Preserved Sheet Abasi

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Lizard Brainrot Sufferer
Jun 20, 2020
Reaction score
somewhere in that direction

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Abasi
  • Age: 62
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Sa-Allar
    • Sa-Soz sub-caste
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Maul
Inventory Information
  • Maul (~60 regals)
  • Pouch of 30 regals
  • Compass (20 regals)
  • Keys on a loop that unlock various parts of whatever ship or quarters he resides in at the time (10 regals)
  • Flask of whiskey (20 regals)
Skill Information

Total Points: 60/60.
  • Extra Heavy Combat ~ 20
  • Labour Training ~ 10
  • Unarmed Combat ~ 10
  • Marine Tactic Skill ~ 10
  • Maritime Knowledge ~ 10
Body Shape
  • 15 (Sa-Allar) + 20 + 10 + 10 + 10= 65 Physical Stat
  • Musclegod
  • Average
  • Zasta (Parents)
  • Common (Free)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Big 'ol Hammer
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Hair Color: N/A
  • Hair Style: N/A
  • Skin Color: dusty-tan scales, which are a lighter shade from his stomach to underneath his chin.
  • Clothing: Often shirtless, wearing sailing trousers with muted colors and a waist sash.
  • Height: 7' 2''

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Virtuoso
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Dragon Worship - 2/10

Life Story
  • Being assigned at birth as a Sa-Soz in Qozzrak, Abasi had a largely normal upbringing. However, Abasi's temper got him into lots of fights from childhood to young adulthood, and the somewhat negative reputation he earned led to it taking some time to be accepted as a Cro's bodyguard.
  • Being a rather attentive bodyguard, Abasi might have been more recognized by his Cro if he hadn't constantly butted heads with the others of his party.
  • Allar infighting led to a rival Cro having Abasi's leader assassinated. Abasi was one of a few bodyguards outcast for their failure to do their job properly.
  • Shamed and enraged, Abasi was unable to find work that his sub-caste typically adhered to, and eventually gravitated towards using his strength for coin. He entered into fight pits in whatever slums he wandered to, preferring a hammer as his weapon of choice to exploit raw strength over balance or speed. Many failures and many lost limbs proved powerful learning experiences to teach Abasi how to fight.
  • When able to utilize all his limbs and not fighting, he'd earn some extra pay laboring, usually moving weapons or supplies for the same fight pits and taverns he fought at.
  • As he became a more competent combatant, he also grew tired of the uncertain and chaotic nature of his new lifestyle. After collecting an evening's pay, an Ailor came to congratulate Abasi on the victory, and offered him a spot in his pirate crew. With the promise of plenty of heads to smash together as well as the tranquility of the open ocean, Abasi joined the captain and didn't look back.
  • A decade spent as a pirate seasoned him to life at sea, and Abasi remained loyal to his captain for the freedom of the ocean. Abasi went wherever the ship carried him, though eventually tired of his captain's increasing recklessness over the years and severed his ties. He eventually set foot onto a Regalian harbor, intent to find work and a new motley crew to call his allies and friends.
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@Caelamus I've made some minor changes to his backstory to make his reasons to be in regalia more open ended and not already part of a group. Nothing much other than the later lines in his backstory has changed