Preserved Sheet Adelaine Vauclain

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Lottie the Lotus
Jun 15, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Adelaine Amabella Vauclain
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor- Ithanian
  • Main Ambition: To expand her knowledge of the world around her and to find something to occupy her.
Visual Information

-Eye Color: Aqua Blue

-Hair Color: Brown

-Hair Style: Long and thick in volume falling over her shoulder and her back or kept up in a ponytail.

-Skin Color: Fair Skin Tone

-Clothing: Purple and White Clothing, preferably dresses.

-Height: 5' 5''

-Weight: 135

-Body Build: Fit with some defined muscle in her legs.

-Weapon Of Choice: A bow as due to her constant practice to learn to use one from a young age

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

+Good Listener Adelaine is commonly characterized by those who call her friend as a good listener. Whether it's due to her general curiosity or due to her want to keep the friends she has the courage to go and make, Adelaine try's to listen and help those around her. Adelaine has tried to be a good listener so she can help those who come to her with problems. This trait is rather prominent when she is in conversation with those who have problems where she can be seen giving her full attention to whoever is speaking.

-Shy Adelaine is rather shy. She has a tendency to keep to herself and does not like approaching others. And those who approach her she'd rather not speaking to due. This trait is very prominent when strangers speak to her in which she will normally give short responses to. She also does not like large groups either because she feels overwhelmed and becomes rather quiet.

+Creative Adelaine is a rather creative person and can sometimes even be characterized as a daydreamer. She has a very creative mind and can be seen lots in the tavern just relaxing and sketching or reading a book. Her creativity can also be seen in the way she expresses solutions to problems with her "out of the box" thinking. This trait is very prominent in her day to day life.

-Indecisive Adelaine is indecisive. Though she is very quick on her feet for offering advice or trying to help others, when it comes to making decisions in her own life... not so much. She likes to carefully think through everything she does and thus can sometimes delay decisions or portray very indecisive behavior. This trait is often seen in conversation.

+Considerate Adelaine is a very considerate person. When seeing her friends have problems or when she is offered a choice that benefits those around her she normally tries to do what best helps those around her. Her consideration of others contributes to her indecisiveness in the fact that she is sometimes worried that she might do something that will hurt another. This trait is prominent around those she is close with and in her general day to day life.

-Repressive Adelaine is really repressive. Though she may go out of her way to see how others are feeling and to find out their opinions, she is very hesitant to say her own. She enjoys helping others and feels that she has no time to think of herself. Her repressive behavior is prominent when she is asked how she is or when she is asked other questions dealing with her own opinion on things that are happening in her life. This trait goes hand in hand with her indecisive tendencies.


-Educated Adelaine finds education, knowledge, and wisdom to be a key part of a successful life. Due to this, she spends lots of time reading. In addition to reading, Adelaine enjoys listening to others and learning from them, such as tutors and philosophers. This trait is prominent when she is in conversation. Adelaine can often be found reading and/or writing.

-Agile Adelaine, along with education finds physical health important. She likes to devout time (when she isn't reading or writing and the like) to honing her body and to exercising. This trait is prominent in physical activities. She is a rather active and healthy person.

-Observant Adelaine is rather observant. Whether it be due to her reading or her natural keen-eye. This trait makes her more able to pick up on people's emotions. This trait also helps her be more able to detect on others subtle body language shifts. This trait can also help Adelaine detect when danger is coming her way.


-Unassertive Adelaine is a very unassertive person. She is often characterized as going with the flow. This weakness is prominent when she is overwhelmed or is caught in the middle of an argument between others in which she sort of just bows out and attempts to remove herself from the situation. This is a weakness because her unassertive nature can allow some people to easily push her over and make her bend to their will.

-Withdrawn Adelaine is characterized as Withdrawn by most. She often represses her feelings and prefers to read or write or exercise or generally do anything to avoid speaking with others, especially strangers. Adelaine can sometimes feel overwhelmed when she is surrounded and forced to talk with a large group of people. This weakness is prominent when she has to attend meetings and the like with family.

-Over-Ambitious Adelaine strives for perfection in everything she does and has large ambitions and goals in life. This is a weakness because it often causes her to take on more than she can handle causing her to be overwhelmed. This trait in combination with her withdrawn and repressive tendencies is very problematic because she becomes overly independent and refuses to ask for help. This trait is prominent when she is given tasks by others to complete.

Darcie Vauclain @WalnutNinja : Her cousin with a fashion sense.
Marianne Vauclain @Nesstro: Her cousin and close friend, she can sometimes be found following her around.
Samuel Vauclain @Tracenator1 : Her cousin and best friend, she can often be found around him, whether it be just reading or talking with him.
Juliette Vauclain @AtticCat : Her annoying younger cousin, but she still loves her.

Life Story

Young Childhood
Adelaine was born in 285AC as the second child and only daughter of her parents, she has one sibling which is her older half brother Jocelyn. From a young age, Adelaine was taught mannerisms from her mother as well as how to read and write in both common and D'ithanie, her father taught her archery as well. Through time it was clear Adelaine enjoyed reading, writing and playing outside with her cousins when they were around, though not to shy away from their more than common fights over silly little things. By the age of 10 Adelaine was competent with a bow and enjoyed reading and writing. Around the age of 12, she was often spotted chasing around Samuel, her cousin when he wasn't at school. She and him bonded over time and grew to be close friends and she would often write letters to him about whatever literature she was reading when she found he was away at school.

Teen Years

By the time she was 14 she was constantly outside reading in the shade of a tree or chatting up Samuel and sometimes she was seen out running around and exercising in various manners, as time progressed she became a tad more introverted and shy. Shortly after her 19th birthday, she moved to Regalia to re-connect with her family, her timing was less than desirable as The Dark Queen showed up not two weeks after she arrived. She hads spent most of her time in Fort Kronau, due to the previously mentioned Dark Queen. Now that The Dark Queen is gone along with the deatlhings, Adelaine participated in the final battle against the Lo Tyrannt helping to make makeshift barricades and such to stop deathling movements. Currently, Adelaine can be spotted around Regalia with friends or family.
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@AgentSmall Review complete!

After a thorough look-over, it seems that I can't find much about this sheet that requires editing. With that said, your character sheet is approved! Excellent work.
@TyrolleanEagle some minor edits have been made to this character's life story as well as a name change if you could review it again to get her re-approved :D