A Timeless Art Thread


Ice Elf Simp
Apr 26, 2014
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As I finally own a digital art tablet hopefully any new art I do will be of a better standard. :3

I`m just going to throw in any old doodle into here now....

Old ones done with my laptop touch pad:

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So I finally got a TRUST art tablet and my first drawing kind of looks like a mage but with reeeaally rough shading, idek...

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Looks like a emo/hipster to me. But in all seriousness I love your art. Would definitely pay for a commission.
Thank you!

Yeah, I thought that... I would be waaaay to scared to do any commissions any time soon though :D
Some stupid doodle of a Chyga woman :3

I accidentally made the background black, the result is slightly terrifying...
Some really rubbish sketch of a Circci Mekett.
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I decided to faff about with the blur and smudge tool... Definitely a bad hair day...
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So I drew my new Drow character Tyril Dlarthiifae, its a little roughly shaded but meh...