Archived About New Worlds And Server Sharding

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
I have a few suggestions about the new worlds and related to server sharding.

For the new worlds

1) Don't put the dynmap up until a few weeks after the new world's release.
Reason: One thing that really makes Minecraft special is the sense of exploration, putting a dynmap up will just ruin it and get rid of the feeling of exploring a new world.

Server Sharding:

1) Increase the faction price drastically
Reason: With server sharding its pretty obvious there will be a HUGE influx of new players. We have a few choices with this. Do we want a few huge factions or a few hundred small factions? With all those new players it will be easy for them to band together and gather up 200 silver for a faction. If we increase it to lets say, 800 silver then it will make it so the server isn't overrun with lots of new factions.

2) Start getting more "PR" managers
Reason: With server sharding, there will be so many new people that the server will require people to constantly help these new people with the plugins and various other things of the server.

3) Start getting more written history about Massive
Reason: We want new players to feel like they are stepping into a huge, ancient world full of wars, treaties, and great nations. Get all the older players or other players that participated in these huge wars or golden ages to write history books that will be mass produced.

That's about all, thanks for reading!
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I really like the world idea. It is very easy to do and seems to be reasonable.
It's not just that there'll be small factions, it's that they will, in most cases, be small, inactive factions in a month or so.. leaving lots of ugly greifed buildings.. Upping the faction price is a winner, as are all the other points.
Maybe not 800? Possibly just 400? It's twice the current amount and would need 14 noobs to make.
Maybe not 800? Possibly just 400? It's twice the current amount and would need 14 noobs to make.
No, because fourteen noobs will be joining constantly, probably daily. People who are serious about playing will continue playing till their 800 silver goal has been achieved. I think even 800 is too low with the influx of new people that will be joining. 1200 sounds better. People who inactive will be much less likely to work all the way up to having a faction, and thus mainly only people who will play for a while will make a faction.
If you want the thrill of exploring, don't look on dynmap. There's no reason to enforce that on everyone else.
The dynmap is the easiest way to check the 16 chunk rule for claiming land. If you don't put up the dynmap, then I would suggest that claiming land also be disabled during this time period.
Well the thing is, when Ellador was released, basically most of the really nice looking landmarks were claimed within the day of the release. The reason why? A bunch of people had already seen it on the dynmap and decided they would claim it. I kinda disliked that and wanted to change it so we don't have a bunch of people who plan ahead and rush for the cool looking areas.
Maybe not release the dynmap until just after the opening of the world so people can not plan ahead
will still have the 16 chunk problem, since that is no automated.
What I mean is release them at the same time. So people can use it to check for other factions but not plan where they want to claim until the world is released.
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