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Aberrants, Registry, And Social Standing


swimming in chechen tears
Jun 5, 2017
Reaction score
To the good citizens of Regalia, and Aberrants alike,

The Office of the Inquisition has gone upon their duty to form a system which not only ensures the safety of those it serves (the Regalian People, the Holy Synod, and his Imperial Holiness) but a direction for the aberrants who long have been unguided. From this point on the system known as the "Aberrancy Directive and Registry" shall be put into place. I as the Lord Inquisitor would like to go on to say that it is understood well the condition of the aberrants. We are men faithful to Unionism, and seek only to guide those lost from the light-filled path to find their salvation. Only in service can those who've befallen to aberrancy can they find themselves along the proper path, for we all must stand in service to the Imperial Spirit and his utmost-Holiness. I ask that all aberrants who have yet to be registered to step forward and come of their own accord. With an open hand, I offer a chance for those in hiding to crawl out from the shadows and step gently into the light. We of the Inquisition seek no harm upon those who wish only to live in service to the Imperial Spirit and our grandeur Empire. It is a sign of strength to cry out against one's fate rather than to be befall its grasp that which they do not understand. The more reasonable will understand what we uphold, and shall step forward and rule their fate by coming into service of the Emperor, and the Imperial Spirit. Those that do not step forward, we pray they will only understand that they forced the hand of the Inquisition.

Spirit guides and protects,

Lord Inquisitor Albus du Pont of the Crimson Inquisition

Aberrancy Registration and Dealings

  • All Aberrants are to turn themselves in to the inquisition and seek out registration with an Inquisitor. (Contact Myself, @AntonVoron @Arendan @essentialess @DelendaEst )

  • An event will be hosted in the future (TBA) to invite all to get registered. Aberrants are urged to attend.

  • All aberrants are to subject themselves in compliance with Inquisitors and Authorities alike.

  • All aberrants are to subject themselves to inspection at request of Regalian Authorities.

  • All aberrants unless having brought themselves to exemplary status are to be collared with lapis.

Aberrant Behavioral Credit System

The aberrancy behavioral credit system serves as a way for aberrants to be sorted by compliance and standing within the Empire. Those who comply with the directive of the city's guard and adhere to social standings will receive higher social credit. Those with the highest threshold of behavioral credit will receive leniency in random searches, checkpoints, and the most exemplary may even appeal for their collar to be removed as well as some other incentives. Those who fall below a certain threshold will be dealt with accordingly. From readjustment, to imprisonment and worse.

What decreases behavioral credit?

  • Standing Criminal Record

  • Heresy

  • Social disruption

  • Noncompliance with Regalian Authorities and or Imperial Authorities
What increases behavioral credit?

  • Cooperation with Regalian Authorities

  • Subjecting to Unionism

  • Upholding proper social civility and etiquette

  • Expunging/seeking penance for past crimes.

  • Service to the Inquisition as an adherent or another recognized charter.
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