Preserved Sheet Adán Castro

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Scribma Male
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Sep 4, 2013
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where the elf things are
Adán Castro
Basic Information
Full Name: Adán Arrad Castro.
Age: 55 years.

Born: 4th February, 263AC.
Gender: Male.
Race: Half-Elf.

Parentage: Altalar Father & Daendroque Ailor Mother.
Affliction: Alais Vampirism.

Skill Information
Total Points: 60 points. (Age + 5.)

+5 Fast Blades Combat.
+25 Burgling Rogue Skill.
+15 Stealth Rogue Skill.
+10 Dancing Arts.
+15 Athletics Training.

*A bolded investment indicates Hobby Point investment.

Body Shape:
Shape: Athletic.
Physical Stat: 14.

Calculation: 5 Fast Blades + (15 Athletics/2) = 13.5 Stat.
Body Fat: Low.

Modern Altalar.

Special Traits:
Alais Vampire Mutations:
Crimson Cloaking. (Active Camouflage.)
Crimson Curse. (Proficiency Nullification.)
Crimson Silence. (Movement Silence.)
Crimson Guiding. (Enhanced Suggestibility.)
Void Mutations:
Void Ocular. (Gold.)

Visual Information:

Eye Color: A dull gold bordering on bronze; scarlet when feeding.
Natural Color: Green.
Hair Color: Reddish-brown.
Hair Style: Grown down to the shoulders, tied back in a bun at the back.
Skin Color: Fair and flushed.
Clothing: Showy fashions displaying chest and arms, coloured usually in whites, greys, and browns, though a prominent green sash is always present.
Height: 5'9", or 175cm.
The Core List:
Moral Alignment:
Chaotic Neutral.
Personality Type:
ESTP-T; the Entrepeneur.
Religious Affiliation:
Faith: Unionism.
Piety: 1/10.
Faith: Void Worship.
Piety: 5/10.

Life Story:
Birth & Childhood (0-12)
>Adán is born to an Altalar criminal father and a Daendroque Ailor mother in the city of Hallonq, early in the year of 263AC.
>His father was raised among Ailor in Daenshore, and so acquired criminal skills as time went on. These skills were taught to Adán quickly, so as to give him an edge in surviving in the city.
>His upbringing is relatively poor; although subsisting off profits and stolen food items, he still goes without more often than not, resulting in a certain aggression towards those who don't acknowledge the plenty that they have.
Adolescence & Teenage Years (12-19)
>Adán continues to hone his skills in stealth and burglary under his father's guidance, becoming very proficient in these areas. He also practices climbing and acrobatics as much as possible, enabling him to scale buildings with enough time and effort.
>After a brief altercation with an aggressive homeowner who found Adán stealing from his house, he decides to take up the dagger for self-defense when necessary; he is aware that there will always be those who can find him.
Early Adulthood (20-35)
>In his early twenties, Adán finally leaves home and almost immediately falls in with the wrong crowd. Drawn into their fold by promises of good food, expensive rum, and yellow gold, he is inducted into a Vampiric Void cult, who teach him about the dog-eat-dog viewpoint of the Void, and summarily infect him with Alais Vampirism, granting him the Void Ocular mutation along the way.
>He develops mutations that assist him in his stealth and thievery, nullifying his footsteps and hiding him from sight when necessary. He takes advantage of these to the fullest, looting entire houses clean for the benefit of the cult and coven, living off fine wines and sleeping homeowners.
Later Adulthood (36-Present Day)
>Adán spends the next two decades under his first coven, cultivating long-lasting relationships and experiencing as much of Hallonq and Daenshore as he possibly can- as well as as much of their wealth. Although never particularly aligned towards integrating with high society, he develops an affinity for the things they enjoy, like good food and soft beds, things he often steals or uses whenever he can.
>Eventually, however, Adán grows bored of the same cities, and his eyes turn east towards the beating heart of the Regalian Empire; he seeks a challenge, and sees the City of Light as the greatest challenge there is. He stockpiles coin and provisions enough to make the trip, finally leaving at age 55 for the lights, gold, and wealth of Regalia, ripe for the taking.
Last edited:
Physical Stat: 13.5.
Physical Stat is always rounded up. Please change this to 14.

Later Adulthood (36-Present Day)
>Eventually, however, Adán's eyes turn east towards the beating heart of the Regalian Empire; he seeks a challenge, and sees the City of Light as the greatest challenge there is. He stockpiles coin and provisions enough to make the trip, finally leaving at age 55 for the lights, gold, and wealth of Regalia, ripe for the taking.
I feel as though the second of your Life Story could be expanded upon some, as it feels just a wee bit short for a character of this age.

Please make these edits in Purple and tag me when complete @Scribbe!