• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Address To The Collective Citizenry


Citizens of Regalia, you have been forgotten.

I will refrain from pointing my finger toward individuals who have fallen short of their duty, for this negligence is a collective failing of the Regalian Nobility. We as the Nobility of this divine state have a privilege granted by the Imperial Spirit in conjunction with His Imperial Holiness that enables us to guide and to teach the citizenry in times of hardship and it is my firm belief that this privilege should be seen as a duty, but it is a duty we are failing to deliver.

I have attended the Diets of His Imperial Holiness and whilst these essential events exist as a platform to allow us to plea, propose and debate the issues of the City and State, I am yet to witness a member of the Nobility stepping forward to represent the people instead of themselves. Only one name comes to mind when I think of an individual who truly respects her duty to the people and her name is Elizabeth Black. I have no doubt that her contributions thus far are looked on favourably by the Imperial Spirit but we cannot however hope to rest the entirety of this grand duty on her shoulders alone.

I implore the Grand Steward of the Curia Alius, or with the lack thereof I ask the Government on the whole, to establish an Office within a relevant branch such as the Curia Alius or Curia Regis to deal with the needs and pleas of the people of Regalia. An Office dedicated to fast-tracking the people's issues to the relevant authorities of government for them to be dealt with.

In the meantime, whilst such an Office is pending approval, I open my own doors to any and all citizens that wish to bring an issue or problem to the attention of the Nobility or His Imperial Holiness himself, and I will carry out my duty as a Spirit guided woman to take your issues to those that can deal with them whether it be in person or at an Imperial Audience. Pen me a letter or request a personal audience at Beurg Eleng and I will oblige.

May the Imperial Spirit forever guide you.
With faith and sincerity,

Lady Constance Rosamund Ravenstad

'Lady Constance,
you could not be more right. If Nobility are meant to guide people, I've seen people fail miserably at their duty of which they have received from His Imperial Holiness. As a former volunteer at Countess Black's almshouse I can tell you that she does do her duty well and is a role model despite her young age. Though, I say former due to personal differences with her but overall she is a brilliant person who deserves nothing less than praise. Again, you are right in what you say and things must change. I have applied for a consul position in Curia Regis and if accepted I shall bring up this matter.

I also admire your idea for a new branch of government dedicated to the people's pleas and, if I may, I would like to endorse this idea and write a bit about it in more detail.

Aaron De Girard'
Aaron De Girard
Dearest Sir De Girard,

I am glad someone shares similar sentiments and that my observations do not fall on deaf ears. I intend to offer the people a voice where they feel they lack one, amongst the influential and the wealthy, for I feel the people are owed input into their own governance to some degree.

I sincerely encourage you to endorse such an idea further, particularly amongst those within your own social and economic circles, for I feel with traction it is not only the common classes that will benefit from a route to the government and Crown but the Noble classes will as well.

If you wish to discuss this further, do pen me a letter in person and we can arrange a meeting at a time that suits us both.

Sincerely and truthfully,

Lady Constance Rosamund Ravenstad