Preserved Sheet Aamir Ahmadi

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Dec 2, 2014
Reaction score


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Aamir Ahmadi
  • Age: 40
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Mahalar - Teledden Altalar/Qadir
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Hands
Skill Information
  • Proficiency Points: 45 Points to spend as he is 40 years old.
    • + 20 Fist Combat (+ 20 Invested)
    • + 10 Bola Combat (+ 10 Invested)
    • + 10 Dextrous Rogue (+ 10 Talent)
    • + 10 Culinary Arts (+ 10 Hobby)
    • + 10 Theatre Arts (+ 10 Invested)
    • + 10 Finecraft Sciences (+ 5 Invested, + 5 Racial)
  • Body Shape:
    • Athletic, Low Body Fat.
    • Calculations: 20 + 10/2 + 10/2 = 30 | Capped at 20
  • Languages:
    • Common (10/10)
    • Farradi (10/10)
    • Modern Elven (10/10)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Jet black
  • Hair Style: Coily - Shaved on the sides and back
  • Skin Color: Dark brown
  • Clothing: Yellow 'business' shirt with suspenders, black trousers, brown boots.
  • Height: 6'5


Personality and Abilities
  • Character Alignment:
    Chaotic Good
  • Personality Type:
    The Entertainer - ESFP - A
    "I just like to have fun and, you know, sometimes I like to present myself in that fun energy."
    Main Traits: Bold, Original, Excellent People Skills, Easily Bored, Witty, Good Humoured, Poor Long-Term Planer, Unfocused, Gambler, Impulsive.
  • Religion:
    Aamir Ahmadi is not religious, though often fakes being Unionist to simplify day-to-day life. 0/10.
  • First Paragraph | The Gambler
    Aamir is an extremely extroverted person, always up for a laugh which he shows through his witty and sarcastic behaviour. He's a big gambler and an even bigger flirt which shows through his cocky and teasing personality. However, it's easy to tell that Aamir is good-natured, and will generally look out for his people, even if he tends to be secretive when it comes to matters of his personal life. However, he's also very loose-tongued, in a way that he'll speak his mind when most wouldn't, which may make some people see him as rude and impulsive.
  • Second Paragraph | A Hidden Face
    Aamir tends to act impulsively, and in the aftermath, he can't help but feel like he's screwed up, which causes feelings of guilt and low self-esteem. He hides these feelings by acting confident, making all of his issues seem less important than they really are through light-hearted jokes. Despite all this, Aamir is confident in his ability to stop a target with his unarmed fighting to protect his friends and, cause trouble for fun.
  • Third Paragraph | A Breath of Fresh Air
    Around friends, Aamir is always the jokester. He makes light-hearted jokes, sarcastic comments and stupid puns whenever he gets the chance. He trusts his friends with his life and will protect them at all costs. When with lovers, he's still just as funny, yet also teasing and flirty. When with family, Aamir is automatically more shut-off, he dislikes them as when he was a child they did his best to control all aspects of his life. However, when it comes to his own child, he's incredibly soft, caring and protective, wanting only the best for him.
  • Fourth Paragraph | Fun for the Sake of Fun
    Aamir's morality is a bit blurred, he's impulsive, a gambler, and doesn't care for rules or laws that tie him down. Aamir isn't a stranger to using thievery or blackmail, he does what he can for the coin that he wants, all the while finding it something rather fun and interesting. But he always does what he can for himself and for his friends. He'd be best described as Chaotic Good.



Life Story

Ages 0 to 10:
Aamir Ahmadi was born in the deserts of Farad'heen, where he lived for the first ten years of his life. His parents, a Qadir man and an Altalar woman, had had trouble having a child for years before they finally managed to have Aamir, they couldn't help but be overprotective of him. He was denied much freedom for the sake of his 'safety', which caused Aamir to build up resentment for his parents. He hid his discontent behind false smiles and jokes.
When Aamir was but seven years old, he snuck out his home to play with some friends, they constantly play-wrestled and fought. Aamir found an odd love for it all. When his family found out, he was grounded for weeks.

Ages 10 - 30:
Aamir's parents adored the idea of their son becoming a doctor, so they urged him to travel to Regalia to study medicine. Aamir hated the idea, but he feigned being excited for weeks so that they'd allow him to 'study' there alone. He seized his chance, dropped out of the School before even starting, and began to scour the slums. He preferred this life, as it was free.
Aamir desperately wanted to learn how to use a wrestle and fight unarmed, so he searched all over the Crown City for a tutor. Eventually, he ran into one. Aamir paid him with the money that was meant to be going to his Medicine classes, and began to learn all of the School of Undercroft as well as unarmed combat.
Aamir continued these studies for a long ten years, and eventually, he would see this tutor as a fatherly figure.
Meanwhile, Aamir fell in love with a Cielothar with the voice of an angel. She became pregnant while they were both barely 20. Needing money, Aamir joined a small gang. However, one day he slipped up, saying something he hadn't meant to. The gang repaid his mistake by killing his girlfriend and kidnapping his child. They told him he had died, causing Aamir great grief. He left the gang, and that's when he started properly drinking, all while avoiding love.
As well as this, a few days past Aamir's 22nd birthday, the tutor died in mysterious circumstances. The young Mahalar felt lost, not knowing where to go nor what to do without this man, he turned to the slums and began gambling away to cope. This is what started his gambling addiction.

Ages 30 - Present Day :
Aamir continues to spend his days in Regalia, meeting new people, drinking with them and simply trying to live his life to the fullest while avoiding all commitments. He loves games and gambling, often starting bets to try and get to know other people.



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  • I find a contradiction in him being loose-tongued, yet at the same time distrustful of strangers. I advise correcting this.
  • Expand on paragraph 4 by a sentence minimum.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @Mistles
@Bagley_ Thank you for reviewing me!
I have made the changes in red and hope all is good to go!
I made clarifications on the loose-tongued yet distrustful/secretive part which I hope is alright now, and added a sentence to the fourth paragraph.
I also added one sentence to the life story relating to the overprotective parents.
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Just made a few edits, elaborated on his personal life in his Life Story, made him part Altalar, and aged him up a couple years!
Hope it's all good.
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Review Needed due to Character App Template changes, and last reviewer is no longer staff.
Claimed for review. Expect a reply shortly!
While there isn't anything that clearly defines how tall half-races are allowed to be, my recommendation would be t0 lower his height from 6'7 to 6'5 so that it sits in between the racial height limits. Make this simple change in RED and tag me when you're done.