Archived A Suggestion Of Contracts

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Would be nice if massivecraft could have real in game contracts for jobs, for example i have over 1600 silvers, I would like to employ mercenaries or builders or even slaves to do my every whim, nowadays to do so players would have be paid up front, it would be nice if you could create genuine contracts between players.

In order for this to be possible first the contract would need to have a format and a device in mc that could record such details. The purpose and function of creating a contract would be to allow money to be automatically deposited like real life pay.

The item that this function could be done through would be a book.

And the format would be:

Player A
Player B
[start date;time]
[end date;time]
[frequency of payment]

An example to further explain it

Jomdorr <-- player A will always pay player B and player A can only create contract with his/her own name
[1] <--(this part here would be how many hours both players would be online for contract time to role over)
[0.85] <--(how much silver would be paid upon every hour)

Then for mc to recognise that this is the purpose of the book it should have a contract name so you should be able to enchant a name onto the book, and once the enchantment is set it should begin its payments.

The only way a contract can be broken would be if it were thrown in the lava or despawned from being left on the ground to long and conditions of a contract should mean a player B can only hold one contract at a time but player A can dish out as many as he wants.

This could increase player spending and encourage more working roleplay, I could even hire farmers! The potential is endless and this is an easy way for money to filter through to newer players. It may even help with the quest plugin players could get paid as a hired hand on a quest. Also I think that if taxes on house went into a mods account and said mod then paid regalian gaurds to do there job we could start to see a real economy grow and money circulate around massive.

Edit: if the contract is lost or stolen, it would be nice to /cancel and the name of the enchantment on the book
This is just a basic idea at the moment I'm willing to develop it and edit it if other come up with a better way to do it, please discuss below :)
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Mercenaries eh? I might be in the business, but anyway I like this idea.
I love the idea of contracts, they are great for RP as well certain faction's ranks could have something like a 1 month contract upon joining. Aka you must be in the faction for one month. If you are, you will receive X amount of silver to help you progress. As well this makes a Taxation system in a faction an idea which I really like and is realistic is aided immensely by this idea. Supported!

Actually, except for.

like to employ mercenaries or builders or even slaves

Jomdorr <-- player A will always pay player B and player A can only create contract with his/her own name

:| :P
What happens when player B decides he doesn't want to work anymore? I can see new players accepting a job and then shrugging off their responsibilities so they obtain free cash for doing nothing.
What happens when player B decides he doesn't want to work anymore? I can see new players accepting a job and then shrugging off their responsibilities so they obtain free cash for doing nothing.
Well both players are to be online for cash to flow, basically it is up to player A to maitian a healthy relationship with player B so that would mean it player B decide he wanted to break the terms of contract and not work, then it is up to player A to terminate that contract before he wastes his moneys
Seems like a solid idea, you have my approval.
Am I correct in assuming that Contracts are like books with the MassiveBook plugin? And by that I meanthe stuff inside is editable by the author
Am I correct in assuming that Contracts are like books with the MassiveBook plugin? And by that I meanthe stuff inside is editable by the author as well as copy write so that no one else can steal other people cobtracts
Am I correct in assuming that Contracts are like books with the MassiveBook plugin? And by that I meanthe stuff inside is editable by the author as well as copy write so that no one else can steal other people cobtracts
The book would be enchanted, and if player A can only create a contract to give out then they would unable to copy the contracts because only player A can create one in which he wants in force
Can Player A change the conditions of the contract if he so wishes? But Player B can't of course


No to change the contract would invalidate it, it should the same as agreed from the start, if you want to change it you should delete the contract and start again

However, I am also a little concerned that Player B might decide to just not work, or Player A might cancel the contract just before payment is made. Having said that, it is probably like most things on massivecraft; do not work with someone if you do not trust them.

Y'know, that or if you have enough money that it doesn't matter anyway. ;)

However, I am also a little concerned that Player B might decide to just not work, or Player A might cancel the contract just before payment is made. Having said that, it is probably like most things on massivecraft; do not work with someone if you do not trust them.

Y'know, that or if you have enough money that it doesn't matter anyway. ;)
If player B decides not to work the player A has the right to terminate the contract, and as for the other bit you would have to be very crazy about times XD
Seems like a good idea although a penny pincher like me would be stubborn and do it himself
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