Pending Review Add A Hiding Feature To Ignore

This suggestion is pending review by staff.


Far Too Verbose Writer
Mar 9, 2016
Reaction score
Suggestion Type
  1. Feature Improvement
Example/Use Case
John has used "/ignore" on Sue, and thus John cannot receive chat messages from Sue, nor can he see her player model while within the Roleplay world. This allows John to get further distance from Sue and better curate interactions with who he wishes. Sue can still be seen and heard by anyone not ignoring her.
Sometimes just blocking out what someone can say isn't quite enough. At least when within Roleplay worlds, people on someone's ignore list should not display a model to just that player. This should be disabled while in Factions worlds because that can obviously cause some problems with the PvP aspects. I'm admittedly not sure on the logistics of how difficult this would be to implement in a multiplayer environment.
Entirely unnecessary. All this is going to result in is issues where people are approaching a roleplay scene without being able to register that other players are present in it. If it is the case that somebody on your /ignore is following you around, I'm sure ticketing staff about the issue would suffice.
Not only is this likely entirely unfeasible to implement onto Massive, but also so unneeded. It's a minecraft model my dude