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Needs Help/Review Aartspin Zijdeurder, Narim Journalist. - WARNING - ARACHNOPHOBIA TW

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!


Oct 13, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

Full Name: Aartspin Zijdeurder ( Art-SH-Pin Ze-Dur-Dur)
Heritage / Culture: Swellych Narim (Tarantula Type)
Age: 24
Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
Religion: Narim Unionism. Though he has a heavy interest in all religions; Mainly Khama (He's interested into becoming a Follower of Divi)
Occult: N/A
Character Occupation: N/A (interest in investigative/journalist type work)

Appearance Information

Eye Color: Pearl Black
Skin Color: Onyx Black exoskeleton
Hair: Fur that is, Coffee brown, in tone
Height: 5"11
Body Type: Scrawny, Elongated
Additional Features:
  • Though odd for a Narim; Aartspin prefers to wear large coats and proper clothes in an attempt to mask his frail seeming body.
  • He can nearly always be seen carrying a book & quill to scribe down any information he may gather through-out his day.
  • Usually seen consuming or handling a large variety of sweet objects: i.e. Candies, teas, fruits, and Coffees. Doing so to help keep himself awake while scribing and adventuring. Though, at this point he is unsure if it's only a habit or he truly has a sweet tooth (or whatever it may be in this scenario).

Skill Information

Hobbies and Talents: Climbing, Calligraphy, Puzzle-Solving

- Narim can attempt to sense a discordant note from a deep gestalt consciousness with the living, when they focus on an Event/DM Character, to learn if they have dark/evil/immoral intentions.
- Narim have night vision and are able to see in perfect (mundane) darkness, never needing a light or some other sight implemented in the sewers or at night.
- Narim can revert to a larval stage (not child-like, but grub-like) shedding their body, for 3 days. They can then change their arthropod species, and recover any lost limbs or remove scarring.
- Narim can manifest (or have) Wings (of specifically insectoid design), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.

Languages: Common, Anglisch

Characters he's inspired/based off of:
IMG_0597.webp -Kyouko Mejiro, From "Yofukashi no Uta" 1728961685073.webp - Hanuš, From "Spaceman"


A regalian native; Aartspin is a frail Narim that grew up as the middle child of a large matriarchal commoner family that strives to create soldier/warrior kin to help defend the Regalian Empire. His early life consisted of training with his many brothers and sisters to prepare for their hopeful future defending Regalia from threats. But as time went on, he started to fall behind in training and started to feel alienated from his family. In turn, Aartspin, started to skip his training; by exiting the sewers from which his family resides. So that he can explore the land of Regalia and expand his knowledge and understanding of the people that inherit it. In doing so he had not only found his passion but also his first friend, Grant MacDonald; A Sihndarian boy of similar age. For a short time, they'd explore Regalia getting into hijinks that would sometimes land the two in trouble, escaping through luck alone. Though sadly, soon after, Grant and his family return to distant lands to fight a relentless battle against the encroaching Spirit Sovereigns. Aartspin continued to explore the city, sometimes caught, scolded, and protected by his eldest brother, Strijder; Who Aartspin looked up to and shared a strong brothership bond with. As time went on he developed a passion for calligraphy, which he'd use to write down as much information as he could pry from the city. Doing so sparked a desire to explore the lands outside of Regalia to learn about his Narim heritage and possibly encounter Grant again. Still feeling alienated and unable to be strong enough to protect Regalia, Aartspin decides to depart Regalia at the young age of 17; Leaving behind his notes on Regalia, to assist his sibling defending the land. He set out with a new set of books to scribe into, helping those he can with his knowledge and learning more about world cultures. This continues for 7 years till one day, Aartspin receives a letter from his brother, Strijder. The letter implores for his return due to undisclosed reasons. Confused by this, Aartspin immediately begins to head back to his home land. But something is odd about his return; He cant find any of his large family and can't seem to remember anything about the land he once wrote about… Odd. But, at the very least, Grant has returned at the same time.


  • Though it's heavily implied, he is not going to be searching for his family as his main hook. That's just a talking point to assist with possible exposition or dialogue. (unless anyone is interested or has any ideas)
  • His main hook is a conflict in growing to understand that even though he's not physically strong, he still help defend Regalia in other ways.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 4 (Dexterity)
Defense Stat: 4 (Wisdom)
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
[Building Scale] Heritage pack
Constitution: 1
[Iron Will]
Intelligence: 4
[Puretek Reload]
[Puretek Evade]
[Puretek Wrath]
[Puretek Antimagi]
Wisdom: 4
[Chem Bolts]
[Chem Revive]
[Chem Bang]
[Chem Mend]
Dexterity: 4
[Venomous Strikes]
[Fleet Footed]
[Sharp Reflexes]
[Close Save]
Faith: 1
[Sacred Healing]
[Magic Snare] Heritage Pack
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