Archived Adding Block Damage Threw Prem Cannons/tnt

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Draven The Honourable
Aug 12, 2013
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So there is the part that this will ruin hard built structures but if u allowed cannon damage it would make it far more realistic (cannon shots didn't just disappear on impact with stone) and this would get rid of people hiding inside there houses until the raiders have left. so theres the point were people may over use this to greif bases that's why u add a fale safe like 4 shots every 30 minuets or something and it takes like 2 shots to destroy a wall this would control greifing threw cannons a bit more so I think this would make cannons more realistic along with making raids more involved too instead of hiding in a house and standing at a front door people can stand to fix a few walls.
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Imagine a faction destroying your whole base, while you are offline. Doesn't sound that fun anymore eh?
The issue with this is that people will abuse it to grief as well as to force pvp situations on people that don't want to pvp. Some factions prefer to hide because they are not pvp factions. I could only see this ending with many ticket headaches for mods (but of course this is just my personal opinion).
Even with a cooldown, they can just;
a) Make multiple cannons
b) Use multiple people systematically until the timer resets
Besides, most of the time people hide for valid reasons, e.g. not being prepared or being RP, not PVP.
Ok this all makes sense but why have cannons any way then they are good for almost nothing with there poor accuracy I think that there could be a way to make this happen. and in reply to the not ready for pvp or not wanting to in the medieval days they wernt always ready or prepared to get attacked either and this server is pvp/rp
PVP/RP doesn't mean people do both. It's quite hard to manage to balance both, so usually people stick to one. Imagine if you had low mcMMO, no armour or weapons and just RP experience. Hiding away is the only thing to do.
They removed TNT block damage, regardless of whether that made things unrealistic. This would basically bring it back.
As it would be more realistic and it would kinda be cool but you gotta look at the downsides.. It could be used for griefing, and as silver said.. You could just make multiple cannons and those people who want to hide will just get their house destroyed and get slaughtered.. That wouldn't mate it fun.. It would just make it really annoying for non-pvp people.. Because then they get killed and then have to rebuild everything they just made.
Ya maybe some day they will come up with a way around it
I have seen servers that implement this. @Kapryy instead of permanent damage the walls auto regen, and only certain blocks can destroy things ie: Diamond which would be expensive to just go shooting around at walls. Omnomivore in theory if a faction really wants to hide it wouldn't be that hard because the cannon would not be able to easily shoot into someones house because the cannon would need to be placed outside of the faction.
Thanks mikey that's a good way off putting it it just needs some tweaking and I think this will work. Mikey
There is also the fact that some factions use materials that are not easy to obtain, for example a large portion of my tower is purely made out of ice, ice is no longer able to be mined in the latest update unless its Packed Ice which is currently not obtainable on the server. Or for another example, any faction that uses nether based materials, currently there is no nether, and therefor unable to repair.
Imagine a faction destroying your whole base, while you are offline. Doesn't sound that fun anymore eh?
Factions plugin has a flag to turn offline explosions on or off, so if no one is in the faction, the factions plugin would cancel the damage.
TechPac just as Eman and I said there is a way for the blocks to auto heal after entry.
I actually find this thread amusing. Instead of expressing why they disagree with the idea, people just click the disagree button. How can an idea grow without critique. Do you think that Einstein's theory of general relativity was just people saying yea right, or oh my god this is genius. No it was a community of scientist working out if the theory was correct.
This, even with blocks being replaced, could still be an issue. If you destroy a chest, everything is gone right? So unless you deadbolted, this could allow raiders to steal all your items. Another thing, is that as far as i know, medieval warfare was not blowing the shit out of bases and coming in with full godly armour. Another point, cannons and tnt are not that hard to make. I'll bet you alot of people, could name several people, who could have stacks of tnt the day this is implemented (If it ever is) Also, tnt already does regular damage to players, so there is no logical explaination to tnt being used as bombs, and not in massivecraft. Even if we allowed cannons to break blocks for a few minutes, why even bother to make a wall? If you build a grand wall for your faction, how would you feel if someone just came in, threw down a few blocks of iron and a button, and blew up your walls and killed everyone?
I have seen servers that implement this. @Kapryy instead of permanent damage the walls auto regen, and only certain blocks can destroy things ie: Diamond which would be expensive to just go shooting around at walls. Omnomivore in theory if a faction really wants to hide it wouldn't be that hard because the cannon would not be able to easily shoot into someones house because the cannon would need to be placed outside of the faction.
This would be the way to go indeed!!!
Alter the plugin so block damage is temporary, 5-15 minutes at most. After that time is up, the blocks are automatically replaced.

This has been (or at least was) an option in the cannons plugin for a while making use of the CreeperHeal plugin. I forget the reason they have it disabled on Massive, be it bugged or just unwanted..
This has been (or at least was) an option in the cannons plugin for a while making use of the CreeperHeal plugin. I forget the reason they have it disabled on Massive, be it bugged or just unwanted..
I believe that it is very resource intensive and is not feasible for a server of our size.
I believe that it is very resource intensive and is not feasible for a server of our size.

I couldn't imagine it being too resource intensive if block damage could only be achieved through diamond blocks. It would most likely be a rare event for someone to shoot off diamond blocks just to grief. Meaning creeperheal wouldn't be needing to heal a lot of blocks per world.
This, even with blocks being replaced, could still be an issue. If you destroy a chest, everything is gone right? So unless you deadbolted, this could allow raiders to steal all your items. Another thing, is that as far as i know, medieval warfare was not blowing the shit out of bases and coming in with full godly armour. Another point, cannons and tnt are not that hard to make. I'll bet you alot of people, could name several people, who could have stacks of tnt the day this is implemented (If it ever is) Also, tnt already does regular damage to players, so there is no logical explaination to tnt being used as bombs, and not in massivecraft. Even if we allowed cannons to break blocks for a few minutes, why even bother to make a wall? If you build a grand wall for your faction, how would you feel if someone just came in, threw down a few blocks of iron and a button, and blew up your walls and killed everyone?

Are you knew to history? In the medieval ages 4 common types of siege machines were used to breach walls.

Wall breaching cannon: Loaded with mass amounts of "gunpowder" teams would advance this to the wall and blow a large sabot right through.

Catapult: Long range spring physics device used for rocketing rocks at the wall

Ballista: Long range bow used to shoot massive spears at a wall

Trebuchet: Long range pendulum physics device used to rocket massive rocks at a wall
Ok, so the cannons have iron balls and the trebuchets can hurl dead bodys and cows ((From what i heard they threw dead stuff at the enemy, strange)) What about a different idea, a /f gate? Maybe the idea would be the gate is like a large fence gate, only you can set access to allys and stuff and enemies could make some form of battering ram to break through, rather than have your walls demolished? Just a thought. I still don't like the idea of building grand walls, so someone can slap down a few blocks of iron, a button, and some random stuff to cause havoc. Maybe the faction could have "Faction wall land" Which costs the equivalent of 3 regular land chunks, but it is much harder to break with cannons and stuff. I do think this could be in a minigame, where you had to gather materials and then siege your opponents.
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