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A Warning from The Book of Moons


Enjoyer of grey long eared frens.
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
{A notice would find itself posted rather unremarkably on several noticed boards throughout Regalia. The text was refined, practiced, the borders were a mix on pink and gold lace.}

To whom it may concern,

Since rejoining you all in Amontaar I have been met again and again with a challenge to my beliefs, to my faith, and to my duties. I have sat idly, as instructed, watched and did my best to aid where I could.

However, with the increasing hostilities, the threats being posed to those I've held dear and those I've chosen to call my companions. I can stand by no longer. Based on what information has been provided I have formulated my own opinions, my own views. And I have come to the conclusion that my attempts at offering a gentle hand for peace is simply not good enough.

Henceforth, I will be taking firmly to my duties, setting aside my duties as purely a teacher. I will offer peace through the eradication of the threats. Threats to the Emperor, and threats to the people of Regalia. I put this notice out as a warning. To those who wish not to fight, to those who know better, I offer you the chance to surrender. But to those who choose to remain a threat…

The time to sit and study is over, the time for a closed fist dawns.

Valayn Alvarës Sélian Bel-Vashaäel Elasis
Aelrrigan Squire

Hechieros Chapter
You invoke the wisdom of Lord Leyon, one whose counsel is of patience and contemplation.

Yet, while the Lord's counsel often urges us to wait, it never condones inaction in the face of injustice.
When the temples, sanctuaries of our faith, were under siege, you stood by — no, you did not even show your face.
Who among us, and dare I say who among the gods, instructed you to remain silent and still?
Now, as the storm rages, you suddenly find the courage to act. What has changed? What 'broke the camel's back'?

Has Lord Leyon, in His infinite wisdom, revoked His counsel of patience? What made you lift a finger now?
I condemn your sudden, self-serving change of heart. Your words ring hollow, and your true intentions are suspect.


12,401st Inulvaan