• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

| A Waltz of False Faces|


Speaking in hieroglyphics
Sep 10, 2015
Reaction score
The Dryer





Qamar Al-Hassan invites all to participate in a night of revelry and deceit, guised a masked soiree on April 5th, 315 AC. Invitations are sent out to both city-wide and the undercity, for tonight no one has a true name or identity. This Soiree is honored after the Playful God of Trickery, Zaret, who is seeked to protect the secrets of those who attend.

The theme of this dance is: None
Instead of the traditional one theme, anyone who attends will be given a theme solely for them and the hosts to know. (Where would be the fun?) It is for the other attendants to guess what that person's theme is through observation and word-play. For whoever gets the most guesses right, a prize will be given to the winner. Regardless, everyone still has to dress formerly and best match their theme.

If one would like to participate, here is how it goes:
Player Name:
Character Name:

Discord or Forums?:



Who: Anyone (As long as they are wearing a mask)
What: A Soiree where everyone has to guess what a person's theme is
When: April 5th, 8 pm EST
Where? TBA
Why: It's funny and I want to make cute masks
**When someone signs up, I will be sending a private message to you either through discord or conversations with your theme.

It is heavily encouraged that a character attends in a mask as the event hinges on this, and if you are having trouble making one, please reach out to me as I can help you skin one! Lawful-aligned characters are allowed to come and also encouraged to do so so you can participate, we'll just cover our eyes and whistle. If you do want to crash the event, please dm me on discord (IG: RaggedyGrace) so I can know ahead of time and to arrange for it. Hope to see you there!​
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