Absence On Massive

Should I leave for good?

  • Yes. Shut up and leave you nuicence

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Yes. You are quite annoying

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • No! Massive is fun and you should stay!

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • no.

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters


most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
I recently got home from a family outing and discovered two of my applications were rejected. As one of them was the application of my favourite character, I was devastated. I will be taking an absence on massive for two reasons, to improve my writing skill, and possibly get Tytos accepted. This will be a good exercise, as I am writing a book.

In rp Tytos is taking a long stay in Ithania. Machireth has gone soul-searching, and The Beast just disappeared. Tytos will take a few visits. The Beast is actually just dead. Machireth will take some visits as well.

As for the poll, I want actually massive residents to decide me permanently leaving.
You should stay man, before I got banned it was a great experience and made me want to help others have it. You should stay as long as the server lives. Long live massive craft!
Dont loose hope because it was rejected. Try and make a new one, or tweak the old one and make it better. This server is by far my favorite, I don't really know you but you should stay :)
I will make one suggestion, Not hating or anything but I read the soul-searching part and just went "Whut is this meant for?"
Leaving will do less good than staying. Observe other's roleplay, read other's character intros, improve your writing and English skills. Don't take character rejections personally, and just improve and learn through the advice the roleplay staff give you.
Massivecraft.com is a server that all of us enjoy (enjoyed). Now getting it rejected isn't the end of the world. BE creative BE yourself, follow the lore and BE happy.
Bye! I don't like quitters if I'm honest... Have a massive day now.
Well, I don't want you to go, but if you feel that's what you wanna do, alright. I don't really know you but, good luck buddy.