of time.

Years turned to a decade, then almost two, as the freshly turned 21 Adelias was brought before the grandmaster in Blücherwald Castle, to be raised as a Knight of the Bloodcasts. Reyarch, giving him a set of armor and directions bid him to travel to Regalia, to start his own life as a Bloodcast. A year of travel brings us to the present, with the young, 22 year old Brood donning a crimson cape standing at the gates of the Holy City.

What could go wrong?

"I fear the shadow of my soul will smother the fire of my spirit."
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Claimed for review.​
  • The amount of images on this application makes navigation challenging. Could you cut down on the amount/make them thumbnails for ease of scrolling?
  • Clarify that he's half Ailor on his basic information, as well as his parentage.
  • Remove Shadowmourne from the application entirely. The image is too large, the axe is ripped from WoW (and unachievable with Adelias' current metallurgy), as is the paragraph on Death Knights.
  • Change your racial abilities from spoilers to a bullet-point list, since that's also easier to navigate.
  • Bloodcasts, like other Knight Schools, only take children at the age of 7. You can have Adelis' backstory be reformatted to have the aging Bloodcast learn information off of him as a child, then take him to the elders for training. Bloodcasts are loose in training, so his mentor could've very easily taught him the smithing skills or allowed him to work a smithy job.
  • Additionally, remove mention of aesthetically controlling blood in the Vampire Form. That's more of an actual ability than anything else.
  • The amount of images on this application makes navigation challenging. Could you cut down on the amount/make them thumbnails for ease of scrolling?
  • Clarify that he's half Ailor on his basic information, as well as his parentage.
  • Remove Shadowmourne from the application entirely. The image is too large, the axe is ripped from WoW (and unachievable with Adelias' current metallurgy), as is the paragraph on Death Knights.
  • Change your racial abilities from spoilers to a bullet-point list, since that's also easier to navigate.
  • Bloodcasts, like other Knight Schools, only take children at the age of 7. You can have Adelis' backstory be reformatted to have the aging Bloodcast learn information off of him as a child, then take him to the elders for training. Bloodcasts are loose in training, so his mentor could've very easily taught him the smithing skills or allowed him to work a smithy job.
  • Additionally, remove mention of aesthetically controlling blood in the Vampire Form. That's more of an actual ability than anything else.
@fantuinn Rectified.
  • The points about the size of the images in the application, as well as the racial abilities being in spoilers instead of bullet points still apply.
  • The way you updated Adelias' backstory works with the exception of this paragraph:
    Life with his mother was rough from that point on, having found a job at the local smithery, Adelias faced constant discrimination. With his eyes and skin tone giving him away for what he truly was, he locked himself behind an anvil for most of his early life. What resulted from this, was Adelias beginning to grow into his height well, beginning to fill out with muscle from the few years of working with hot metal. Adelias spent his time at home dreaming about doing more than making armor and weapons for the passing soldiers and knights, wishing he could wear those armaments some day instead. Unbeknownst to him, his wish would come true sooner than later.
    As this describes Adelias before he was even 7 years old, parts about filling with muscle and having a job feel out of place. You could supplement this by shortening this paragraph and describing his decade of training more, if you choose.
  • The points about the size of the images in the application, as well as the racial abilities being in spoilers instead of bullet points still apply.
  • The way you updated Adelias' backstory works with the exception of this paragraph:

    As this describes Adelias before he was even 7 years old, parts about filling with muscle and having a job feel out of place. You could supplement this by shortening this paragraph and describing his decade of training more, if you choose.

Regarding images, not sure how to shrink them down at all, removed the ones I felt would be fine without, but kept three for aesthetic purposes.

Backstory fixed

Racials are out of spoilers, instead in a list format, with the definition behind for easy explanation should one check his sheet. Vampiric abilities are spoiled out due to size.

Regarding images, not sure how to shrink them down at all, removed the ones I felt would be fine without, but kept three for aesthetic purposes.

Backstory fixed

Racials are out of spoilers, instead in a list format, with the definition behind for easy explanation should one check his sheet. Vampiric abilities are spoiled out due to size.
If you want to size down the images, you can use the "more options" section to save them, attach them to the application, and then make them thumbnails.
You can do that on your own time though, as the amount of images here is workable now. I'd recommend removing the first image, though, as it's by far the largest on the application. Approved.