A Trip Too Short

Morning came quickly to the Girobaldan landscape, sending a bright orange hue reflecting off the surrounding waters and over the large town. Few townsfolk had already begun to make their way through the streets either returning home from a late night or heading to their early jobs at the docks. Birds had begun to chirp in the surrounding trees while the various waterside species more annoyingly cawed and squawked looking for their morning fish. The atmosphere was vastly different in this section of the archipelago. It was warmer, and certainly far more quiet than the constant hustling in Regalia proper. A nice break for most.
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Despite the new scenery, as if it were clockwork, the once Vanetti was already stirring out of his slumber to begin his day in the land he learned to call home. Before even sitting up, he rubbed his eyes to rid them of the gunk and tiredness which still lingered from the night before. For the first time in a long while he had found himself with a full night's rest and with a pleasant dream in his thoughts. Casting a glance over to the empty side of the bed, he found his lips twist ever so slightly. The break from Regalia was nice, though the distance from his wife never sat well with him. Lost in thought for a moment, he finally sat up and swung his legs off the bed, rubbing his face once more before standing. A knock then followed at the double doors "Your Grace?" the quiet, mouse-like voice came through. The tired Dressolini groaned "Si si, come in." he replied, making his way over to the mirror to assess any trouble the night before had brought.

The sun then burst into the room as the maid began to swing open the curtains, sending in bright light followed by a strong warmth that certainly assisted the man in awakening. His chamberlain was the next to enter and aid him in dressing himself and clipping the stray hairs from his beard and eyebrows. He was always one to keep his appearance in tip-top shape, debatably caring about his features more than the women of the house. Once finishing up with the routine he made his way through the halls of Miscadiz, the heels of his boots echoing throughout the estate which surprisingly held up very well over the years. The wallpaper had begun to peel in places, and the stonework held a crack or two but overall the estate stood as impressive as ever.

After finding no one at the breakfast table he simply plucked up an apple and made his way out of the estate. Flanked by two house guards fashioned in half plate the Wodenstaff made his way down into the town. The townspeople offered nods and waves to the blue blood as he passed and he offered gestures in return, finding himself far more friendly in these parts than the archipelago center. Dealings were had in the town such as visiting a jeweler to pick up pieces he had commissioned prior. He held up a few small golden chains each with a gem on them and smiled. The noble bid the jeweler thanks before the group returned to the estate once more which now stirred with various Wodenstaffs.

Conversations were had with many, though the one which always caught Leonzio's taste was Vidar, Sigurna's uncle. They spoke frequently for hours on end and it was clear this visit had struck something in the two alike. They soon found themselves on one of the various terraces of the estate, "My request shouldn't be too difficult, no?" The Dressolini accent pierced the air and the older man replied with a shake of his head, "No issue, I will see it done." Leonzio smiled and the two continued their conversations deep into the evening.

Just as the two were to retreat back inside of the manor a servant met them on the terrace. "Pardon me, Your Grace. Word has come from Regalia." A brow perked as Leon took the notice, giving a wave of his hand to dismiss the lad. "Hmph, seems this trip must end sooner than we'd hoped." He commented over to his uncle-in-law. "Is it Sigurna?" The man asked, the question quickly being met with a shake of his head and the handing over of the scroll. The Dressolini stood from his seat "I remember times of peace long past, turned now to dreams which will remain such." Without another word, he moved into the house which soon was filled by the bellowing Wodenstaff ordering his staff to ready his things.

The very next morning, Leonzio boarded a ship back to the Holy City. He overlooked the waters as the ship set sail, holding a rather stoic expression. "The Spirit may need to assist us with this issue."
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Morning came quickly to the Girobaldan landscape, sending a bright orange hue reflecting off the surrounding waters and over the large town. Few townsfolk had already begun to make their way through the streets either returning home from a late night or heading to their early jobs at the docks. Birds had begun to chirp in the surrounding trees while the various waterside species more annoyingly cawed and squawked looking for their morning fish. The atmosphere was vastly different in this section of the archipelago. It was warmer, and certainly far more quiet than the constant hustling in Regalia proper. A nice break for most.
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Despite the new scenery, as if it were clockwork, the once Vanetti was already stirring out of his slumber to begin his day in the land he learned to call home. Before even sitting up, he rubbed his eyes to rid them of the gunk and tiredness which still lingered from the night before. For the first time in a long while he had found himself with a full night's rest and with a pleasant dream in his thoughts. Casting a glance over to the empty side of the bed, he found his lips twist ever so slightly. The break from Regalia was nice, though the distance from his wife never sat well with him. Lost in thought for a moment, he finally sat up and swung his legs off the bed, rubbing his face once more before standing. A knock then followed at the double doors "Your Grace?" the quiet, mouse-like voice came through. The tired Dressolini groaned "Si si, come in." he replied, making his way over to the mirror to assess any trouble the night before had brought.

The sun then burst into the room as the maid began to swing open the curtains, sending in bright light followed by a strong warmth that certainly assisted the man in awakening. His chamberlain was the next to enter and aid him in dressing himself and clipping the stray hairs from his beard and eyebrows. He was always one to keep his appearance in tip-top shape, debatably caring about his features more than the women of the house. Once finishing up with the routine he made his way through the halls of Miscadiz, the heels of his boots echoing throughout the estate which surprisingly held up very well over the years. The wallpaper had begun to peel in places, and the stonework held a crack or two but overall the estate stood as impressive as ever.

After finding no one at the breakfast table he simply plucked up an apple and made his way out of the estate. Flanked by two house guards fashioned in half plate the Wodenstaff made his way down into the town. The townspeople offered nods and waves to the blue blood as he passed and he offered gestures in return, finding himself far more friendly in these parts than the archipelago center. Dealings were had in the town such as visiting a jeweler to pick up pieces he had commissioned prior. He held up a few small golden chains each with a gem on them and smiled. The noble bid the jeweler thanks before the group returned to the estate once more which now stirred with various Wodenstaffs.

Conversations were had with many, though the one which always caught Leonzio's taste was Vidar, Sigurna's uncle. They spoke frequently for hours on end and it was clear this visit had struck something in the two alike. They soon found themselves on one of the various terraces of the estate, "My request shouldn't be too difficult, no?" The Dressolini accent pierced the air and the older man replied with a shake of his head, "No issue, I will see it done." Leonzio smiled and the two continued their conversations deep into the evening.

Just as the two were to retreat back inside of the manor a servant met them on the terrace. "Pardon me, Your Grace. Word has come from Regalia." A brow perked as Leon took the notice, giving a wave of his hand to dismiss the lad. "Hmph, seems this trip must end sooner than we'd hoped." He commented over to his uncle-in-law. "Is it Sigurna?" The man asked, the question quickly being met with a shake of his head and the handing over of the scroll. The Dressolini stood from his seat "I remember times of peace long past, turned now to dreams which will remain such." Without another word, he moved into the house which soon was filled by the bellowing Wodenstaff ordering his staff to ready his things.

The very next morning, Leonzio boarded a ship back to the Holy City. He overlooked the waters as the ship set sail, holding a rather stoic expression. "The Spirit may need to assist us with this issue."
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A nosy Ithanian pestered a servant as she was helped with her hair, "Is Leonzio coming home yet? The lack of his annoying presence is more than noticeable."