Preserved Sheet Abigail Cormac

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Jun 12, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Abigail Haleigh Cormac
  • Age: 33
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
  • Culture: Heartland Ceardian
Skill Information:

Total Points:
33 from age
  • +13 Admiral Knowledge (+10 from culture boost, +3 from points)
  • +10 Marshal Knowledge (+10 from points)
  • +10 Blades Combat Skill (+10 from Points)
  • +10 Shielding Combat Skill (+10 from points)
Body Shape:
  • Physical stat: 10 Blades Combat + 10 Shielding Combat +0x2 Athletic Training = 20 Physical Stat
  • Body Shape: Athletic
  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Common (Native)
  • Leutz-Vixe (Learned)
  • Alt-Regalisch (Learned)
  • Anglian (Under Tutorship)

Visual Information:

  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Hairstyle: Let down casually; braided up for activity; styled on occasions
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Simple dresses
  • Height: 5'10


  • As perceived by others, Abigail is either an obedient and focused or a dismissive and curt individual. This depends on whether her company is authoritative or casual. When in casual company, Abigail is polite when necessary, but is mostly very snappish and brusque. When in the company of those who are higher in social class, Abigail is more complimentary, pleasant, and polite. She can also be very inquisitive as she finds that questions keep conversations alive. Around anyone she would consider authoritative or respectable, Abigail is very serious and compliant. When faced with any trouble, whether it be crime or simple shenanigans, Abigail addresses the situation with aplomb.

  • Inwardly, Abigail is ambitious and aspiring as well as judgmental. Her ambition is derived from the experience she's obtained from the School of Tenpenny, from war, from growing up with the majority of her father's emphasis on success, and from her older brother's encouragement. This also makes Abigail very compliant. She will immediately comply to any advice she receives on her success. She believes that almost nothing is too much of a sacrifice if it helps her achieve something. Abigail is also very judgmental of anyone she would consider lesser than herself as a result from her first family being very critical behind closed doors.

  • Towards friends, Abigail is much more lively and unfeigned than she would be in any casual conversation with strangers and acquaintances. She's more confident in voicing her opinions and enjoys teasing her friends. Abigail holds her friends in high esteems, but she does not value them like she would with family. If one were to do something at all criminal, she would not vouch for them and would cut off ties. With family, Abigail can range from obedient, affectionate, and rough. With her parents, she's much more obedient and respectful. With her siblings, she is much more rough, boisterous, and affectionate. Abigail is also much more loyal to her family than she is to her friends.

  • Regarding morality, Abigail is indisputably virtuous. She has a strict set of morals including integrity, respect, honesty, responsibility, compassion, and especially family. For her to bend these morals would have to have good reason. Abigail always seeks to help others. She is also a firm believer in justice and does not shy away from harsh punishment.


Life Story

Birth and Childhood

Abigail was born to a Leutz-Vixe mother in 273 AC in Dragenthal. Her mother left Abigail on the front doorstep of the nearest home.

While Abigail's future adoptive father demanded that they leave the abandoned baby to authority, the rest of the family insisted that they simply take the baby in and raise it themselves.

Abigail's new family was fairly large. Her father, a retired Bloodcast knight, inherited farmland and invited the extended family to stay and help work. While the extended families lived on seperate parts of the farmland, Abigail still had five older brothers and would soon have three younger sisters.

Soon after Abigail's arrival, her father invested in land destroyed in the Dragenwald Crisis. He rebuilt the land and it proved to be very profitable.

Military devotion ran through both sides of the family. Growing up, Abigail's father emphasized military values and honor. He did his best to raise his children into the lifestyle. However, out of all the children, Abigail's father was especially disciplinary with her. With him never favoring his adopted child, Abigail, paired with his harsh personality, he was often more than simply disciplinary with her several nights and would send vitriol her way. As a result, Abigail developed a very compliant personality with authority.

Aside from the occasional outbursts her father had, Abigail's siblings were lively and tight-knit. She happily grew up with their customs and religion.


As Abigail aged, she grew more mature, ambitious, and disciplined.

A drought hit the area. Using this to his advantage, Abigail's father bought out the land of farmers who could no longer support it. To his luck, the drought cleared and the new land proved to be very profitable. This ensured each child's future financially.

Abigail's siblings grew closer to each other growing up. They were more so closer to each other than any of the siblings were to the parents. They often found themselves defending each other from their father's harsh rules and punishments.

One by one, Abigail's brothers headed off for their schools. Abigail grew more anxious to follow in their footsteps. Regardless of her childhood of simply farming and training without any real field experience, Abigail's father had made sure of preparing all of his children mentally. As her last brother left, Abigail's father began to focus mainly on her as she prepared to head off to a nearby training facility for Tenpenny.


At age 20, Abigail began her training with a private tutor alongside a dozen or so others. Throughout the training, she was both physically prepared and mentally as she finally had experienced real independence from her family.

After ten years of training, Abigail graduated from Tenpenny in 303 AC. Immediately after her graduation, Abigail was signed into the Hadravian War. The war had hardened Abigail, making her more concentrated and ambitious. After this, Abigail has time to establish herself in the Crown Isle and settle down. She then took part in the Battle of Rothburg in the Deathling rebellion. With her newfound experience, Abigail gladly settles herself down in Regalia. She hopes to reunite with her entire family and work alongside them.


After leaving the Seidel family due to some antics, Abigail reunites with her brother from her biological family who supports and cares for her.

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~~~skidaddle skadoodle, I'm doing a peer reviewal~~~
This app is incredibly well done. I found no real errors in Canon or character other than one slight thing, though of little importance
The war had hardened Abigail, making her more concentrated and ambitious.
She has a strict set of morals including integrity, respect, honesty, responsibility, compassion, and especially family. For her to bend these morals would have to have good reason. Abigail always seeks to help others. She is also a firm believer in justice and does not shy away from harsh punishment.
So, I believe these points slightly contradictive. Throughout the app, you talk about how "easy-going" she is but also how consentrated and strict she is. I'd add a little clarification about this. She believes in harsh punishment and compassion, maybe it's a "tough love" kind of situation. You also state that the war hardened her, though she still has a loose personality.
Maybe just a little more clarification on this.

But this was the only quarrel I found with the app, and I'm not a lore staff so this could just be me. It's a well written app and I hope you find fulfillment with the character.
@cpt_manta_ray Thank you for your review! I hadn't really considered this, but I agree. I added in a sentence after mentioning the easy-going portion and included her more hardened side.
Changed race, not really important to her story anyhow. Hope that isn't a problem. Everything else remains untouched. Ready when you are!
Sorry for the wait! Looks good, had to double check a minor detail but its all fine. Approved!
@Freema also added some character development by adding a present section in the backstory and changing up the personality paragraphs
Everything checks out. Changes are good. Re-Approved