Archived Adding A New Server But Based On Science Fiction.

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Adam Viuella Massia Orelga Conrel, Magician
Jul 1, 2013
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Roleplay Guilds
Society of Timeren
I love medieval roleplay as much as the next person. But what I really want is to RP with science fiction. I love both, but haven't really done it with sci fi. I'm not reccommending to replace Massive with science fiction, just make a new Massive. Or better yet, add it into the Hubverse. I would definetly play more often than I am. I'm pretty sure a lot of us playing on Massive would agree.
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Okay, so.
Massivecraft is known to Medieval, yet you want sci fi? That's ridiculous and you obviously need to find a new server for that sort of theme.
You can't say ' a lot of us playing on massive would agree' as you actually don't know that, so it's not a fact, it's a unrealistic statement....
Further more, Enjoy massivecraft how it is, and don't make suggestions that are completely unrealistic. There is plenty of sci-fi servers out there.
Okay, so.
Massivecraft is known to Medieval, yet you want sci fi? That's ridiculous and you obviously need to find a new server for that sort of theme.
You can't say ' a lot of us playing on massive would agree' as you actually don't know that, so it's not a fact, it's a unrealistic statement....
Further more, Enjoy massivecraft how it is, and don't make suggestions that are completely unrealistic. There is plenty of sci-fi servers out there.
For your second point, that is actually true, on my part. Whenever I bring the idea up in General, I get a bunch of replies saying Yes.
Also, the suggestion is not completely unrealistic, it is very plausible. I was suggesting an idea that would bring more players into Massive, because there is no other server like it and adding a Sci Fi world would add more players
Actually, I believe a science fiction universe (Similar to Medieval and MiniGame) is in the future plans, but that's FAR in the future.
For your second point, that is actually true, on my part. Whenever I bring the idea up in General, I get a bunch of replies saying Yes.
Also, the suggestion is not completely unrealistic, it is very plausible. I was suggesting an idea that would bring more players into Massive, because there is no other server like it and adding a Sci Fi world would add more players

What you are suggestion, is that the Mods create another complete server for the point of Sci Fi. Massive-craft is known for Medieval, and it would be pointless to compete with that.

This is hugely flawed, unrealistic, and time-consuming for little reward.
The main issue with this is that we are one of the largest medieval themed servers. Creating a SciFi world would require new marketing, staff, lore, and many other things which is why it is not being looked at by the staff at the moment.
Ehhhhh not a huge fan. Since it would be science fiction, it would have much more advances things than minecraft, such as guns and machinery that can move or transport us, not carts with magic blood looking stone. But, it would be a bit amusing in my personal taste, its just I see no point since we already have discovered some continents and made settlements. But, if it was a more sci fi, what's would it be based off of? Its already taken a while for massive to get some good lore out, but the new world would add way to much, and require more staffs, and its not easy to find people who can take on over 300 members, create rules and lore who will last.
That's a nice wall you've got there... It would be a shame if.. something happened to it...
I'm not sure why this idea got jumped on the way it did. Who says we'd need new lore? We have a hubverse that takes people to a special universe of games and death where you can walk away unscathed. Who says the hubverse can't take people to a special universe of the future? Same worlds, different time. Same history even.

And telling him to go to another server rather than improve this one is a little anti-productive towards Massive. It's true, there are no other servers out there like Massive, set up the way it is, with a coding staff as dedicated and talented as here. So why force people who want to play a slightly different version of minecraft off to another, less refined server, rather than cater to that group, and further expand the customer base of the server?

I'm not saying it should be done overnight, that'd be silly. But to totally write off the idea, and insinuate that even suggesting it is an insult to the server itself, well bless you sir, and I mean that in the most southern way I can.
Lady Julianne such like this is very much possible, but the lore was created so people cant use special ray guns in medieval times. It gives a history and timeline to it, like every thing else in this world, so we are bound to certain materials and advancements of that time, and if the sci fi world WAS created, it would still need a lore much like everything else.
MassiveCraft is currently medieval roleplay. If you wish for science fiction then I am afraid the only hope for you is to go join another server.
Plus, creating a new server that is sci-fi will take hours upon hours to code new plug-ins, wright new lore, etc. Pretty much what you are saying, is for Massive to drop everything it has going right now, and start over. fiction. Blaster guns, star destroyers, lightsabers, starships travelling at the speed of light, a whole galaxy of planets to explore....kinda sounds a bit fun. Except for the fact that MassiveCraft takes place in THE MIDDLE AGES, not A.D. 10,503. If you want to play on a sci-fi server, go search for one. I know this server on Spout that's set in the Star Wars universe....
The HUB world pretty much nullifies every "it's the wrong time" argument in this thread.

I like the idea, I love syfy and would enjoy testing my mettle building an asteroid space station or a wasteland bunker. That said, I don't think it will happen any time soon because, lets face it, staff are stretched keeping up with one world full of people let alone two. It would need new coding for advanced weapons/tools, a txtpk entirely for that world, and someone to make the map for it. Maybe in the future when MassiveCraft is larger and has a bigger staff population to manage multiple realities/times.
As far as I know, anything put in the hub is a mini-game, not a world or server. For space, we could do something like a Star Trek or Space Station 13 theme.

I like the idea, and I really don't see why others are telling him to get away from this server when he is willing to stay.
Sci fi is a far distant plan, but first we intend to optimize the medieval world to the best medieval rp/rpg/mcmmo/whatever server.
I love medieval roleplay as much as the next person. But what I really want is to RP with science fiction. I love both, but haven't really done it with sci fi. I'm not reccommending to replace Massive with science fiction, just make a new Massive. Or better yet, add it into the Hubverse. I would definetly play more often than I am. I'm pretty sure a lot of us playing on Massive would agree.

A Science Fiction Server? Ever heard of IndustrialCraft, which typically failed later on due to an Open GDL Glitch? Science Fiction is a good idea, but for this server I will have to disagree, generally because this server was built around Medieval standards. With Science Fiction involved, that would distort half to the entire server, not to mention that you would have to re-write everything.
Science Fiction Pros:
  • Aliens, a lot of people like Predator and things like this, for what ever reason
  • Extremely different Lore items and more powerful armor
  • Possibly Several new species and Races.
Science Fiction Cons:
  • Way To much Lore to read for the average Player To Understand.
  • Some Races may be identical and worthless.
  • Planets and different dimensions may have to be built to fulfill an Science Fiction Background
  • Several Sides with Alignments and History maybe come corrupt or even useless after Science Fiction would be added.
Clearly You didn't think this through enough to even see how much trouble this can cause to MassiveCraft. Several things would be changed, and the Server wouldn't be the same anymore. I suggest you take your idea else where and create you own server that is Science Fiction Based. But you can always stay here and create a Faction Fan Lore based on that on your own.
I disagree with everyone saying this is a terrible idea, since there is a "Hub world" you cannot say that the time period matters, and yes it would need quite a lot of lore but to minimise that I think it could be based off what we already have, so say its the same world around 5000 years later, the same races with a few more added, keep the history so its like Shadowrun orcs, elfs, and maybe some magic but even less because of new technology etc in a sci-fi world and since MonMarty and other mods have already stated this is in the works just far away, so this is obviously not a impossible idea otherwise they wouldn't even be thinking about it, I think it would be a great addition to massive, but that's just my opinion.
Okay people, one of the reasons I've posted this is because there arent many Sci fi servers out there, and combine the Massive system with it, it would be AMAZING
The amount of negativity found on this thread is distressing. His idea is perfectly fine, and would be very cool. Will it be implemented now? No. Will it be implemented even in 6 months to a year? No. Does this matter? Not that much, though it would be nice.

The point I'm making is that it's a good idea, it just currently isn't feasible. But isn't that how a lot of ideas start out? Impossible? Not 'worth it'?

This idea could work very well with the inclusion of the Minecraft mod api I bet.

But seriously community... Don't be so negative to new ideas. After all, this is a feature and idea discussion/Brainstorming thread. :)
A Science Fiction Server? Ever heard of IndustrialCraft, which typically failed later on due to an Open GDL Glitch? Science Fiction is a good idea, but for this server I will have to disagree, generally because this server was built around Medieval standards. With Science Fiction involved, that would distort half to the entire server, not to mention that you would have to re-write everything.
Science Fiction Pros:
  • Aliens, a lot of people like Predator and things like this, for what ever reason
  • Extremely different Lore items and more powerful armor
  • Possibly Several new species and Races.
Science Fiction Cons:
  • Way To much Lore to read for the average Player To Understand.
  • Some Races may be identical and worthless.
  • Planets and different dimensions may have to be built to fulfill an Science Fiction Background
  • Several Sides with Alignments and History maybe come corrupt or even useless after Science Fiction would be added.
Clearly You didn't think this through enough to even see how much trouble this can cause to MassiveCraft. Several things would be changed, and the Server wouldn't be the same anymore. I suggest you take your idea else where and create you own server that is Science Fiction Based. But you can always stay here and create a Faction Fan Lore based on that on your own.
Where oh where to start.
Way To much Lore to read for the average Player To Understand.
Really? You do realize the amount of lore Massivecraft has, right? That's just being hypocritical.
Some Races may be identical and worthless.
Once again, look at Massivecraft. Look at how many different races there are, and how unique they each truly are.
Planets and different dimensions may have to be built to fulfill an Science Fiction Background
One can stay on one planet and still maintain a science fiction/science fantasy feel. Furthermore, the same method that is currently used to travel from continent to continent could be easily refitted to send players to new worlds.
Several Sides with Alignments and History maybe come corrupt or even useless after Science Fiction would be added.
This just doesn't make sense. If there was a serious effort to enact this plan, obviously the new factions would have meaningful lore.

So I guess my point is that you needlessly belittle the author here, but in truth none of your points are really valid. Guess you didn't think before posting.

Livalou Personally I like this idea, but it would be a long, long time before it was ever acted upon. Don't let all the haters discourage you from making further posts!
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