Archived Add A Maximun Cost Of Anvil Repair.

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Free Tenant
Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
Hi everyone.

Since the last update of minecraft,items can now longer be repaired indefinitely,few times after you repaired,can not be repaired in survival becose have imposible mana/experience cost.

I know there is glitch that rename the item,you can repair it with the cost of 39 levels,but still is insane cost and soon will fixed in the next update.

I think this affect to many things ,economy,roleplay,rewards vote system.

You can buy a god sword and wasted many regals,but becose is irreparable(add books to items,upper cost of repair,counts like 1 repair),do you fell scammed or only you buy if you are premium using fix command.

You make a personalize gear and armours with names for your character or you gain some interesting reward items(like camarade cobblestonevich,a item design for use and repair),but it is a bitte unuseless becose you cant use it or you will loose forever with the use(so you have many "scraps" in your memories chest for see but not for use it) .

My idea is simple,add a reasonable limit of cost experience for anvil repair(25/30 or 35 levels)or add any way to reset the cost repair,sincerely i prefer the first option,i want a Balance between very low cost and imposible cost repair.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like the idea...

But I do suggest you work on your English. It is very hard to understand what you say at some points.
Their is already a surplus of materials on the market so making things even less likely to break just makes that worse.

The reason they added a repair cap is because they also made it a hell of a lot easier to enchant. Tools break after a while it's true in life jut as it is in game and IMO this should not be changed.
Honestly, the supply needs to be reduced, not increased, as this would do. Massive's economy is already pretty pathetic, and this will hurt it more. Imo, we should look in the opposite way, towards removing /fix and the armor durability increase.
Good thing 1.9 fixes this. So when we end up updating this issue should be fixed.
Yay, something that everyone can like about 1.9 :)

also, can some non-premiums comment to avoid a bias?
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i see..

My apologies to english native speakers,but english is not my mother language,i do my best as i can.I dont want to make discussion for that.

I think a reasonable or/and posible maximun repair cost is necesary,maybe premiums with fix command dosent take care about this,but no premiums,i dont think want pay hundred of regals a god weapon,tool..etc can not be repaired or only can use one time.

In any case this is will be soon an important lack/problem,i try my best to expose it and give solutions.I suggest to everyone think about it,and if a have better solution than my,just say it.

For me ,at moment,i finish here.
Ok... So what I gained from this is that you're seeing an issue with the uncommon "Too Expensive" occasion when trying to repair items in an anvil due to 1.8's mechanics, right(do correct me if I'm wrong about that)? As someone who makes the majority of the "god" gear and tools that I use I've not run into many occasions of a repair being "Too Expensive", especially not on items that have vanilla enchant values. Though if you mean for a repair option for the not-so-vanilla enchanted items that would normally contain some sort of lore on them(lore items), honestly: just vote or buy them from someone who doesn't use them. Adding this idea would: break the already broken economy even more, ...actually, what's the point of this idea? I can't recall the last time I've run into an issue like this since 1.8 came out. Plus... If you're repairing an item properly, and you've figured out how exactly this mechanic works, on the last time that you can fully repair something without the repair cost being "Too Expensive", you'd do the smart and cheeky move and sell it off, so someone else has to deal with the issue(:P). Yeah, I see no real reason for this to be a thing: exp is rather easy to get loads of, materials aren't hard to come by at all(broken economy), and regals aren't even an issue for most people that work for them. Main point: no significant reason to add this, thus I see no real point of this being implemented.
Investing more in the player's ability to delay having to replace their gear is not something we want to do the economy. I'm going to have to reject this.