• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Act Of Attainder, C. 305 A.c.


Wealth seized from the Coen estate being carted off following the search of the hunt for Lord and Lady Coen.
On the dawn of this most auspicious evening, I am keen to set an example. Good Unionists, fair citizens, know this now - the Coen family is hereby under investigation for Treason.

Having dealt with them intimately on the issues of Drixagh, whence they found out I was made a nobleman for leading the settlers from Opper Calem did they show their hand to me. Using the Ivory Order as more a social club than a genuine inquisition, they have bribed Vaughn Haagenvig with a promotion - not for his zeal, but for his support in an ongoing conspiracy against me in the North.

Furthermore, to undermine the Calemberger settlement and recovery efforts of the land, they made me promises they had not intended to uphold. I had called thousands of people to help found a great city in the south, but the initial supplies to keep the men fed as construction was to be put underway were withheld in an underhanded move to starve the people.

The Czabri Bone Shore's many tribes and reavers have struck my poor settlers, who bear no wealth. In defeating some though, we found they did not seek wealth. Instead, paid by Annelise Coen to cement her pre-eminence in the region in the face of my Skagger and Calemberger host, they chose not to raid the wealthier lands of the old Santorskis, but to simply murder Regalian citizens.

Now, with William Coen bidding combat on the streets against the Regalian Guard, there is no question as to whether they are guilty - but they are at large. They must be seized, as law and order will not be flouted by even an Archduke.

In the name of the Empire,
Pro-Consul Virathus Krupp​
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Helmuth Ravenstad gazed upon the announcement with a pair of beady blue eyes, nodding as if to confirm the information upon it. The Duke would take a step back for a moment, taking in the drama of the situation, before making comment on the matter in his heavy leutz drawl to a nearby servant.

"Traitors be damned. We shall not rest until justice is served. Fetch me my sword, my armour, and my horse..
Perhaps I'll catch them before they cross the border: like the Gallovian wolves they are."

At this the Duke made a sharp march back from the scene, dropping the announcement paper to the ground in thoughtless manner.
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