Archived Add A Screaming Cooldown

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Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes
I honestly can't count all the times my rp has been interrupted by unnecessary screaming, like:
Hoodie Vamp: OMG!!! Edward Cullen dumped meh!!!
Hoodie Vamp's Even Noobier Friend: aw I am sorry for u!!!
Hoodie Vamp: Thank u!!!
Needless screaming is just a giant thing that annoys me. The problem is that the people who scream constantly are usually the same people that refuse to read the lore and don't listen to advice.
I propose that a cooldown is implemented in local chat so that players may only scream once every five minutes.
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Once every 30seconds-1 minutes would be more realistic I think
I think it should be more like.. 10-20 seconds? Because in situations such as torture and getting kidnapped, it's kinda necessary.
I think it should be more like.. 10-20 seconds? Because in situations such as torture and getting kidnapped, it's kinda necessary.
True, 20 seconds would be a good number because it's also gives the other person time to react

Making the screamer stfu
or we just do the easier way and just give them a friendly pm
You would want the cool down time to not impede those who actually need screaming for role play, but at the same time make the trolls just give up since they cant troll without waiting.. so I think about a minute would be a good time
Requested years ago. Probably not happening anytime soon because low priority.
There's mon's thing and then there's the ignore command
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