Archived Adding Pvp Centric Areas, Like Cool Dungeons With Special Loot

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Jun 26, 2015
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Im new here so forgive me if this is already on the server.

So to make a long story short, would be to add dungeons with mobs that drop nice loot. The further you go in, the harder it is and the better the loot you get from harder mobs. Of course this would attract alot of people who could then fight over control of parts of the dungeon.

Putting various dungeons like these on the map would spice things up quite a bit i think!

If this is already on the server, i would sure love to know as these would be the places where id be hanging out looking for pvp fights!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

Im new here so forgive me if this is already on the server.

So to make a long story short, would be to add dungeons with mobs that drop nice loot. The further you go in, the harder it is and the better the loot you get from harder mobs. Of course this would attract alot of people who could then fight over control of parts of the dungeon.

Putting various dungeons like these on the map would spice things up quite a bit i think!

If this is already on the server, i would sure love to know as these would be the places where id be hanging out looking for pvp fights!
I thought a lot about an idea similar to this. On MassiveCraft, we have MassiveQuest. You might have already experienced this plugin if you did the initial quest you get when you join the server for the first time. There are two quest worlds on MassiveCraft, Warrenord, a medium sized island with a village and large forest on it. Includes quest such as working through the multiple levels of a basement while high on Mushrooms, exploring multiple ship wrecks, helping a farmer collect ingredients to bake his wife a cake, and many other things.) Then there is Arachn, a desert type village infested with spiders, and a large spider dungeon with multiple quest inside, including a very challenging spider boss at the end.
Ok thanks! I was thinking more of loot drops players fight over, rather than questing. Something valuable enough that would attract people like a magnet to it. Because it seems with my little experience in raiding will result in A: People staying inside their bases B: People complaining about "Harrassment". When i settled here i was under the impression that since its a factions based server, PVP would be quite easy to find. This doesnt seem like its the situation here.

Would be great to have zones where its a given that you are going in there to PVP. Do you stay inside and hoard a little more loot? or TP out to be safe? These Dungeon or event zones should most likely have prems drop their stuff just as non-prems to make people interested in going there. Cuz thats a thing ive noticed yesterday, most likely people arent fighting prems because they explode in loot pinatas when they attempt to fight while prems risk next to nothing. I dont see this super advantageous to prems as it makes for a boring experience, i would think 95% of non-prems have no intention of fighting you and just stay inside their base or run at the first sign of trouble.

We were talking about this in TS yesterday and someone came up with the idea of these dungeons holding bosses that drop pieces of "The end" portal. That zone (The end) would then be controlled by different factions for various advantages, making the factions war over it, making for fun pvp. The end would basically become a huge war zone, with areas controlled by different factions for rewards. The best factions probably hold the most advantageous spots, sort of like in Eve online, where the best alliances hold the prime space areas, with better pirates to PVE.

Parts of the "The end" portal could decay over time making the need to go back to these pvp dungeons necessary periodically.
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Although I like the idea, there are aren't that many PvPers that would actually go this zone due simply because there are not many PvPers left on the server.