Preserved Sheet Abbar The Preacher

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The man without a plan
Jul 6, 2016
Reaction score
the Cesspool
Full Name: Abbar Sabah Usama (Goes by just Abbar)

Age: 54 (symbiosis performed at age 21)

Race: Baal-Url (Formerly Qadir)

Gender: Male

Main Ambition: To Enlarge The Communion Of The Hunt, the faith he created.

Skill Information:

Proficiency Points: 54

  • +20 tracking (+20 Turned Url)
  • +30 Unarmed Fighting (+10 School of Graklak, +10 Turned Url, +10 own points)
  • +24 Unarmed Boxing (+10 School of Graklak, +14 own points)
  • +10 Medicine (+10 School of Graklak)
  • +20 Commanding Speech (+20 own points)

Culture Points: 54

  • +25 Vocal Music (+25 own points)
  • +14 Ship Sailing (+14 own points)
  • +15 Poetry (+15 own points)


  • Oortaal (preferred tongue)
  • Common (fluent)


Eye Color: standard Url coloration.

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: DreadLocks

Skin Color: Dark Brown Tan

Clothing: simple loincloth of various hides.

Height: 6'9"

Body build: Strongman

Weapon of Choice: himself.


  • Outwardly, Abbar has the stoic manner that's expected of Url, But also deeply philosophical. He's clearly thinking most of the time, as his words are sparse even by Url standards, and what he does say is incredibly straightforward, Even when it's philosophically complex. his deeper statements occasionally cause complete strangers to question their whole way of life. Amongst the denizens of the slums, Abbar is also often viewed as some kind of mad preacher. Not to say he babbles nonsense, his words are still weighed like most Urls, they simply see his teachings themselves as twisted and barbaric, or at least, most of them do. It's hard to ignore he doesn't come off as a scanmer, he seems to legitimately believe everything he's saying, but it still isin't true...right? It is worth noting that his personality changes almost completely around other Urls, to whom he comes off as caring and respectful, even being polite when challenging others to Tarlok-Vheer.

  • Personally, Abbar considers himself a guiding light. Not only is he confident in his skills, he believes his mind contains wisdom comparable to no other. Not knowledge of sciences or Magics, but instead he believes has discovered the ideal way of life. Abbar feels his own life would amount to nothing if not for his philosophies, and as such he is threatened by anyone who argues with it. Immediately before symbiosis, Abbar had completely lost the will to live, resulting in the Oorl worm seizing almost complete control of his mind.

  • To those close to him, Abbar seems quite brotherly. He cares deeply for there Happiness and safety. He's the kind of person that will sit down and talk about your problems. However; Abbar is fully invested in running the communion, and on occasion will be to busy operating it to make time for loved ones at all. But his dedication usually just takes the form of trying to fix there problems with communion philosophy in mind.

  • Morally, Abbar is best described Chaotic-Good. He is a legitimately caring person who wants to help people, but considers the Url to be racially superior to all the the symbiosis compatible species, so has become convinced that forcing Oorl symbiosis on people is helping. As such he sees anyone who believes that symbiosis should be optional is either misguided or just plain evil.

In terms of worldview, Abbar is very religiously invested. He doesn't belong to any of the main faiths, instead favoring a philosophy he created called the Communion Of The Hunt. He finds the entire concept of Nobility Urtaal, believing that such authority must be earned through proving your skill at leadership rather than fickle bloodlines.

Life Story

Abbar was born to Sayid and Gulbadan Usama in the Regalian Archipelago. His lived an uneventful but comfortable life until he was 10. It was at this time when Abbar began spending long hours of Graklak training with his mean-spirited grand father, and his father, a Military Engineer, was crushed by a large siege cannon he was helping to build before Abbars very eyes. The loss shook Abbar to the core, but he handled it much better then his mother, who sought comfort in strong drink.

Abbar grew to hate himself more and more as his life went on, constantly being tormented by his now heavily drinking mother, who blamed him for his fathers death. The only social interaction he ever got was his mothers criticism and training with his equally unfriendly grandfather, and Abbar soon believed himself utterly useless. One night, when Abbar was 21, his mother came raging into their small home and told him to leave. So Abbar did. He got a job as a cabin boy that night, and set sail the next day. The Vessel posed as a fishing barge but actually smuggled illegal goods an wanted criminals out of regalia.

Abbar said little to his crew mates, silently going about his duties, which mainly consisted of bringing food to the illegal passengers below deck. Unfortunately, his captain did not treat him much better than his mother, and threatened to kill him if he stepped foot off the ship (out of fear he would report there Illegal activites) and Abbar was once again abused for several months. On one voyage to Ithania, the ship was caught in a strong storm and sank. Washing up on the shores of Jorrhildr, Abbar was now thoroughly convinced that he was worthless, that there was no point in trying anymore, and just lay the on the snowy beach to freeze to death. There was a snowstorm, the peaceful wind lulling him to sleep. He felt a dull pain in his chest. Funny...he could swear he could see a purple carrot lying on him. Abbar passed out.

Abbar woke with a start. He had gone unconscious for a couple days, found by the Horned Throng who saw the entrance wound of the worm and took him to camp. He was Already an Url when he woke up, the Oorl worm only allowing him to partially regain consciousness so that it could perform symbiosis. He Immediately rejected his old life, still regarding his old self as worthless. But nature had given him a second chance. He pondered on this concept deeply, and eventually created his "Communion Of The Hunt" with several other Url. The Communion Worships nature itself rather than any deity, and believes that nature's unhappy with the symbiosis -capable races. By extension, they believe that nature created the Oorl worm to amend this problem. And so, wanting spread his message, Abbar returned to Regalia, where he makes ends meet hauling heavy cargo on and off of ships at the docks.
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Review time!
  • I would like to see his self-view expanded upon more. Why did he choose to be Baa-Url? Does he travel with other Url?
  • What exactly is this 'faith' he has? Expand on that more in his life story.
  • Expand more on that talent! Since you only have one I would like to see more of it. Possibly even add another talent? I would hate to see his personality as a whole go un-expanded.
  • Could you remove this bit? It's not really needed and seems a bit meme-y.

  • What happened more during his sailing days? Was he a pirate? Did he transport goods? I would like to hear more of this.
Make these edits in a different color and tag me in the comments once done! @FireViper27
Review time!
  • I would like to see his self-view expanded upon more. Why did he choose to be Baa-Url? Does he travel with other Url?
  • What exactly is this 'faith' he has? Expand on that more in his life story.
  • Expand more on that talent! Since you only have one I would like to see more of it. Possibly even add another talent? I would hate to see his personality as a whole go un-expanded.
  • Could you remove this bit? It's not really needed and seems a bit meme-y.

  • What happened more during his sailing days? Was he a pirate? Did he transport goods? I would like to hear more of this.
Make these edits in a different color and tag me in the comments once done! @FireViper27
@Rochelle_ I did the edits. (also, as a side note, I will be adding a new talent like you suggested, once I think of one)
@Rochelle_ I realized I was playing him differently from how his personality was written down, so I changed it to emulate how play him better.