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Work in Progress Aarush Padhya |

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


Countess Silverberry
Jul 17, 2024
Reaction score

Character Information

Full Name:
Aarush Padhya

Heritage / Culture:
Vadyalocaï Suvial

  • The Vadyalocaï derive their culture from the real-world Marathi people while taking elements from surrounding regions.

  • The Vadyalocaï are all about the domination of Demons, magical pursuits, Artifact hunting and collecting, and lavish lifestyles.

  • The Vadyalocaï are passionate and well-mannered, though capable of throwing fiery parties and evenings out.

  • The Vadyalocaï almost exclusively follow Estelley, with no other religious minorities present.

  • Many Vadyalocaï have migrated to the Regalian Archipelago to make use of the ambient Demons congesting there.

  • The Vadyalocaï are very pro-Occult, with nearly every one of them having some form of Demonology servant or attendant.

  • Vadyalocaï symbols include the color Red, flaming chalices, Demon masks, River Lotusses, The Sitar, and Elephants.


Birthday: 18 October
Year born: 272

Gender / Pronouns:
Female, She/Her





Character Occupation:
Demon Hunter

Character Title:

Sayana Padhya | Twin Sister


To be Determined

Appearance Information:

Eye Color:

Skin Color:


7 ft

Body Type:

Additional Features:
To be Determined

Skill Information:

Hobbies and Talents:

Mechanic 1: Suvial gain +1 Main Combat Stat when attacking a Character with Theurgy Point Buy Abilities, which can break Cap up to 11.

Mechanic 2: Suvial can gain additional Event insight into past Battles or Wars or Conflicts, related to Progressions or History related Events.

Mechanic 3: Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for using Dimension Alignment out of their norm (Exist), even as God Mages.

Mechanic 4: Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for the use of Sinistral Magic variants, even in the use of God Magic.

Mechanic 5: Suvial are exceptionally proficient at controlling Spirits, allowing them a range of mechanical functions to do with Spirits

The Suvial are masters of the Spirit realm, capable of connecting, controlling, and otherwise influencing Spirits to a higher degree than any other people of Aloria. Firstly, Suvial are never Afflicted when they are possessed or contain several Spirits, as their soul is properly shut off from the Spirits. This also means that they can never lose control, or have the Spirit take over the host without them specifically allowing it and setting the boundaries for that control. Secondly, they never lose control over the Spirits they control and can thrall any (non-Player/Event) Spirits (and even Player Spirits with Consent) at will. Stolen Spirits from another player can only be retrieved if the Suvial is KO'd. Lastly, they can also force Spirits into Canoptic Jars, and give them to others, though others may not have the same possession protections Suvial have and end up possessed in an unpleasant or non-positive way.

Flames Unending
The Suvial people are undying, also part of the reason why the Allorn and Kathar Empires have such a hard time invading their land. When a Suvial is killed, they are reborn from the flames of Avinla after 3 hours in the nearest shrine to Avinla (which is the Avinla Fire Shrine in Regalia). This means that since Avinla was petrified during the last Void-Out in 173 AC, all Suvial stopped dying of old age or in battle, though new Suvial could still be born, and they still aged like normal. This is not considered a good thing among the Suvial, because as they continue to age, their mind and body deteriorate, and they eventually become host to some hostile Void or Exist demon as their mind is incapable of stopping such invasions. The Suvial collectively are on a mission to seek out Seraph knowledge to restore Avinla, because their rebirth cycle is intrinsically linked with the Mother of the Fire Lands, and so they are unable to properly pass into the afterlife while she is gone. Very few Suvial think this is a good state of being, but those are generally regarded as insane because the eventual loss of self to Demon infestation is not considered a pleasant way to lose your identity or self-control. Many of the older Suvial who are past their natural life span have to retreat into monasteries or silent places to fortify their meditation just to keep away the Demons that pluck at their minds, or in opposite direction, seek extreme amounts of high energy activity in places like Regalia to distract their minds so the Demons have no doubt or idleness to latch onto. Because of this function, Suvial cannot become Ordial Aligned, Geists, or Undead, except through the actions of Ordial Entities, or their request to them. This mechanic only applies to full Suvial Characters and does not apply to Mixed Heritage Suvial.

Suvial Exeption:
The Suvial art of Karamatology is an exception that is born both out of a mixture of genetics, and culture. At its base, Karamatology represents a series of expertly crafted rituals and commands for Spirits that subject them to the will of the Suvial (or Half-Suvial) individual. However, these rituals and commands would never fully function without the very specific keen-ness in the mind of Suvial that allows them to spread their active attention to both their surroundings and a much larger number of Spirits elsewhere. Simpler put, their brain is capable of sequencing multiple thoughts at the same time when it comes to spatial awareness and the existence of multiple Spirits, meaning they are not at risk of being killed by their own minions if they go over 3 Spirits. It is still strongly recommended they keep a tight lid on the freedom of their Spirits however, as any Spirit that is left to wander too far from its retainer and allowed to do whatever they want, is one very likely to betray their master, or in the best case scenario, make them appear like an incompetent clown to other Karamatologists. The Suvial consider Spirits nothing more than cannon fodder or tools to be used. This is also why there is no wider explanation of their cultural stance on this page.

  • Common
  • Sign language
  • Agasi
  • Altalar


To be Determined

plot hooks:
Demons bound to her:

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 6

Defense Stat: 5

[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

Constitution: 0

Intelligence: 2
  • Safeguard Pack
    • The Safeguard Pack allows the user to become less affected by Afflictions, which has a couple of effects. Firstly, they are unaffected by Vampire Charm or Mortisphage Charm. Secondly, while they can be infected with Afflictions, they are not affected by the mental changes and keep their conscience. Thirdly, while normally curing from Afflictions would cost Divinium, those with Safeguard Pack do not have this cost incurred, being curable by the same persons without a currency cost. Finally, they cannot be fed upon by Vampires or Mortisphages, as their body becomes caustic to them. This can all be achieved through a combination of mind-guarding nanites or chips, or bloodstream alchemy.
    • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Safeguard Pack additionally grants the user the ability to use Exorcism on anyone (except themselves). Exorcism is useful in a variety of settings, for example, if a Character has had Mind Control established on them, or some other form of magic where the description of the Mechanic specifies that it can be removed with an "Exorcism Ability, or Exorcism Mechanic". If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

  • Wardrobe Pack:
    • The Wardrobe Pack allows a Character to remain prepared at all times without the need for armor or weapons on their person. The wearer is considered armored at all times, and is able to conceal a ranged or melee weapon that is considered Hidden until used. (Hidden may not apply in places like the Imperial Palace, or during certain events). Lastly, the user is able to conceal a life support system on their person, allowing them to take damage that would normally be fatal. If the user is killed, provided their head and neck are still intact, they are able to resuscitate themselves and seal any lethal wounds they may have taken after 10 minutes.
    • Magical Variant: The character has inlaid enchantments into their clothing, able to achieve the same effect. Additionally, they are able to pass this enchantment onto other items. While within emote range, the character can extend the benefits of this pack to one other person to prevent them from dying. Finally, the user can create magical items with aesthetic benefits (or curses, removed with Exorcism or by a specific method per item, left up to player freedom) while out of combat, and pass them onto other characters. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 0

Faith: 0

Magic: 11
  • Magic Bolt [ Magic ] [ Stance ] [ Free Pack ]
    • To cast with magic, the user gains either Ranger Stance or Deadeye Stance, which activates when this Ability is used. The stance chosen functions with magic, not a weapon, but does not count for using that Stance's associated Abilities. Additionally, once per combat, the user can re-roll one failed Ranged Attack made with Magic Bolts. Magic Bolts can be upheld indefinitely, but has a 20 minute cooldown once ended.
    • Sinistral Usage: the User gains +2 Attack Stat, that breaks cap up to 11, while using Magic Bolts.

  • Magic Curse [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ]
    • To make an enemy choose between two weakening effects, instantly apply the Warned Status to an Enemy within Range. The Enemy must choose between -1 Attack Stat or -1 Defense Stat. This Stat Reduction lasts for 15 Minutes, after which Magic Curse's Cooldown begins. Magic Curse does not Stack, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
    • Sinistral Usage: Stat Reductions become -2, instead of -1. Also, target another Enemy within Range. Whichever option the first enemy does not choose, apply that -2 to the second enemy.

  • Magic Disengage [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ]
    • To help an Ally, or oneself, escape a bad situation, use this Ability as a reaction to an Ally taking a Move action, or when the User takes a Move action. That Ally can move through people, and does not trigger Opportunity Attacks, but, apply the Fleeting Status to the Target for 10 Minutes. Magic Disengage does not consume an Action. Magic Disengage can be used Once Per Combat Scene.
    • Sinistral Usage: Cannot be used on Ally, no longer applies Fleeting. Instead, if the user would walk through someone, enemy or ally, apply the Prone Status Effect to that Target. Maximum 5 Targets.

  • Magic Distort [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ]
    • To disrupt enemies around the user, apply the Confused Status to everyone within Range of the user, including Self. The user, while Confused, cannot target enemies they applied the Confused Status to. The Confused Status lasts for one turn. Magic Distort does not Stack, and can only be used Once Per Combat Scene.
    • Sinistral Usage: No longer Confuses Self, instead Deals 1 HP Damage to Self, and 1 HP Damage to one Target within Range.

  • Magic Isolate [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ]
    • To isolate an Enemy from their Allies and Buffs, target an enemy within Range, and Link Break the most recently applied Link Power. Additionally, if they have any Block Tokens (from Abilities, not from Armor), remove 1 Block Token. Magic Isolate has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
    • Sinistral Usage: Break 2 Link Powers, and if the enemy has no Link Powers and no Block Tokens, instead apply the Marked Status.

  • Magic Shove [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ]
    • To move an Enemy, instantly Displace a Target 5 Blocks in any direction, meaning further away from the user, or closer, anywhere along a horizontal direction, but never vertically or diagonally up or down. Magic Shove has a 30 Minute Cooldown.
    • Sinistral Usage: Target up to two enemies, sending them in the same or different directions, and apply the Prone Status at the end of the shove.

  • Magic Snare [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ] [ Free Pack ]
    • To prevent any enemy from moving, instantly apply the Trapped Status to an enemy within Range, which lasts for 3 Turns. At the end of the 3rd Turn, if the Target is still Trapped, additionally deal 1 Damage. Magic Snare does not Stack, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
    • Sinistral Usage: The Trapped Status lasts for 4 turns, but if they are still trapped on Turn 2, deal 1 Damage, and then 1 Damage again on turn 4.

  • Magic Summon [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ]
    • To never be without weapons and armor, instantly summon any combination of armor, shields, weapons (ranged or melee) for the user and up to two willing allies within Range. This does not re-fresh Block Tokens from Armor, but grants them if the user did not already have them. Additionally, if the user (and allies) wear this equipment for 20 minutes, also grant +1 Attack or +1 Defense for the duration. Magic Summon does not Stack, has no Cooldown, but once it grants +Stats, it lasts for up to 1 Hour.
    • Sinistral Usage: Instead of granting equipment to allies, only grant equipment to Self, grant +1 Attack and +1 Defense (breaks cap up to 11/9) while using it. Additionally, prevent Attack/Defense Stat Reduction for 30 Minutes.

  • Magic Reduce [ Magic ] [ Passive Power ]
    • To punish an enemy Mage, use this Ability as a Reaction to a character within Range using a Power that affects the user or an Ally. The Power used by the target is weakened in some way, any damage done being reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0), any status effects applied by the Power having its duration reduced by half, rounded down, or any distance or duration reduced by half, rounded down. Magic Reduce has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
    • Sinistral Usage: The user or Ally being protected also gains +2 to their Defense for the next 3 turns, breaking the proficiency cap up to 9.

  • Magic Barrier [ Magic ] [ Link Power ]
    • To protect an ally from Ranged Attacks, attach a Link to an Ally within Range, but never Self. For the duration, that Ally has increased defenses against Ranged Attacks from Ranger and Deadeye Stance. When the ally is targeted with a Ranged Attack Emote, their minimum Defense Roll is raised to 9 for Ranger Stance attacks, and 6 for Deadeye Stance attacks. Magic Barrier lasts for as long as the Link is upheld, after which it has a 2 Hour Cooldown. If Magic Barrier is Link Broken, grant the Target 1 Block Token.
    • Sinistral Usage: Additionally, if the User would take Damage, they can fully transfer that Damage to their Linked Ally, even against the Ally's will, meaning the user suffers no damage, and the Ally suffers all of it.

  • Magic Lifebind [ Magic ] [ Link Power ]
    • To tie your health to an ally's, target an Ally within Range, and establish a Link Power on them. For the Duration, whenever the user or the Ally is Healed, the other Linked Target also heals for the same amount. However, whenever the user or the Ally takes Damage, the other Linked Target takes that Damage, -1 (but never to 0). Magic Lifebind does not trigger on Damage it inflicts, or self-inflicted Damage. Magic Lifebind lasts for as long as the Link is upheld, up to a maximum of 30 Minutes, after which it has a 2 Hour Cooldown. If Link Broken, Heal the Ally only 1 HP. Magic Lifebind does not Stack.
    • Sinistral Usage: Target Enemy instead of Ally. Enemy has the Bloody Status applied for the duration, and when the user or Enemy takes Damage, the other Linked Target takes that Damage, -1 (but never to 0).

  • Magic Bolster [ Magic ] [ Buff Power ]
    • To empower oneself with Magic, grant +2 Attack Stat, or +2 Defense Stat. Alternatively, grant the user +1, and an Ally within Range +1 too. Either way, the +Stat lasts for 20 Minutes, after which Magic Bolster's cooldown begins. Magic Bolster does not Stack, and has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
    • Sinistral Usage: Can no longer grant Stats to Ally, but instead grants +2 Attack and +2 Defense at the same time, that break cap up to 11/9.

  • Magic Resist [ Magic ] [ Buff Power ]
    • To reduce the damage the user or an ally takes, target Self or an Ally within Range as a reaction to taking any Damage. Reduce that Damage by 1 HP, but never to 0. Magic Resist can be used out of Turn. Magic Resist has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
    • Sinistral Usage: Also deal 1 HP Damage to whoever applied the Damage.

  • Magic Warp [ Magic ] [ Movement Power ]
    • To move yourself or an ally, use this ability to relocate them in a straight line anywhere else in range, even on higher ledges up to 10 blocks in height. This ability is instantaneous, and does not use an ally's action or movement if used on them. Magic Warp ignores Opportunity Attacks, and can be used to circumvent fortifications like gates or teleport through doors, and has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
    • Sinistral Usage: If used on Self, instantly make an Attack Emote on an Enemy within Range, in the same turn, with +2 Attack Stat (cap break up to 11) for that Attack Emote only.

Charisma: 1
Undisclosed Presence Pack
This Pack has the user trained so well in mental fortitude and obfuscation, that they are immune even to Magical attempts to apply Mind Control, or scry their mind for information. Your Character becomes immune to being mind-controlled, Thralled, having their emotions read, or emotions influenced, and so forth. This does not protect against Illusions, or Memory Alterations, however. You can still submit your Character to these functions if you want to, however, it assumes that by default your Character deters any kind of Mind Control.


Found Family:
Close Allie/Friend:

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