Archived Add New Fences And Walls To Fence-gate Config

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Nicholai the Elder
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
I would suggest that the new Nether Brick Fence, Cobblestone Wall, and Moss Stone Wall be added to the materials allowed for use in building fence-gates, if this has not already been done. It looks like this can be implemented easily by adding the block numbers in the configuration file if there is consensus that this should be done.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I agree, it should be fairly easy
Good idea, smart of ya to bring this up ^_^
I completely forgot we had Fence Gates xD

A fence gate with a cobblestone wall? That sounds extremely ugly.
What makes you think there is a config file for this? I looked at the plugin's forum page, there is no mention of a config file. Not all plugins are customisable.
Well, if you are coder, everything is possible :P
If cay likes the idea, it could be implemented really fast I think. But if he thinks it isn't necessary or less important (than races atm) he will either not code it in or delay it.

And I looked at bukkit dev: PorteCoulissante - Configuration - Bukkit
# The allowed materials for the portcullis. This is a list of block ID's.
# You can find a list of all possible block ID's at
# Data values - Minecraft Wiki. You can add values
# between the brackets, separated by commas.
# Be very careful when adding block ID's to this list. You don't want any
# wall or other vertical surface which just happens to be next to a bit
# of redstone to start flying around!
# Also don't forget that this is a server wide setting for all
# portcullises. Make sure that your users have a say and know about it if
# you change this setting:
portcullisMaterials: [85, 101, 113]
This is the config option where we can change it. With this, it is very easy :)
What makes you think there is a config file for this? I looked at the plugin's forum page, there is no mention of a config file. Not all plugins are customisable.

I looked at the code before I made the suggestion. If the config option wouldn't have been there, I would have tried to put in a request with the fence gate developer.
It is not a plugin made by Cayorion so if you want this you should write to the author of the plugin, the link is posted by Ulu.

Your suggestion is approved. it should be implemented very soon.
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