Archived Adding More Options To Permissions!

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Holy Emperor of Belgistan
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

I think everyone knows the feeling, you give your allies permissions so they can help you. But when you're not around, another ally steals from you, or in the worst case, griefs you. This is one of the lowest things that a person can do, in my opinion. This actually can damage your trust in other people for a while, and it's never fun if an ally does this.

However, in most cases, it aren't the leaders or officers who do this, it are mostly the nooby recruits, or even the new members who do this. They don't only hurt their allies, but also their own faction, since this mostly gets the factions in a war against eachother. This damages the friendship relation even more.

I always fear, when I recruit someone, and he starts exploring, that he will go the nearest ally. And yeah, griefs them. It is a risk that we all take when we have a faction, and in some cases, it is a risk that happens.

My idea is simple, let's expand the ally-section in the permission command. We would expand it into AllyLeader, AllyOfficer, AllyMember and AllyRecruit. Only people who like to take risks would give AllyMember and AllyRecruit permissions.

  • We are now a lot more safe for those nooby and the not trustworthy members and recruits of our allies.
  • There shall be less cases of grief for the staff to solve.
  • We can start to trust our allies again.
  • We can let our nooby recruits and members explore the world with a good feeling.
  • It will take more time to get the wished permissions ready.
  • Not much else negative points, to be honest.
You can now all tell me what you think about this. Let me know what you think about this idea. And just for your information, a Negative rating without explication, will be reported to the staff.

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
+1 From Skippi. As this recently happened to me, I think this is a good idea. It would make permissions more diverse. I had my ally build and container perms on so mt friend could help me, I left it on over night and BAM! My faction has been griefed and looted by some scrubs. This would really help alot of factions such as myself.

- Skip_HD
To be honest, if you want certain parts why not use the /f access command? it would me much better, and its already in the code, so the staff wont have to spend time on it. that would solve your problem if you use it right.
To be honest, if you want certain parts why not use the /f access command? it would me much better, and its already in the code, so the staff wont have to spend time on it. that would solve your problem if you use it right.
But what if you have a large faction of 750 chunk claims? And you want the leaders of your alliances be able to do something in it? Just do the /f access command 750 times x the amount of leaders of your alliances? Seems quite harsh, if you ask me. I think /f access is a better choice if you wish to give someone permission in a small piece of land.

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly.
This could be expanded beyond ally, and maybe included from truced and neutral factions, e.g you want truced faction leaderes to be able to use your doors.

Instead of using AllyLeader, AllyOfficer, AllyMember and AllyRecruit for each perm, another column could be created in /perm
where you can create filters for relation types and ranks. So lets say you wanted allied officers and leaders to be able to open chests and also wanted truced leaders to open them as well. You can create a filter that includes AllyLeader AllyOfficer TruceLeader and use as you would any other perm. This would require a new sub command and will need all perm related events to be retooled for compatibility with said filters, which shouldn't be hard as all you need to do is check for ranks during events.
To be honest, if you want certain parts why not use the /f access command? it would me much better, and its already in the code, so the staff wont have to spend time on it. that would solve your problem if you use it right.
But what if you have a large faction of 750 chunk claims? And you want the leaders of your alliances be able to do something in it? Just do the /f access command 750 times x the amount of leaders of your alliances? Seems quite harsh, if you ask me. I think /f access is a better choice if you wish to give someone permission in a small piece of land.

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly.
im not saying that you should f access the whole of a 750 chunk faction, just in the areas that you want the other people to work on.

Now on another note, I do like this idea, based on the fact that yes if you do want to give access of you whole huge faction to someone that it would be too much of a hastle to get all of the chunks set. so at this point im going to say

+1 Support!

because I too would hate to spend all my time claiming doing that command over and over again.
I support this.
More in-depth is normally always better. Although micro managing can become a nuissance. I would like more options regarding perms but this is a step forward.