Archived A Unique Voting Idea!

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Consistently Inconsistent
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania
Alright as most of us know voting was removed a few months back, and I had never known how important it was until recently. When I am on other servers I see that many of them rely on voting as pure advertisement. Correct me if I am wrong, but Massive not only relies on voting as a source of advertising but it also was one of the servers main source of income and lore items. Voting was removed because the people at Mojang thought that if 1 person should vote then everyone on the server should be receiving something.

Well, now that I have given background info that you probably already knew... It's time to delve into my idea!
My thought is to still include the ability to earn rewards, but in a way so that people will still have to work for the rewards. To do this I had the idea that instead of players earning rewards, they would earn MassivePoints. Every time a person votes a pre-set number of points will go to the global points bank. At the end of every week, 2 weeks, month, whatever, the points are tallied. Once that's done the points will be compared to a chart, and the more points that the overall server acquired the better reward that everyone will receive. I also think that everyone should be receiving the same reward, or at least the same type of item. (Lore, gear, etc...)

Example Chart for point to reward comparison!

  • 100 points = 75 regals/Common Item
  • 250 points = 1,2,3 common items/Enchanted Iron gear
  • 500 points = Some enchanted interesting thing/Lore
  • 750 points = Regals/Uncommon Lore/ Stuff
  • 1000 points = Regals/Rare Lore/ Enchanted Diamond
So, that was just to help give you the general idea of what my idea entailed. The amount of points a person receives, the rewards, and everything is just an example.

I also had the idea that maybe at the end of each year the total points are tallied and then an even larger prize is given out to everyone depending on how many points were accumulated throughout the year.

Okay so I also realize that if this were to be implemented that everyone in the history of MassiveCraft would be getting these rewards, so a friend of mine suggested that maybe the prizes will only be given to a person if they have been active within the last 3 months or so.

I hope you will truly consider my idea, and let me know if you feel it is a plausible idea that might work in the future!

Forever here,
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
you can call it rare all you want, but when every single person also has one, it's not really all that rare.
I'm sorry I am not quite sure what you are driving at?
You'd stated that there would be varying rarities for the individual lore items, however, there is sort of an issue with that.

Rarity is usually decided by how difficult an item is to obtain. Not only that, but it's also gauged by how many people have them, or how many people can get them. In essence, that is what determines the actual value of collectibles such as these.

That being said, it sort of defeats the purpose of giving out lore items in this fashion in general. (In fact, I believe that's why a system like this not implemented to begin with.) Because so many people are in possession of the item at once, making it almost valueless.
You'd stated that there would be varying rarities for the individual lore items, however, there is sort of an issue with that.

Rarity is usually decided by how difficult an item is to obtain. Not only that, but it's also gauged by how many people have them, or how many people can get them. In essence, that is what determines the actual value of collectibles such as these.

That being said, it sort of defeats the purpose of giving out lore items in this fashion in general. (In fact, I believe that's why a system like this not implemented to begin with.) Because so many people are in possession of the item at once, making it almost valueless.
Oh, well I did say that was just an example, and the numbers and items were not meant to be taken seriously. Also as of the moment the server has little to no way of advertising since voting was it's main way. I am perfectly happy with adapting my idea so that would fit the server better. I still feel that the base of my idea is still a sound method, but the rewards are definitely up for change! :)
I kinda.. LOVE IT!

We need a new system to encourage people to vote. Voting is lifeblood. All the points going into a common pool and then being used by the community to buy something for everyone solves the EULA problems with voting rewards. I can think of tons of examples of interesting community rewards.

What about maps or special dungeons or game modes that unlock depending on monthy point totals?

PS I have no idea how this would work technically. Not my department.
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what if we gave out an item that worked as a collectable. Like, a crazy common item that could be crafted into something gradually rarer but had a huge increase in the rate of conversion. like, each time you want to bump it up a tier, it requires nine stacks of the item previous, so to upgrade from default, it would take 9x64 of these to bump it up a tier, and then another 9x64 of these to bump it up again. it would make the items valuable, and stay within the eula, and be a fun thing to have.
I kinda.. LOVE IT!

We need a new system to encourage people to vote. Voting is lifeblood. All the points going into a common pool and then being used by the community to buy something for everyone solves the EULA problems with voting rewards. I can think of tons of examples of interesting community rewards.

What about maps or special dungeons or game modes that unlock depending on monthy point totals?
Those are some pretty fantastic ideas! I think it would be great if there were other ways to earn the server points besides voting. It also seems that if this were implemented then the server as a whole would be working together to try to reach the best prize, and that sounds pretty amazing to me.
Voting was indeed the main income for lore items... something we unfortunatly lost due to these EULA fanatics... (yes im talking about you mojang)

what if we gave out an item that worked as a collectable. Like, a crazy common item that could be crafted into something gradually rarer but had a huge increase in the rate of conversion. like, each time you want to bump it up a tier, it requires nine stacks of the item previous, so to upgrade from default, it would take 9x64 of these to bump it up a tier, and then another 9x64 of these to bump it up again. it would make the items valuable, and stay within the eula, and be a fun thing to have.

I love your idea... and it inspired me to think of a little alteration. How about we indeed get a particular item that we can save up on. Lets call it a relic shard. ('shard' for short) And have these given out at a certaint ammount depending on the voting count at the end of the week/month.

You will be able to craft these shards into a suprice box. By adding a race shard you can get a race related box. (with ofcource a race related lore item inside) Opening the box will give you a random lore item depending on how many shards you put into it, and if there is the presence of a race shard. Example: 1 shard = common item 3 shards + dwarf shard = oncommon dwarf item 7 shards + elf shard = RARE elf item, etc....

In order to obtain race shards... I suggest during a pve event that is themed these will be given as a standard reward if you play untill the end of the event. (depending on how much time you spend during the event you get a number of race shards) How does that sound? (perhaps make them also obtainable trough massive mobs?)
Disclaimer: I am rambling here, I do not promise that this is going to be implemented or considered (choosing that is not my field).
I see a few technical difficulties here, but nothing that could be circumvented.
A voting pool is probably not too hard to implement, but the rewards system is. We can't (for technical reasons) grant all people in history (or any timeframe at all) a reward at the same time.

What I'd suggest however is a command to receive your community reward for the last week. So each week you can use the /vote receive command once and get the rewards from last weeks community achievement.

I am positive (although not sure) that this idea could be approved by mojang. As you might know, we email all EULA compliant suggestions to Mojang and get them approved.
Disclaimer: I am rambling here, I do not promise that this is going to be implemented or considered (choosing that is not my field).
I see a few technical difficulties here, but nothing that could be circumvented.
A voting pool is probably not too hard to implement, but the rewards system is. We can't (for technical reasons) grant all people in history (or any timeframe at all) a reward at the same time.

What I'd suggest however is a command to receive your community reward for the last week. So each week you can use the /vote receive command once and get the rewards from last weeks community achievement.

I am positive (although not sure) that this idea could be approved by mojang. As you might know, we email all EULA compliant suggestions to Mojang and get them approved.
That is a good idea and definitely much easier to implement than what I had previously mentioned.
Voting was indeed the main income for lore items... something we unfortunatly lost due to these EULA fanatics... (yes im talking about you mojang)

I love your idea... and it inspired me to think of a little alteration. How about we indeed get a particular item that we can save up on. Lets call it a relic shard. ('shard' for short) And have these given out at a certaint ammount depending on the voting count at the end of the week/month.

You will be able to craft these shards into a suprice box. By adding a race shard you can get a race related box. (with ofcource a race related lore item inside) Opening the box will give you a random lore item depending on how many shards you put into it, and if there is the presence of a race shard. Example: 1 shard = common item 3 shards + dwarf shard = oncommon dwarf item 7 shards + elf shard = RARE elf item, etc....

In order to obtain race shards... I suggest during a pve event that is themed these will be given as a standard reward if you play untill the end of the event. (depending on how much time you spend during the event you get a number of race shards) How does that sound? (perhaps make them also obtainable trough massive mobs?)
Your idea is certainly intriguing with the surprise boxes that have to be crafted. My only concern with the shards is voting should be for everyone. While roleplayers would definitely get a fair bit of use out of the voting system, what would motivate players who solely play factions? In my humble opinion that was sort of a problem with the old voting system. The high tier rewards really only catered to roleplayers (Not always but pretty often). In this voting system ever person, regardless of how they play on MassiveCraft, should have the chance to receive unique rewards that cater to many if not all of the different aspects of Massive! :)
Your idea is certainly intriguing with the surprise boxes that have to be crafted. My only concern with the shards is voting should be for everyone. While roleplayers would definitely get a fair bit of use out of the voting system, what would motivate players who solely play factions? In my humble opinion that was sort of a problem with the old voting system. The high tier rewards really only catered to roleplayers (Not always but pretty often). In this voting system ever person, regardless of how they play on MassiveCraft, should have the chance to receive unique rewards that cater to many if not all of the different aspects of Massive! :)

The non roleplayers get to sell their lore items against high prices to the roleplaying community for some extra regal income. Thats what the rest of the community get out of it.

Besides... my idea doesn't have to be all of it. Certainly there are more things that can be obtained trough voting... And if I look at the "get materials to make suprice boxes" idea... this certainly could work for other type of rewards aswel. For example: a ticket for a regal lottery. 1 ticket = 1/5 of a reward. Gather up to five so you can combine them to make a full ticket or half ticket. And then you can enter the lottery with either 1 full ticket. two half tickets. or five 1/5 tickets.

You know... this way that this is starting to sound we might just circumvent the rules to get a bit of our old vote system back xD I pray that it works
The non roleplayers get to sell their lore items against high prices to the roleplaying community for some extra regal income. Thats what the rest of the community get out of it.

Besides... my idea doesn't have to be all of it. Certainly there are more things that can be obtained trough voting... And if I look at the "get materials to make suprice boxes" idea... this certainly could work for other type of rewards aswel. For example: a ticket for a regal lottery. 1 ticket = 1/5 of a reward. Gather up to five so you can combine them to make a full ticket or half ticket. And then you can enter the lottery with either 1 full ticket. two half tickets. or five 1/5 tickets.

You know... this way that this is starting to sound we might just circumvent the rules to get a bit of our old vote system back xD I pray that it works
That might be true, but I still think that regular faction players would want something other than lore items to sell. Also, having the regal lottery return would be pretty great :)
I kinda.. LOVE IT!

We need a new system to encourage people to vote. Voting is lifeblood. All the points going into a common pool and then being used by the community to buy something for everyone solves the EULA problems with voting rewards. I can think of tons of examples of interesting community rewards.

What about maps or special dungeons or game modes that unlock depending on monthy point totals?

PS I have no idea how this would work technically. Not my department.
yes please special dungeons
Well... This idea hasn't been shot down yet and I think it could still work well for the server!
I believe Mojang's current stance is something along the lines of....

"You cannot give individual rewards for voting. You CAN however give server-wide rewards if a voting goal is met"

Now I am still seeing some servers with similar ideas like... "Vote Keys" which unlock crates and other things for voting. I do not know whether or not those are legal... or if those servers are breaking the EULA.

This being said, I really love this idea. It would bring a value to voting again, and overall would help the server
"You cannot give individual rewards for voting. You CAN however give server-wide rewards if a voting goal is met"
This is exactly the reason. It's why Gift for All's are allowed despite Massive earning money from them. A single person cannot receive a reward from voting unless everyone can earn it from his voting as well. Ulu's idea is probably the winner in this respect.
This is exactly the reason. It's why Gift for All's are allowed despite Massive earning money from them. A single person cannot receive a reward from voting unless everyone can earn it from his voting as well. Ulu's idea is probably the winner in this respect.
Absolutely. The reason that wouldn't work before was because nobody would still vote if their reward wasn't guaranteed once the server reached the goal. If there was that way to make sure all those who contributed to the larger goal, got their reward, then I know people would start voting again
This thread has become old, but I hope people will pardon my necroing of my thread just so I might discuss something. I am not in on staff discussion whatsoever, so what information I am working with is what is available to everyone. at the bottom you will see a chart of monthly votes that the server receives. It has almost completely flat lined. Unless Massive has some way of promoting the server that I am unaware of, then MassiveCraft has virtually very little to no way of getting itself back out there. Being perfectly honest I expected voting to be a priority to the server when it first went down. Again I am not 100% sure what other advertising tactics the server has been employing, but from my view point the server is moving very slowly in terms of getting itself back out there. My original idea was not perfect, but with the help of everyone else who has commented I think it is still a feasible option. Have any thoughts?
One form of... inherent advertising is via /f v. Since every server factions/massiverestore/massivetickets/etc is on, doing /f v or /mr v or whatever says "Plugin created by Cayorion, from the server Massivecraft. Visit us at" something along the lines of that
One form of... inherent advertising is via /f v. Since every server factions/massiverestore/massivetickets/etc is on, doing /f v or /mr v or whatever says "Plugin created by Cayorion, from the server Massivecraft. Visit us at" something along the lines of that
Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't you have to be in game to use /f v? I am not saying it is a bad idea, but if you are able to use /f v, then you have already taken up an interest (possibly) in MassiveCraft. The voting idea was too try and appeal to the players who had not heard of MassiveCraft yet.
Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't you have to be in game to use /f v? I am not saying it is a bad idea, but if you are able to use /f v, then you have already taken up an interest (possibly) in MassiveCraft. The voting idea was too try and appeal to the players who had not heard of MassiveCraft yet.
Any server featuring Factions has /f v. Which is a lot of servers. Its how i personally found out about Massive, so i mean its not impossible
As Voting is allowed again I will go ahead and Reject this concept.

Should the EULA ever change their mind again, we will certainly be considering a community-reward type of voting system.
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