Preserved Sheet Abakari

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That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Abakari
  • Race: Songaskian (Keleden)
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Purple
Core Concept
  • Abakari is a Black Walker Archon dedicated to opposing the agendas of malicious Geists and Undead. He is a devout adherent to Mussaktu, having been raised to honor the teachings of Marik.
  • Strength: 7
    • Duelist
    • Hunter
    • Heavy
    • Skirmisher
    • Pursuer
    • Unyielding
    • Climber
  • Constitution: 5
    • Counterplay
    • Recovery
    • Ironheart
    • Bruteforce
    • Metallurgy
  • Wisdom: 1
    • Archive (Gray Crown Archive)
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: o
  • Charisma: 1
    • East Linguist
  • Archon
  • Common (Free)
  • Sofaal (Native)
  • Dragonspeech (Racial & Archon)
  • East Linguist (Language Point Buy)

Appearance Information
  • Due to being an Archon, Abakari has purple eyes instead of the amber eyes of a Songaskian.
  • In his human-like Kokonto form, Abakari is 6'1" tall with dark skin and black hair, along with spiraled horns and a beard.
Life Story
  • Abakari was born in 280 AC, to a pair of Black Walker Archon parents in the Pearl City of Dogono.
  • He spent his childhood being drilled in both Dogono's martial culture and training, while also learning how to combat the undead as a born Black Walker. While initially learning metallurgy to make weapons, he also learned goldsmithing on his own time.
  • Once he reached adulthood, he was assigned his societal job as a soldier, with his first major military engagements being the Regalian-Songaskian Wars.
  • His mandatory military service ended around the time that the Songaskian civil war emerged, and as the Masaya itself was torn apart, he turned to working with the Benntiya Priesthood and hunting both Undead and Geists wherever they appeared.
  • As the Dragons returned to Aloria and made themselves known in Regalia, Abakari realized that it was there that he needed to travel to learn more about the heartland of the mediating Lightning Dragons.
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@RunicScrawl Literally just changed the name to Abakari, I didn't realize there was another recently-made Songaskian character also named Zakiatou.