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A Threat To Regalia - My Thoughts On The Black Regiment


"Something will be here"
Mar 30, 2015
Reaction score
*A noble would be seen hammering away his notices wherever he could be allowed to, even within the Slums, rapidly slamming the letter down for all to see with haste and rage, quickly then after slipping off muttering and spitting with anger, a crumpled note in his hands*

As a brief notice before you read this note, I do not represent my families beliefs in this notice, but my own.

Dearest few who read this notice, I believe that many of you will have either heard or have seen the latest notice which the Black Regiment or whatever the Void they call themselves placed up, and how foolish and narrow minded it is (or at least I hope you have the mental capacity to understand how utterly stupid it is)

They blame critizim for narrow mindedness and the problems in our city and their own guard by the very people they do not accept into their own Chapter. They have now begun a ruthless crusade to butcher and break the good non-Ailor of Regalia (and any other Charter, who remember HELP PROTECT/HEAL THE CITY) which is literally threatening mass genocide. I am pretty sure thats illegal, and I am surprised more nobles or political officials have taken a stand, other than the very people they have attacked like Charters and Healing organisations. Though it is possible that more have than I may know, and if you have, then I thank you for defending our gracious city and the Unionist faith with your words and ACTUAL INTELLIGENCE.

Half of the brilliance of the city in todays culture is made through the hands and minds of all species and creeds of people, and half of the battles we have fought for the Empire and for all of Aloria included many of our brilliant non-Ailor allies. Do we not forget about the Drow, and their constant battle against the demons of the Void to protect ALL OF ALORIA, not forgetting the valiant Valentius Decimar, who served the Emperor loyally, LITERALLY BEING ALLOWED TO BECOME A HUMAN IN THE EYES OF THE GRACIOUS EMPEROR AT THE TIME, and died in service to such a noble cause as the Vigilant Shield. Do we not forget the Qadir, and their advanced technology once believed to be the realms of science fiction, and have aided us in the strife consulting the magical beings in our city? Do we not forget the Maraya, who even though they have re-awoken in a new form, with new memories of a lifetime gone, and history rediscovered, and how quickly they have pushed back into society? And there are so many more beings, creeds and races I could talk about but I am going to keep my message short.

Unionism may dictate that some races are lesser than others...but that also does not mean to destroy them all, and it doesn't mean that they cannot be redeemed, and serve the common good and the will of the Imperial Spirit. And those who blame the acts of a small minority of fools and monsters, on their entire species or people are just foolish to put it lightly. In fact, it is borderline (if not completely) heretical, to utilise the faith in such a way to give reason for the desolation of entire cultures, creeds, and peoples.

Now, the only thing I do agree with in their postage was the fact on immigration. The large amount of immigration into the city has had a harsh tole on us all, with many now finding themselves homeless, or forced into the Slums due to a lack of coin. This leads to criminality due to them then also not being allowed into the city proper, and being forced to do crime to survive and keep loved ones alive and reasonably well. However, I am now endeavouring to contact charities and whoever I can to help build the city more housing. I would also love to aid in the creation of more business opportunities around the city, so please do contact me if you wish to donate to me (in order to donate out to the charities and businesses which require it/you may do it yourself), or help in my efforts to make this city a better place for the newcomers to our gracious city to make it a better place.

I may not be the most religious, or political man in the world. I am certainly not the smartest. But I believe I can speak for many of the good hearted unionists, intelligent, and morally good nobles, and sound of mind, honourable Regalians when I say:

F*ck the Black Regiment, perhaps you should be the ones leaving and not the non-Ailor which you want gone so much.

Angrily Signed,

Mathieu Celyreos

PS: If you find me broken, or dead after this postage, it is most likely because the Black Regiment didn't like my criticism and decided to do so.
PPS: Expect them to probably coupe to try and take over the city.
Darius stepped inside the Lord Inquisitor's office, his lips upturned into that of a slight grin. "Look here, Lord Inquisitor- The others weren't relevant, but this? An Ithanian, calling for equal rights for all races. What is your opinion on it?" He was struggling not to laugh, as if he hadn't burst out into laughter as he read it, and as he rushed to the citadel with the poster. Never had he had so much fun at work before.

Darius stepped inside the Lord Inquisitor's office, his lips upturned into that of a slight grin. "Look here, Lord Inquisitor- The others weren't relevant, but this? An Ithanian, calling for equal rights for all races. What is your opinion on it?" He was struggling not to laugh, as if he hadn't burst out into laughter as he read it, and as he rushed to the citadel with the poster. Never had he had so much fun at work before.

when your more Leux-Vix than Ithanian....but you did most of your growing up in Farah'deen
Henri Banastre read over the message as he sat in his study. The corner of his lips tugged into a frown as he removed his reading spectacles with his off hand. He exhaled, before remarking to his cousin " I may not be the most politically active, nor have I met the ensign of the Black Regiment... but I think telling a government organization to f*ck off might not be the smartest thing... I'm not even going to tell you my thoughts on the rest of it."
"This is Jacobinism, which is illegal. Isn't this ironic. " The du Clermont stated, curling her upper lip into a sneer.
"So that's how the Celyreos fall." Marvolo Ardelan hummed, not sparing much thought to the writings. "Shame. If only he was more careful."
Darius stepped inside the Lord Inquisitor's office, his lips upturned into that of a slight grin. "Look here, Lord Inquisitor- The others weren't relevant, but this? An Ithanian, calling for equal rights for all races. What is your opinion on it?" He was struggling not to laugh, as if he hadn't burst out into laughter as he read it, and as he rushed to the citadel with the poster. Never had he had so much fun at work before.


Gena Livanov reaches for a crossbow hidden beneath the desk as Darius enters, prepared to shoot the next man to bring him news of "denouncement", but he hesitates and listens to the adherent. Taking the copy, the Lord Inquisitor leans back in his chair, pouring over the document in some closer detail. A formal reply pending.
Cedric Kade squinted at the mention of his name and the now dead Drowdar. He then muttered:

"I'm pretty sure I was drunk when I did that, but didn't want to backpaddle to seem indecisive".
Deo dei Termini read over the angry mans work with a touch of disappointment;

"My Guy, if you wanted to give a lesson of history you should have become a historian. Not a rutted bi-pfeh, don't even need to say it.."

Deo carried on with his Vanilli day, thereafter.