Preserved Sheet Abraxas

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Feb 25, 2019
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"No man burdens his mind with small matters unless he has some very good reason for doing so."


Full Name | Ambraxas'll "Abraxas" Mor'lyx
Age | 62
Gender | Male
Race | Ka-Maraya
Sexuality | Heterosexual
Preferred Weapon | Longsword



Total Points | 60 from age
Criminal Proficiency Category
+10 Stealth Rogue Skill
Study Proficiency Category
+10 Diplomatic Case Skill
Knowledge Proficiency Category
+15 Linguistic Knowledge | Zcorr, Modern Altalar, Mythic Pack
+3 Historical Knowledge | Pre-Allorn History
Science Proficiency Category
+2 Food & Drink Science

Body Proficiency Category
+20 Perception Training

Body Shape

Physical Stat |
Body Shape | Average
Body Fat | Average

Daendroquin (8/10)
Zcorr (6/10)
Modern Altalar (7/10)
Dragon Script (6/10)
Meraic Alphabet (9/10)
Common (10/10)

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
Racial |
Race Weave


Eye Color | A dull pink
Facial Hair Color | Forest green
Facial Hair Style | Rough and Ragged
Skin Color | Green
Clothing | Long Coat, easily moved within
Height | 6'2"



Alignment | True Neutral
Personality Type | INTJ
Religion | Tohn Sona (6/10)



  • Abraxas hatched in the year 245 to Malnariam and Xam'ryll Mor'lyx in the Daen city of Hallonq; his parents being scholars who found themselves down on their luck and trapped down the hole of poverty. Although, this never ceased their unyielding thirst for knowledge, usually allowing that to overtake their basic needs.
  • As such, the Maraya had a rocky start in life to say the least, mostly being used as a pack mule for the scholarly couple. He'd read what he could; reading up on the odd book every now and then, although, his parent's studies into his people never quite peaked his interest.
  • With time continuing, the brother of his father, Lambert, arrived on the scene. Abraxas and Lambert grew to share quite the strong bond, with his Uncle beginning to show the growing Maraya his profession of bounty hunting.
  • Mesmerised by his Uncle's life and profession, Abraxas became borderline obsessed with the man, spending almost all his spare time to become more like him; determined to one day act as he does.
  • When Abraxas came of age, he joined up with the local guard regiment in the crime-ridden city, much to his parent's dismay, although, his Uncle's approval was all he cared for.
  • Eventually, his parents would make off for the more northern reaches of Daen to continue their research, leaving the man on his lonesome, with his Uncle leaving the city soon after.
  • After serving for a few years, the young man encountered someone; a local Daen-raised El-Maraya woman called Esmerelda. It has become almost a ritual for him to stop off at the Sihai Tea Shop she worked in daily, with hopes she'd be manning the counter. It took him a good few months to work up the courage to express his feelings to the woman, and after some trial time, the feeling became mutual.
  • With spending so much time at the shop, Abraxas became acquainted with the shop owner; Ha'ing'an. He became more and more enthralled with the man, taking on the advice supplied to him. Over time, his condition began to wane, passing away peacefully in his sleep. He left the shop to Esmerelda, her being the closest family he'd ever had.
  • The two saw themselves happily married, with Esmerelda's Tea Shop flourishing just as Abraxas's guard career did. They turned their eyes to sparking up a family, and pursued such, leading to the birth of their son; Ernesto.
  • The trio shared a prosperous eight years together, until an unfortunate act of gang violence lead to the death of their young son. Fuelled with an unbridled rage and thirst for revenge, the Maraya left his position in the guard, pursuing the culprit on his own.
  • Months of grief and turmoil passed, and Abraxas continued to be consumed by his search, much to his grieving wife's dismay. He'd come up with a lead as to the home of the culprit. He broke into the premises, searching around for whatever evidence he could find. He was struck with horror to find reports detailing the gruesome scene which took his son from him. He continued to dig, sickened to his core when discovering the man's identity; his much beloved uncle.
  • Filled with a fiery rage, he re-entered the home that night; strangling his uncle to death. Stunned with the heinous act of murder he had committed, the man disappeared from his wife for several days, drinking his sorrows away in a local tavern. Here, he did something he'd otherwise view as unimaginable; courting with another woman.
  • The guilt ridden Maraya soon returned to his more than worried wife, emotionally breaking down in her arms. He told her of what he had done, besides the adultery, and begged her for forgiveness. In time, such came. For a great many years, he retired to help his wife in the Tea Shop, using whatever methods he could to numb the pain.
  • Years past. Life becoming more mundane by the day. The now elderly couple never had more children, and could never overcome the death of their dearest Ernesto.
  • In recent years, a letter was delivered to the house. Abraxas was away with some old work mates, enjoying a night of drink and whatnot. Curious as to what the written letter held, Esmerelda took it upon herself to investigate. She was mortified. Struggled to breathe in fact. The letter was from the stranger, now known as Raelym, who Abraxas shared a night with all those many years ago. It spoke on something Esmerelda found unforgivable, and pained her more than anything else; the two that night had lead to the birth of a child, who had fled home, and she needed help to track them down.
  • When Abraxas returned home, Esmerelda couldn't contain herself, and rightfully so. Barraging him with a host of insults, eventually blaming him for the death of Ernesto. She fled from the house, packing whatever she could.
  • The next morning came, and news reached the drunk and drugged up Maraya that his wife had met a similar fate to their son. He has given the letter, now bloodied, that was found on her corpse, although, never dared to open it. Whatever the letter held, he had no interest in. It was just a reminder of his life mistakes. He sold off the Tea Shop, and most of his belongings, buying passage on the first boat from the city, setting sail for Regalia.
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HELLO, grabbing this for staff review! Expect a reply within the next 24 hours.