A Writing Prompt On A Random Thought.


Massives biggest Adventurer and Conspiracy Maker
Oct 9, 2013
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Hey peep's, Tra_kad here.

I'm here because I wanna hear your thoughts on a really random thought I had today, like literally 5 minutes ago: "What would a 'Fantasy World' look like through the eye's of someone in Aloria?"

I mean let's face it: We have 200 year old living humans with pointy ears that are able to control the elements to their mental will enslaving humanoid-feline creatures that theoretically ruled their part of the world with technology far beyond anything of this time period. This isn't mentioning the Dragons, Demons, and the Moose that can also live for 200+ years. It's not just some crazy willy-nilly stuff for the people that live in this universe, it's everyday life.

So yeah. Feel free to respond in any way you deem fit: A short story, a cynical-sarcastic comment, through the eye's of your characters, etc. I'll probably come up with my own thoughts after some deep motivation, and after I finish my cupcakes.

(Tagging some people because I think they'd like this idea: @Ragnio @Ivygreenstem @Scafalafel @Lord_Aza @Lazzulai @DrFong )
Simple. The rolls are switched. While we'd consider Aloria a 'fantasy world', through our characters eyes, our world would seem the same. Where people drive mechanical machines to their jobs, tamed the skies with hunks of metal, and manage to break through the sky and visit the stars. Where we have weapons that can end a life in a matter of moments, and things that can wipe entire cities out within the blink of an eye.
Hey peep's, Tra_kad here.

I'm here because I wanna hear your thoughts on a really random thought I had today, like literally 5 minutes ago: "What would a 'Fantasy World' look like through the eye's of someone in Aloria?"

I mean let's face it: We have 200 year old living humans with pointy ears that are able to control the elements to their mental will enslaving humanoid-feline creatures that theoretically ruled their part of the world with technology far beyond anything of this time period. This isn't mentioning the Dragons, Demons, and the Moose that can also live for 200+ years. It's not just some crazy willy-nilly stuff for the people that live in this universe, it's everyday life.

So yeah. Feel free to respond in any way you deem fit: A short story, a cynical-sarcastic comment, through the eye's of your characters, etc. I'll probably come up with my own thoughts after some deep motivation, and after I finish my cupcakes.

(Tagging some people because I think they'd like this idea: @Ragnio @Ivygreenstem @Scafalafel @Lord_Aza [USE
R=6855]@Lazzulai[/USER] @DrFong )
"Could you imagine a world, where there was these, legends as the folk call it, massive, powerful, Doenmes? These creatures look like flowers, until they grab you, and become a horrible, fire-breathing lobster! Then they eat you. I've got an idea for a new book. Enrieths. They are Doenme hunters, and have the amazing ability of future reading and carry packs of Lietal, a silky, liquidy metal thing that can tranform into ANYTHING."
-Holly Honer

"Ha! A world with free will and rights!"
-Marianne Belgrade (And bill cipher in a nutshell)

"Enchanted powder, that listens and carries on the dreams of others, before making them come true!"
-Sanurra Theorris

Thanks for the tag.
Simple. The rolls are switched. While we'd consider Aloria a 'fantasy world', through our characters eyes, our world would seem the same. Where people drive mechanical machines to their jobs, tamed the skies with hunks of metal, and manage to break through the sky and visit the stars. Where we have weapons that can end a life in a matter of moments, and things that can wipe entire cities out within the blink of an eye.
Their vision of the void and exist could be counted as a fantasy world -- maybe the exist more so, since people go to the void. But how expansive is the void? How do things exist in the exist? Do voidlings and existlings have societies?

Neat prompt by the way.
Their vision of the void and exist could be counted as a fantasy world -- maybe the exist more so, since people go to the void. But how expansive is the void? How do things exist in the exist? Do voidlings and existlings have societies?

Neat prompt by the way.
I've actually personally thought of making a sort of lore-compliant version of 'The Divine Comedy' featuring Dante's Inferno, Purgatario, and Paradisium in which the Alorian version chronicles the adventures of some guy surviving his way through the Void, the Exist, and some other non-terrestrial plane of existence. But then I realized that is a lot of work, and I'd probably never get it done.
Gather round children and let me tell you about the land across the Great Western Sea. In this land the Ailors sail great airships that sail on the sea and sky. They live on a shining city on the southern section of this land.
Beyond that the elves grow beards and can control time itself. The orcs have beards if fire and skin of ash and work on weapons in the great mountain forges. There are Dargons that look like foxes and live in great underground cities where they hide their treasure. There are monasteries on men that look like mice and devote there lives to learning. But the most unbelievable thing are men that live and ride on the backs of dragons, and share their eyes. And it is said that once a generation the king of dragons gives a gift to one chosen child. The Sight that allows the child to see like a dragon sees.
Now many will say it is not real, but it is there, we just need people to see.
Gather round children and let me tell you about the land across the Great Western Sea. In this land the Ailors sail great airships that sail on the sea and sky. They live on a shining city on the southern section of this land.
Beyond that the elves grow beards and can control time itself. The orcs have beards if fire and skin of ash and work on weapons in the great mountain forges. There are Dargons that look like foxes and live in great underground cities where they hide their treasure. There are monasteries on men that look like mice and devote there lives to learning. But the most unbelievable thing are men that live and ride on the backs of dragons, and share their eyes. And it is said that once a generation the king of dragons gives a gift to one chosen child. The Sight that allows the child to see like a dragon sees.
Now many will say it is not real, but it is there, we just need people to see.
Well dayum.
hmmm.... fantasy world well for the regalian non-humans ima say racial equality,and the nobles lack power,and regalia being a lawless city xD
(Doing IC responses just for you @Tra_kad )
Pellegrino di Orazio
"What would a fantasy world look like? That's a very interesting question, and deserves an interesting answer. A fantasy world... well, I'd imagine it'd go some along the lines of this. A world where airships are used in war and their use supersedes that of your traditional ships, a world where everyone is a mage and alchemist, a world where there is /no/ war and everyone gets along dandily like some Jacobin wet dream, a world where the Void and the Exist exist in such a way so that free travel and passage through them occurs, a world where the Void invasion never happened and Seraph walk amoung us, and a world in which no one dies from terrible scenarios such as war or famine but instead of old age. "