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A Visit To The Matron


Jan 21, 2021
Reaction score

Parchment and Flyer alike would be posted through the city where it wasn't a hinderance

Written along their lines went the following;

Commoners, Citizens, Nobles, and whomever may read this. Within the coming days I am planning a trip out to Anglia in search of the Matron known as Cordenia Van Fryse. The reasoning for this, as some of you may know, is due in part to a lecture given at Hexenblood on the 27th of September. In this lecture, it was posed that a fourth kind of infection existed in that;

The "souls" of the previously infected of Cahalism or Vampirism still held a small "memory of infection" from their time under either curse. Theories were posed that this may be in part why previous infectees rush to be infected so quickly after curing. Nevertheless, the only "cure" so far know is to utilize the Matron's magic to "cleanse" these infected memories. Indeed, I warn that this process will remove all of your memories during your time as either infected.

I plan to seek out the Matron in order to undergo this cleansing and extend my company to anyone else with similar prospects. Be it seeking the Matron to learn of the Dragons, pledge yourself to the Dragons in her presence, or simply coming for the countryside view. And I will also be taking letters to be delivered for Cordenia if any of you have them.

I warn, however, that I may not be able to accept everyone as I would like. Though I have very few qualms about the occult of those of different origin, my people, Anglians, are not always so welcoming. If you have mutations it will be mandatory that you either have them covered, if possible, or removed by me personally before our expedition. Furthermore, some people may just have to be turned away as they are. Unfortunately there isn't much I can do to, say... hide the fact someone is a Kathar, or to rapidly improve what Anglians think of them at a moment's notice. I hope you all understand.​

My letterbox is open. Pen me if you are interested.
Reynard Benac​
Basically I'm going to be making a progression where the group goes into Anglia in search of the Matron for that 'cleasning' stuff mentioned above. However, if you have other reasons to go see the Matron, like becoming an Archon through the Prog or other stuff, you're still welcome. If you're interested, find Reynard Benac in game,s end me a message on the Forums or via Discord Craig Mcgill#2593. Have a massive day!