Preserved Sheet Aakif Buzdar

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
Akif Buzdar



Basic Information
  • Full Name: Aakif Buzdar.
  • Age: Eighty-seven (Appears mid-Sixties).
  • Date of Birth: August 19th, 222 AC.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: National Qadir
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual.
  • Preferred Weapon: Dagger.
Skill Information
(50 points) (8 Points for Learning)

  • Melee Combat
  • +10 Dagger Combat (+10 Points).
  • Special Training
  • +10 Medical Training (+5 Points & +5 Racial).
  • Alchemy
  • +12 Alchemy (+12 Points).
  • Arcanology
  • Curing Knowledge (Honed Skill 1).
  • Arken Knowledge (+3 Points).
  • Rougery
  • +9 Rougery (+9 Points).
  • Finance Schooling
  • Al-Arraas Hamanh College (+3 Points).
  • Engineering (Dark Metal)
  • Engineering Pack One: Environment (Free from Cratos).
  • Engineering Pack Two: Golem (Free from Cratos).
  • Engineering Pack Four: Biotics (Free from Cratos).
  • Engineering Pack Six: Weapons (Free from Cratos).
  • Engineering Pack Nine: Hacking (Free from Cratos).
  • Visual Art
  • +10 Drawing Art (+10 Hobby Points).

Body Shape:

  • 10 Combat = 10 Body Stat.
  • Type: Average.
  • Fat: Moderate Body Fat.
  • Common (Free Language).
  • Faraddi (Parental Language).
Racial Abilities & Cratos Mutations:
  • Racial Abilities (Link)
  • Sariyd Gift 1.
  • Sariyd Gift 2.
  • Sariyd Gift 3.
  • Sariyd Gift 4.
  • Sariyd Gift 5.
  • Home Enchant 2.
  • Home Enchant 3.
  • Home Enchant 4.
  • Honed Skill 1 (Arcanology).
  • Honed Skill 4.
  • Cratos Ability (ACTIVE) (Link)
  • Mechanical Chassis.
  • Alchemy (Link)
  • Common Alchemy Pack.
  • Healing Alchemy Pack.
  • Conning Alchemy Pack.
  • Volatile Alchemy Pack.
  • Rougery (Link)
  • Rouge Gift 3.
  • Government Forgery Pack.
  • Guard Forgery Pack.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Sandstone-like.
  • Hair Color: Black w/ Greying.
  • Hair Style: Dreads.
  • Skin Color: Expresso Brown.
  • Clothing: Tight Clothing, manly red & black colors.
  • Height: 5'7".
  • Lawful Evil - Aakif's loyalty to those he cares for is boundless, allowing himself to express some of the morals that others may see as 'evil'.
Personality Type
  • The Champion (ENFP) - Aakif's own loyalty to his fellow Qadir are almost limitless, but strives to become better in his own right as to become the best inventor that he can become. His now limitless life-time pushes him to strive to become more and more with each coming day.
  • The Unspoken God - Dhul-Enhura (7/10) - Aakif's belief in the ways of progression has motivated him to put his faith in the Unspoken God, in the hopes that his inventions could some day help create a large leap within society.

Life Story

Birth and Childhood

  • Aakif Buzdar was born on August 19th, 222 AC on a cold night in Al-Alus. Both of his parents were caring, but stern engineers. They were heavily passionate about their work and wanted their child to become the best they could become. His Soul-Skin slowly turned from a pink to a more purple color, due to his growth of pride. By the time that Aakif was 7, he was already being taught all that he could. From simple math, slowly growing into become a genius with what he had available.
  • At the time of 14, he had begun to start his engineering career as he had begun to create his very first clockwork object. It was a small humming bird that had his shy personality within it. He show his parents with pride, but continued to work hard to make his parents proud. His Soul-Skin continued to be purple due to his pride.
Adolescence and Young Adulthood
  • He eventually grew up with more and more knowledge from his parents. However, his parents would have him be sent to the Al-Arraas Hamanh College at the age of 17, in order to learn more on economics and how to run his very own business in the future. After a few years of learning, he returned home and his Soul-Skin turned to a green color as he had begun to grow wiser in his time learning.
  • After returning home, he had decided to start his own prosthetic shop at the age of 21. He had begun to become a full adult and with the knowledge from his parents on the engineering. His mind became on expanding his knowledge and becoming better.
Adulthood and Present
  • Aakif's time at his shop continued to stay true for another ten years, in which he decided to leave his shop to one of his workers and travel. He first traveled to Regalia, the heart of the Regalian Empire, in order to learn modern medicine and alchemy with the hopes of being to help rehabilitate those who have lost limbs during their time during war.
  • Over time however, he had begun to get to the darker side of life as he had begun to do dealings with criminals to slowly make forgeries of documents. It slowly started out as small little letters of material approval, but it then became enough to have him start trying to write government documents.
  • His passion for progression pushed him to get involved, as he used his new found skills to get a small supply of materials to continue his creations of engineering. However, he had gotten close with the law once, as he had begun to head back home. The thrill of his work during his criminal times had stayed behind as he went back to his shop.
  • After turning the age of 38 however, he had gotten married to a wonderful Qadir woman and held multiple children with her. He had two sons and two daughters. He had begun to teach his own sons ten years later in the art of engineering, as he wanted them to become the best they could to help progress the world.
  • The now old Qadir had taken life to its fullest as he had begun to allow his children a bit more freedom, as one of his sons expressed his interest in the art of combat. He allowed his son to leave at the age of 14 to join the Bloodcast Order. Aakif, being 52 years of age, had begun to slow down and not keep up with his children's current events as they slowly had begun to spread themselves throughout the world, beyond his youngest son, Aameen.
  • Aameen and Aakif would continue to run the shop for quite some time. Aameen had obviously been gifted with Aakif's genius, as it did not take long for them to understand the clockwork engineering. But, soon after, Aameen had gotten infected with Yazzak Disease, and passed away twelve days later.
  • Another ten years had passed, in which his oldest son, Alam, had returned. He tried to comfort the even still grieving Aakif, but failed as he wished he had been there to protect him. This had thrown the father and son apart. During this grieving however, he had met a fellow Qadir who was interested in his progression towards the future of engineering.
  • The unnamed Qadir, after a few months of discussion, revealed itself to be a Cratos. It offered to give Aakif a purpose to progress himself and his work further. Aakif accepted this new found ideology, and replaced his right hand with that of Dark Metal from the Cratos. Over the next day, he transformed into his new body and was taught all that he could of his new-found power.
  • He returned home soon after, a changed man as he had become solely focused on his work. He continued to spread his new found ideology, with his Mentor returning once in a while, but stopped after a year. His focus kept him from staying connected with anyone beyond his wife and daughter. But, his need for new materials sought to have him seek a deal, when he was 72 years old, with the Almakira family.
  • In exchange for teaching the two Qadir boys, Farshid and Naajy, the ways of engineering, he would be given plenty of materials to continue his work. This motivated him to teach them, as he wanted to spread his ideology. Even though Farshid was quicker, he kept his main focus of ideology upon Naajy, in order to let it seep into his mind better. He even taught them how to create mechanical Golems in order to do heavy lifting. His teaching lasted for five more years, until Aakif had decided that they have the knowledge to start out strong.
  • He did not reside within the city for much longer, as his children left him and his wife, and his wife also passed away due to another illness. Aakif mourned even more as he then decided to leave his shop to his workers and even to Naajy and Farshid, to help them gain a steady income. Aakif travelled back to Regalia in order to seek adventure once more, where he resided as a citizen and kept to himself until the recent events of the new Vampire Crisis.
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