Archived A Way To Pay For Premium In Other Currencies

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Feb 10, 2013
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Trying to buy premium without Paypal in another country is down right impossible. If you try to buy without it, you have to be using euros, which not all of us use in our bank accounts. This brings up an error for Paypal saying "Please use another card' when in reality, no matter what card you try to use you'll get the same error. I'm suggesting a way to select which currency you're donating in.

Personally, and I'm sure there are others, I find Paypal to be rather sketchy and unsafe, due to the fact that Paypal can freeze your account at any time, giving you zero control over it. So a way to donate without going through Paypal or multiple currency options, in my opinion, would be highly beneficial to Massivecraft.
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Currency conversion on Paypal means we get less money donated then it actually being sent. This is not very fair for people who donate in dollars.
Personally, and I'm sure there are others, I find Paypal to be rather sketchy and unsafe, due to the fact that Paypal can freeze your account at any time, giving you zero control over it. So a way to donate without going through Paypal or multiple currency options, in my opinion, would be highly beneficial to Massivecraft.
You twist the truth. It works like this:
Lets say you have a master card at your bank. You cannot use this because you have danish kroners on it and not Euros.
You sign up at PayPal with your card.
PayPal now works as 2 things: A bank which you can store money in <-- This money is under their control. As an example they can be asked to freeze this by the police - Which Is The Same As Your Bank
BUT PayPal also does this: It allows you to pay through it, having PayPal take the money from your banks account change it into Euro and then pay Massivecraft. <-- PayPal cannot freeze the money in YOUR BANK - only say no to transactions, if no funds are found etc.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean, I'm afraid.

When you donate X amount of money in a seperate currency then the one accepted, Paypal charges you a small percentage for the conversion. If we were to accept different currencies we would have to change these numbers on the weekly base because currencies change all the time.
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