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Played Character Aakesh

This character is actively played.


Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score
〣✵- ──────────────────────── «•◦ ✶ ◦• » ─────────────────────── - ✵〣

"How rare and beautiful it is to even exist"
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Bust made by Midas!

Theme I / Theme II / Theme III
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〣✵- ──────────────────────── «•◦ ✶ ◦• » ─────────────────────── - ✵〣
【 Occult Type 】» | Demon | «
【 Chosen Name » | Aakesh | «
【 Heritage 】» | Mystech - Unbound Spirit | «
【 Age » | Adult | «
【 Summoning Date » | May 12th, 311 AC | «
Gender / Pronouns » | Masculine | «
Initial Summoner » | Aamin Desai | «
Current Handler 】» | N/A | «
|| Core Concept || 》
〉〉 A young, inexperienced Demon with a deep-seated love for existence, and the world at large. He is absorbed by a quest to be accepted by the people of Aloria, as he is. And to see other Spirits benefit from that very same acceptance.
《 || Appearance Information || 》
〉〉 Aakesh resembles a hyena-like Asha with rusty brown fur, crimson horns, and strange, dark markings across his face and torso, chief of which is the impression of a third eye centered on his foreheadd. His real eyes take on differing colors: red and gold, left and right, respectively. Both interrupted by slitted, snake-like pupils, if considerably shortened. His tail is long and cat-like, rather than the type one would expect from somebody with Hyena features.
When disguised as 'Nerhotep', he appears as a Silontaar, with dark brown fur, and glowing golden accents and eyes.

〣✵- ──────────────────────── «•◦ ✶ ◦• » ─────────────────────── - ✵〣
|| Proficiency || 》
【 Strength » | 0 | «
Constitution » | 0 | «
Intelligence 】» | 0 | «
Wisdom 】» | 0 | «
Dexterity » | 0 | «
Faith » | 0 | «
Magic » | 14 (Void Magic) | «

» Shapeshift Pack (Free), Mindcontrol Pack (Free), Mimicry Pack, Wardrobe Pack, Magic Snare, Magic Trip, Magic Distort, Magic Curse, Magic Resist, Magic Cleanse, Magic Bolster, Magic Warp, Magic Isolate, Magic Shove, Magic Revive, Magic Revenge «
|| Hobbies || 》
» Magical Talent «
|| Languages || 》Greatest Love
Common » (Learned Language) «
Altalar 】» (Learned via Host) «
【 Ibeth » (Learned via Host) «
Agasi » (Initial Summoner's Native Language) «
Înnora 】» (Learned via Host) «
⬦【 Nātl 】» (Learned via Host) «
《 || Mechanics ||

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|| Life Story || 》...
There was no story.
〉〉 The Void is undirtied by such things. Aakesh, before his summoning, had no past, no childhood, he was not born, he was created and summoned. Whether or not he 'existed' within the Void before that point can not be measured, it is unknowable to him. However he does hold some memory or sense of the lack of substance and experience 'within' the Void. Enough for him to understand the contrast between that state, that dimension, and the new one he found himself in. The story of his 'life' began with love, pure, undying love for the dimension he was dragged into, even in the face of the demeaning tasks his summoner pushed onto him, even amidst the persecution and lack of understanding that followed his escape from that man, through trials and tribulations, that love for the world never evaporated, even as his place in it remains uncertain.
|| Traits || 》Personality
〉〉 Bombastic | Aakesh prefers when things are loud, when there is a lot of activity, a lot of motion and color. Stillness and quiet atmospheres tend to make him the most uncomfortable.
〉〉 Sociable | In a similar vein to the above point, there are few times that Aakesh finds comfort in being alone, some of his best moments have been around other people. So, like a moth to a flame, he always seeks them out.
〉〉 Wanderlust | The idea of the entire world is something that has remained stuck in Aakesh's mind from the very moment he was summoned. There is a great awe in the knowledge that he has only seen a fraction of it, that there is so much he could be exploring...
〉〉 Hunger for Acceptance | A bit more all-encompassing and hard to categorize, Aakesh is always on the hunt for his place in the world, for people that will accept him for what he is, for those that will not see him as a simple corruption. Given his status as a Demon however, this is a naturally hard thing to find. As such, he will often latch onto people that only tolerate him, (and sometimes not even that much), it isn't hard for him to imagine somebody as his friend. Even those that clearly hate him can gain his admiration if they treated him well once, from his point of view.
〉〉 Unflinching | Despite his drive for acceptance, Aakesh is not a self-loathing individual. He does not hate himself, he does not hate his alignment, he does not hate his status as a Demon. He does not want to change any of it. Instead, he wishes for the world to change around him, for it to become a place more tolerant place for not just himself, but near every 'Monster'. So long as they're capable of living peacefully among people.
|| Plot Hooks|| 》Surrounding Information
〉〉 Legion Betrayer | During his early existence, Aakesh was a member of Alta's legion, the Sovereign of vice and corruption, as they were the one to weave Aakesh into creation before his summoning. His betrayal of the Sovereign was not bombastic or performative, but one of neglecting authority and orders and eventual complete break-away. Others of Alta's legion can be aware of his previous allegiance. Despite this betrayal, and his current draconic loyalties, Aakesh's feelings towards Alta are inherently complicated, given he owes his existence to this abandoned master.

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Oritel Teseliir Bel-Evalond
Dissolved 311 AC.
Dissolved 311 AC.
Dissolved 311 AC.
Ollin Doyle
Dissolved 312 AC.
Dissolved 312 AC.
Blade of Slumber
A weapon of Aakesh's creation, ethereal and incapable of making actual contact with people. Its singular purpose is to eat away at the energy of anyone the weapon-holder might fight, either to the point of incapacity or, as the name would suggest, slumber.
Necrotech Rifle
Sold by a particular Tech Cultist. Made of Black Metal, wires, bone and tendon. The 'rifle' is entirely magical, the channeling of energy managed by a lever, along with its firing. Despite appearing like a firearm, the thing makes very little noise when it is shot.
Ishika's Shawl
Gifted to Aakesh upon his nature binding and made by the Suvial herself, it is made of gray linen with flowers, stones and trees impressed into the fabric, sewn into the edges there is almost the vague shape of Dragons.
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Aakesh has been updated to reflect the new Spirit page! Added a Race for him, changed his Appearance Information and updated his proficiencies.
His Life Story now also reflects a bit of in game story, and covers the backstory of his current state of being, as an Invaded Spirit!
Amended Aakesh's Core Concept! This change further separates him from his old concept as an Avarice Demon and more towards his own thing, more fitting for how I've been playing him.
Lol rewrote the Core Concept once more. See you again in a few months.
Almost forgot to mention the update.
Changed the Core Concept. Updated the Proficiencies. Tweaked things to be compliant with the Mystech update. Retconned his Primal Cleansing.
Relationships added! Oh and also a Plot Hooks section.
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