Archived A Spell Book

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The heart of a lover, the soul of a writer
Jul 17, 2013
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Western Australia, Kununurra
Mithilian Kingdom
Roleplay Guilds
Rage Industries
Every one knows god RPing is annoying but mages who spam "forcefeilds" or fiery explosions can be just as annoying. I think the admins should create a "spell book". In this book it should explain all the doable spells and how much you will need to channel them and how exhausted it will make you. The admins should create a lot of these so people have no excuse for not understanding magic.
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This may be done in the future, but such a list would be extremely long, almost perpetually expanding, and would take a lot of effort on the part of admins and staff.
This would be interesting. However there are just as many benefits as there are negatives.
For starters, while it would be nice to know what one can and can not do with magic specifically, it would also limit others who want to do things differently. While I personally find the whole magic help page confusing as to what i can and can not do, I know there are many people who understand it.
There is also the question if all races can do the same sort of magic, or if certain races would be able to do things others could not. I really have no opinion to that end, but will state the following facts. While it could help make certain races unique, it could also mess with people trying to create unique characters within said races.
The next issue I see is what determines how much is needed to cast said spells. There would need to be some sort of 'mana' system, but what would determine how much 'mana' each player had, and how much 'mana' it would cost to use said spell. Would certain races have more 'mana' than others? Would 'mana' levels go up with age? How long would it take to restore one's 'mana'. Would 'mana' regeneration be altered by race?
While in theory this could be useful, I think that there may be too many variables to account for so this would be difficult to implement. That said, I will place extra emphases on the 'I think' portion of that statement. Anyone who can prove me wrong, I would be happy to hear the arguments.
This is where the mods want us to be mature adolescences/adults. They want us to gauge for ourselves, in a fair manner, how much strain each spell would put on us. They do this because they still want to allow others to express their creativity in what they DO with certain spells. That being said, creating a dragon out of metal that flies around Regalia, shooting fireballs out of it's mouth would exhaust the user before construction was complete. But, holding say a clump of dirt, and allowing it to ignite, would be possible, and probably wouldn't take much away from the caster. Shields, they've gone into great detail about. Weapon enhancing through use of elemental augmentation is also something that would go on a case by case basis. Using the sword as a channel to cast a spell (such as "the blade begins to glow blue as the wind picks up around ____") would take significantly less energy than maintaining a spell that changes the blade itself (such as "the blade instantly alights with an unnatural flame") That being said, no 21 year old will have an infinite amount of energy to expend, nor will even the oldest living being in Aloria. However, that being said, a 180 year old person who has practiced magic his entire life would have a much greater affinity for spellcasting than said 21 year old. As for racial spells, the only one that I think would exist is Yanar's unique form of healing in which they use a rose as a channel to be able to heal wounds. Hopefully this has been a bit more helpful, and made things a bit more clear, and if you still have any questions, as either the mods, or perhaps another player that you think knows what they're doing with magic, not the ones that try to summon giant metal dragons as stated previously.
Every one knows god RPing is annoying but mages who spam "forcefeilds" or fiery explosions can be just as annoying. I think the admins should create a "spell book". In this book it should explain all the doable spells and how much you will need to channel them and how exhausted it will make you. The admins should create a lot of these so people have no excuse for not understanding magic.

Also, the amount of exhaustion a spell puts on a mage is variant on the mage themself and their skill level. Therefore having a gauge within this "spell book" as to how tired a spell would make you would be pointless. Every mage has a different tipping point.
This may be done in the future, but such a list would be extremely long, almost perpetually expanding, and would take a lot of effort on the part of admins and staff.
I understand that it would be long so I thought you could categorise them to fire manipulation, healing ect. Then saying the level of spell such as creating an ember to summoning the fires of the sun to hurl at your enemy.
I understand that it would be long so I thought you could categorise them to fire manipulation, healing ect. Then saying the level of spell such as creating an ember to summoning the fires of the sun to hurl at your enemy.
The fires of the sun hurling at your enemy will most likely NEVER be approved lore-wise. Such a feat, or any similar act would end up sending the caster right to the tipping point, no matter how strong they are. If you were saying that as an example, then would you mind editing it to something more possible? Such as "using a piece of coal to light something on fire, to channeling flames through your sword in order to shoot fireballs at your opponent (though this would still take a lot of energy from the caster, it's more reasonable and therefore would probably be allowed)
The fires of the sun hurling at your enemy will most likely NEVER be approved lore-wise. Such a feat, or any similar act would end up sending the caster right to the tipping point, no matter how strong they are. If you were saying that as an example, then would you mind editing it to something more possible? Such as "using a piece of coal to light something on fire, to channeling flames through your sword in order to shoot fireballs at your opponent (though this would still take a lot of energy from the caster, it's more reasonable and therefore would probably be allowed)
I was just trying to set a spectrum.
On a side note takeing for from the sun would be just as easy as normal fire it would just take longer. Much longer .
I was just trying to set a spectrum.
On a side note takeing for from the sun would be just as easy as normal fire it would just take longer. Much longer .

That depends if magic take more energy the further you are away from the things you are affecting. I'm not sure what the lore says in regard to this.
I realize what you are asking, but that will still not likely happen. The current system is common sense, and even with just vague categories in a list, i would take a lot of time and effort. The staff could do it, and maybe they even will, but I doubt it will happen in the near future.
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