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A Vassalisation And An Exit..`


*lute music stops*
Aug 8, 2016
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Roleplay Guilds

To those whom it may concern are a few announcements,

As of the first day of May, 306 AC House Celyreos formally pledges fealty to that of House Howlester after an agreement made prior, that we wish to honour.

It is both of the houses' interests towards the betterment of the empire and it's people. Especially in this new dawn we have embarked on as Regalians. This partnership made to consolidate this intention.


May it be known that as of today onwards, House Celyreos is hence exiting the recently formed Pan-Ithanian Defense Treaty and is cutting it's ties with that of House d'Ortonnaise for the foreseeable future due to the recent claims made over that of Lady Audrey d'Ortonnaise.

Aside from this, the woman requested a treaty of which she dedicated not a single man to.
Rather sending all of which to the war effort instead..
This is something neither House Celyreos nor that of House Valeur are willing to accept further.
We will not be used to fight your fights if you do not intend on doing like-wise for us.

All of the above mentioned, are effective immediately.
Imperial Ser Enzo Celyreos of Côte Plessis
Active patriarch of House Celyreos
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