Preserved Sheet Adelbrand Sören Drache

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Woefully Lost
Dec 12, 2013
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Roleplay Guilds
Me, Myself and I | The Devout Few




Basic Information
  • Full Name: Adelbrand Sören Drache; Sunny
    • Titled Name: Adelbrand Sören von Drachenburg, first of his name, Sun Knight of the Brotherhood of Viridian, Field Officer of the Defenders of Drachenburg.
  • Age: Thirty five.
    • Birth Date: Fifth of January, 270 AC.
    • Heraldry: Sun
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor.
    • Languages:
    • Alt-Regalian: 10
    • Imperial Common: 10
    • Ithanian: 3
  • Main Ambition: Wealth: As rich as his family may be, Adelbrand sees little of it; and as such seeks to claim a personal fortune.
    • Religion: Unionism
  • Special Permission: Viridian Paladin (Champion School of Viridian)
  • School of Viridian
  • Level: Champion
  • Source: Trained extensively at the Viridian Castle, 6 years. With otherwise refining and training happening over the next decade and a half until he won his tourney.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Icy Blue.
  • Hair Color: Warm Black.
  • Hair Style: Swept aside, and slicked back.
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Simple, oft consisting of little flair, despite his heritage. When deployed, Adelbrand finds himself to wear the plate of his order, though casually sports the colours of his house, and a mock-Imperial fashion getup.
  • Height: 6'
  • Body Build: Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice: Longsword and Heater Shield, as dictated by his training.

Personality and Abilities

First Paragraph: As with first impressions, Adelbrand seems to be a kindly fellow, doubly so to those of Ailor blood. Elsewise, the man tends to be seen as charitable, and acts on it frequently, especially to those less fortunate in fashion of keeping with his code. Further so, Adelbrand appears to be, and is, quite dogmatic and stubborn, easily so. And despite his kind disposition, he also tends to be rather authoritative and disconnected from those around him, barring close ones such as family and the like.

Second Paragraph: In contrast to his outward appearance, and in spite of his disconnected mindset, the fellow is anxious about a great many things, namely his place of importance within his family. The Ailor is constantly pressured by the ideals of honor and power, and how to balance these two subjects within his personal life. Whilst he has no qualms with the current situation of his family, he always fears for the status of his own relevance, of being a forgotten whisper among even his own kin. Elsewise, in the general sense he fears the downfall of Alt-Regalian culture, holding it tight to his heart. Whilst he is reassured by the fact that he can carve a name for himself, through his training and contributions, it is still downplayed by his anxious fear of irrelevance.

Third Paragraph: Adelbrand adopts a tough love stratagem towards those close to him, often trying to push those close to him to better themselves, and regards them quite critically. This doesn't mean he lacks love for them, however, and the fellow does try to show such towards them when he can. In his insistence to better those around him via his own ideals, Adelbrand has gained a bit of a controlling streak, concerning those he would seek to better. When he's content, however, with those in his company, he oft is more relaxed and tends to crack jokes, however rarely.

Fourth Paragraph: Adelbrand could be considered closer to the Lawful Neutral on the axis, and tends to look disfavorably upon those who rely on corruption, to the point of disassociation. Due to the morals ingrained in him during his stay with the Viridian Order, Adelbrand has a strong conviction for what he believes to be right, and views many who stray from these paths as downright evil, in his own terms. Regardless, he tends to push others to right their wrongs and dealings, to his own fault.

Fifth Paragraph: Adelbrand has strong conviction towards his religion, Unionism, and almost unshakeable faith in such. Elsewise, he views the separation of classes with little interest, considering of the fact of life. In that nobles are the shepherd, and the common folk are the sheep, in simple terminology. Adelbrand is under the belief that his privilege is simply for the betterment of the Empire, barring his own personal feelings. Though, owing to his upbringing and culture, he also views the oppression of the lesser races as a true solution, in guiding them towards serving the Empire.


  • Viridian Training: As is a given, considering his training, Adelbrand has a swathe of information when it comes to combat, especially so within his own style. With his own extensive training at the Castle, Adelbrand has come to hold strong knowledge within his own school, and the potential opponents he may face. Overall, he is a competent combatant that can be a challenge to many that may face him. Especially thanks to his title of Paladin, he finds himself able to discern his opponents with wisdom enough to be able to put a challenge to many he faces.
  • Jousting: Adelbrand found one of his prime skills in Grünwald, that being, Jousting. He has spent time here and there practicing with one of his kinsmen trying to perfect the art. While he isn't the world's best jouster, he is certainly not the world's worst when it comes to skill. He could dispatch his opponent with ease, were they underprepared.

  • Cooking: A hobby that Adelbrand has taken up is cooking. During his free time at the Viridian Castle, the Viridian focused indepthly improving this hobby. After coming to the Crown Isle as well, the Patriarch of the family gave him a job at the Den of Dragons which allows him everyday to do one of the few things he loves to.

Life Story

Childhood: "I was never much of a nuisance, or much of anything, truth be told."

Adelbrand was born on the fifth of January, 270 AC, to Sigune Drache née (von der) Altenbrück and Everard Drache. Adelbrand's early life consisted of heavy tutelage, with a heavy emphasis on Regalian History, or more notably the conflicts within such. Young Adelbrand, unfortunately, didn't mix well with other youths, even those of his kin, leading him to distance himself from those around him. In fact, the majority of his younger years were but a blur, with little of interest happening until far later. At the age of ten, Adelbrand found himself fascinated with the swordplay of those around him, instantly gluing himself to these occurring scenes. After months of watching training spars between his father, and so forth. As with his enticement, Adelbrand continued to watch the various spars around his estate, and before long the young fellow began inquiring about learning said skill, with a well received response.

Young Adolescence: "It was a tough time, but I was all the better as a result."

After reaching the age of fourteen, Adelbrand was sent off to the Viridian Castle, with well-wishes from his parents. Within his first months at the castle, Adelbrand kept to his old self, merely focusing on his trainee lessons without much regard for his fellow knights-in-training. With his prior life spent in education, Adelbrand seemingly excelled in his earlier classes. Of course, the coming months were silent still, with the young lad making few friends within his future comrades. Fuelled by the recently passed Chrysant War, he took to his studies with gusto unbefitting of him, continuing to expand his slow circle of friends and acquaint himself with his future lifestyle. Forwards a year, and Adelbrand had moved past his studies, progressing to novice and to his more physical education. During this time, he managed to progress through his training with little issue, until a slight bump in his training regimen caused him to strain and wound his arm; thus pushing back his advancement until it had healed. In this time, Adelbrand wandered the grounds of the castle, and just outside, taking the chance to explore in depth and focus on building a more sociable face to rely on, and with an independent mindset began working in cooking. Sometime during his recovery, he had doubts about remaining within the Order, even considering fleeing, though didn't act on it just yet.

Adolescence Continued: "If only my father were there, to see what my training had wrought. A shame, but I returned to him soon enough."

After his wound had healed, and he resumed training the lad progressed once more. After this point, his own years became a blur once more. Having now reached student, Adelbrand began working with his future armour, adjusting to the weight and complexity of it; with a further emphasis on movement within the armour, and in battle. In the little free time he had, Adelbrand took to visiting the closest of settlements, and inquiring of local history. Further on, the man kept to his studies, as he progressed once more to fighter. In this stage, he began his formal combat training as he was named Man-at-Arms. During this time, Adelbrand felt quite sure of himself; his training had led up to his point, and he was now reinvigorated with the Viridian Order. With his motivation returned, the fellow began training much harder, including sanctioned spars with other students of his rank, taking his equal share of wins and losses, yet still Adelbrand remained proud of himself and his progress. In his further free time between lessons, the young fellow took a sporting interest in mocked jousting, practicing just outside of the castle's walls. Each night he was free, he took himself and one of his sparse friends to practice. Whilst he never fathomed the thought of combat use for the budding skill, he did find the sport of sorts as a relaxing hobby to rid himself of the excess stress wrought by his training. As his graduation drew closer, Adelbrand looked forwards to the future, continuing his spars with fellow men-at-arts. When Adelbrand finally graduated, he opted to stay behind at the castle-- to assist with the training of those who remained, and to further refine himself as much as he could. Throughout his time serving the Empire and its wars, he found himself progressing enough in skill -- so much so that when the Viridian Tournament of 295 AC finally came around, with some challenge and winning by a fraction, he found himself gaining the title of Paladin, otherwise known as Champion Rank Viridian. During the wars that followed, notably the Elven and Songaskia wars, Adelbrand was to partake in, though did little of interest during these two wars. During the Lo Crisis, Adelbrand was off abroad, aiding with efforts in Daenshore, and was thus unaware and unable to return home until the blockade ended. Once it had, Adel returned home with leave from his duties, eager to escape the bone-horrors and re-establish himself and rejoin his kin in the Capital. Having learned of the slaughter that had befallen his comrades, the Knight-Paladin swore on the souls of his fallen brethren to put himself and his efforts towards reaffirming the Order's survival.

Last edited by a moderator:
Biased on this, but I'm going to do a peer review as I feel obligated to do so. Expect a peer review soonish @Halivenne
Personality Section:
  • Add 2 sentences to the fourth paragraph/morality paragraph.
  • Add 1 more sentence to the Viridian Training talent.
Make those edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Bugger me, it's time already. @Vegemiite

Requesting Re-Review, changelog below.

Age bumped to Thirty five.
Rank bumped to Champion, with appropriate edits to life story.
Minor extension to Combat training talent, in supplement to the above.

Overall, minor compared to some of the more drastic edits that could've come, but I wish to explore Adelbrand's further progression via Paladin. Thank you for your time. : D
Basic Information:
  • Put the special permission section in this and include Champion Military.
Be sure to do that and register your permission. Regardless this is approved once more.

Not worth a re-review I don't think, but it's worth noting that I updated the formatting of the app (with @Wumpatron 's help. to change the wording of his visual features for precision. (Eye colour, Hair style, Clothing.)