Archived Add New Reward For Voting System:5 Free Private Lwc

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Free Tenant
Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
I think while the debate of LWC continues (Free LWC or Lower the price or No change...etc) ,should be a good idea add free private LWC to reward system.

My suggestion of this reward:

1)Minimun of 5.
2)A common reward (like the same chance* of 1 silver = 10 regals)
3)Not acumulable (maximun of 5) ,when you already have 5 ,instead you recible 1 silver=10 regals.

thats my idea ¿what do you people think ?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This seems like a good idea, aside from the fat it may take a bit to code it in, but other than that, that sounds great!
Wouldn't this be practically the same as getting regals as rewards?
This seems like a good idea, aside from the fat it may take a bit to code it in, but other than that, that sounds great!

Not too work,becose if i am not wrong,all people starts with 5 free privates.So ,half work is do it.Only they should re-program the vote system to restart the status of free privates and make a clause condition to check if al ready have 5,and voila, works.

I think the necessity of make "privates" is bigger than silver/regals and this reward is necesary or handy.The regals are acumulable , but the free privates will be not,so the people dont make bad use and the votes always helps the community grows .
I don't like this suggestion because I don't like paying for locks and that it doesn't have to be a reward.


I did as you suggested and it wasted my time. I already knew everything because I had read it carefully. Your turn is next.

I don' take kindly to rating abusers 'round here.
I like the idea, but I think having it as common as the 10r reward is too high. That's essentially making chest locks the price of 2r each. If it were more along the reward chances of 30r then that would be much better.
Thx to everyone have post reply(favor and contra) or vote this thread.

well,answer in general:

About Implementation:i dont think have much work,only need modify the reward vote system.Already ,all people in the server start with 5 free LWC.

About chance:My idea is about 20-10 % chance(15%),not enough with one vote, but make with high posibilities with 3 votes.
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