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A Slum Effigy


Staff member
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
[ Where an effigy once stood now lied only splintered wood, a crumpled and unreadable note, and a few smashed bottles. The body had been taken, the effigy destroyed.]
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"Whoever did this, just made the situation worse." Raimondo D'Avella mumbled to himself. He was going to distance from the slums now. At least for a while.
Wulfgar entered the slums late at night just to see what was happening. The Url wore a ragged attire and had abandoned his cleaner clothes back at his house.

He came across the effigy. The Url's gaze lingered on the body, until he finally lowered his head down as he offered the Drowdar one last prayer.

"Rest now, warrior."
Finally, Wulfgar exited the slums.
Jamie Rosendahl slumped back in his chair as he received the news, shock etched on his features. Valentius was dead? It always had seemed as though the drow was everlasting, fighting through conflict after conflict and never perishing. Though it had been ages since they had spoken, Jamie had always seen Valentius as a loyal, capable being. A nelfin to trust on.

No. A comrade to trust on.

"May you have a long rest, old friend."
Amar Tellsam stared long at the effigy, not wanting to risk removal until people's attention had subdued. He lowered his head, uttering a brief "Duce Spiritu." before moving away.
Darius Silevon stared forth at the body, his hands slowly clenched up tightly into fists. His glowing gaze filled with a certain determination, a furious fire. He toon a step forth, placing his hsnd upon the bodys shoulder.

"I'll get them, old Gramps. I promise you."

With that, he turned away from the grizzly sight. A droplet ran down his cheek, but he wiped it off his cheek; the time of mourning would come after he had brought the killers to justice.
At the news, the Reverend sighed, "You have redeemed yourself Drowdar. May you live your next life as an Ailor, and then join the Spirit in the Everwatch."
Katrina gave a small huff at the sight, her head hanging as her personal investigation had come to a rather gruesome end. She took a few moments to glance at the corpse of her once comrade, before turning away. The worst possible outcome had become a reality, and now her main priority was to find a way in which the body could be transported in a discreet fashion without being too disrespectful to the deceased. She knew it was only a matter of time before the body would decompose and/or be moved, and thus decided to act sooner rather than later.
Merina lifted her head from rewrapping the wounds on her arms, she pondered the news a moment before giving a single response, "Good."

Juliette, on the other hand, slid a hand through her short hair with a slow exhale. Finally, she turned and paced off without a word from the news- though a short while later a passing servant would hear a smash from something thrown echo from Juliette and Randulf's rooms.
[ Deep in the slums sat an effigy. It appeared over-night, seemingly, and it seems that nobody got a good glimpse at who exactly placed it there. This effigy was a wooden cross, placed upon a broad platform to keep it standing. Upon this cross was nailed the body of a Drowdar - headless and handless. This body had been treated - cared for after death. Cleaned. The places where the heads and hands once were had been were wrapped tightly by cloth, as to slow festering of the open wounds. The drow's body - everything was exposed, safe for an area between the hips and knees, sheltered by a clean loincloth - was painted. Painted in bright yellow, which nicely contrasted the purple of the Drow's skin, was the eye of unionism. Upon this gruesome display sat two notes. One tied around the stump of the Drowdar's neck. Two words written on a half piece of parchment. Written in nice black ink, they read; 'Valentius Decimar'. Most likely his name. Below that was a note, written in similar handwriting, and in jet-black ink.]

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This is the fate of any who seek us.
We will lie away peacefully. Only if you forget.
Leave the slums.
Leave us be.

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-[ OOC Notes ]-

Hello! I have a few OOC notes for this announcement.

-Valentius Decimar is dead.
- City dwellers can come across the effigy it's not slummer exclusive. Nobody should know who the killers are, however.
- I ask that, OOCly, three days are given before this is attempted to be taken down.
- Only those who were there should know who exactly murdered Valentius. Otherwise, it is not at all public knowledge. This post is simply to confirm his death, and is a warning to any who would seek to root out his murderers.
- Again, I reiterate, the people who killed Valentius should not be known ICly outside those present. If you think your character should know, contact me. Give me their reasoning / sources / whatever. I will approve you for having your character know if I think that the reasoning of logic / their sources are valid. Otherwise, if unapproved, I will count it as meta for you knowing.
- I ask that characters try not to act too strongly on mere suspect.
- I expect any characters that come for the supposed killer to have their kill permissions revoked to the killer. Do not try and come fight or root out Valentius' murderer if you do not want to relieve your kill permissions.
- Lastly, I ask, if your character does learn who indeed killed Valentius, is correct, and makes a feasible plan to retaliate - don't show up with 20 - 30 people / guards. Being swarmed by people is counterproductive roleplay, and generally, isn't fun for the receiving side.

I will confront you if you violate any of the rules. I made this thread to announce and add closure to Valentius' death, as he was a great and long-lasting character. I do not wish to doom my antagonist by posting this thread. Meta and shady business will not be tolerated.

Thank you.

@EmperorMoose @Dardy
The Spawn Of Kahn growled on seeing it. As it seemed, his questioning didn't matter anymore...he was dead now. Perhaps the other whom he was gathering information on could be the culprit? He would need to relay his Isldar friend with the information and then deal with them with his claws or with his cutlass. Either way, blood would run through the streets when he found them, for making his work for nothing.

Mother Lisa grimaced as she saw it, holding her belly, looking and feeling it kick, worry then wracking her face. "This city...this disgusting city. It is not safe for my children... Soon Rikkira shall purge it of such filth, for good, and save them all from monsters like these. But first, to continue working on rallying the troops...then we can get to work on such a purge."
Johanna Anne Sauer stared at the body upon the planks of wood while her fists clenched and quaked, her bottom lip trembling with what could be mistaken solely for sadness. However, her feelings were not jumbled nor was she confused on what to do. The anger she had bottled and set to the waves of the past now roared and resurfaced.
Caoess'alloa was back.
Kaisa Decimar's dad was dead. She'd been inconsolable all day, relying on hugs to stop her from just lying on the ground and starting to cry again. There was a hole in her chest, something missing, and despite her youth she knew that it probably wouldn't come back. She'd not seen the body, luckily for her, but word travels fast when it's your dad on a cross, doesn't it. A low whine escapes her mouth at the thought of it, her head going to bury itself into the shirt of the current hugger.

Marching came, and it came hard.
The Vigilant Shield and those who wished to assist the retrieval of the body had come down upon the slums. Wulfgar stormed down the path. Next to his side was a Slizzar, Eric Decimar. Citizens of good faith and those who wanted to assist were allowed to follow behind. Those who opposed against them were met with fists, swords, and shackles. Soon they came upon the body and retrieved it. They took the body back to the Bastion.

Guardsmen stood up on the platform, and destroyed the cross as they were commanded to. It was a sign of opposition against the evil-doers. Such a simple action had set the tone for all.

Within his other fist was the note that had been attached to Valentius' body. The note merely crumpled and fell into the shit and mud. Wulfgar's voice boomed as he made a declaration. A declaration of fire:

"Shendars. We will seek you out. You will not lie away peacefully, and we will never forget. We know your faces, your names, who you are, and, what you are. You can cower as much as you want, hide as much as you want, and beg as much as you want. Your retribution is inevitable, and it is arriving."

After the announcement was declared, they departed. All that was left was the destroyed platform, a splintered cross, and holy water that was splashed everywhere.


@BullyTheScroofy @TheDongler @EmperorMoose @Ghirko

- I expect any characters that come for the supposed killer to have their kill permissions revoked to the killer. Do not try and come fight or root out Valentius' murderer if you do not want to relieve your kill permissions.
- Lastly, I ask, if your character does learn who indeed killed Valentius, is correct, and makes a feasible plan to retaliate - don't show up with 20 - 30 people / guards. Being swarmed by people is counterproductive roleplay, and generally, isn't fun for the receiving side.

I will confront you if you violate any of the rules. I made this thread to announce and add closure to Valentius' death, as he was a great and long-lasting character. I do not wish to doom my antagonist by posting this thread. Meta and shady business will not be tolerated.

Rodderick Howlester gathered the Vigilants infront of the Bastion Castle, pacing in a line as he barked out his orders in a fashion quite akin to that of his father. "..These cretins have pissed on Regalian Law for far too long. They kidnap, they murder, they slaughter soldiers that have fought for the divinity of our great Empire. We will return to the slums, we will bring fire and brimstone. We will leave no mud hut or crate unsearched until we find the dead man who murdered our brother. He will face due process of Regalian Law, he will be punished for his crimes and he will die screaming". With that, the Howlester gave a hand gesture into the air, rallying the twenty or so guards that had gathered to prepare a plan to attack. Actions had consequences, and these slum dwelling murderers had incurred the full extent of the Howlester's Wrath.


On an OOC note. IC actions have IC consequences. I intend on abiding by server roleplay rules that are on the wiki.
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Sees what happened after the body was recovered "We need to burn there filth and kind into the ground and show no mercy."
Susumu Yi upon hearing hearing the rumors of Valentius's death and mutilation would at first, simply not believe it. The Al-Allar went about his day as normal, before finding a notice in the Alchimia Apothecary explaining that the rumors he had heard earlier, were quite true. The Allar stared at the paper for a few moments, before simply turning and exiting the Apothecary with a brisk pace. He would not be seen for many hours, and would eventually return looking more downtrodden than most had ever seen. As he entered, he knelt down by the turtle-pond and, leaning over it, he spoke quietly:

"I am a forgiving, and accccepting Allar. Thingsss do not normally anger me when they happen, be it whatever it isss. But thisss? I don't think a sssingle action has ever angered me this much. Ssspirit guide you Veridan, know that thisss won't have been in vain."

The Allar again stood up, and made his way downstairs to the lab, muttering something about keeping Mu-Allar safe, and favor for Veridan.
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Sselliaz Es-Zzharlo would hear of the news and slowly hobble back to his study. With a grumble and a deep sigh his only words on the subject were, "Hrmpf. Death comes for us all and time is indeed a cruel mistress. Dust to dust, as they say. Rest well, honored friend. I too shall find myself in your place in only a handful of years".
After this the old Es-Allar would have nothing more to say on the Drow's death. Flat out refusing to discuss it further as he slipped a lemon-candy into his mouth.
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Dozens of eyes laid upon the effigy but only one figure stood hunched before it.

The Mutant's hand rose to press against the cold skin that belonged to Valentius or "Purple guard man" As they so eloquently put it.
"Not gone forever... Juzt zleeping.."
The creature uttered to the 'corpse', raising to its hinds legs whilst coiling its arms and deformed tendrils around what was left of the Drowdar. The Mutant held the hunk of meat in their arms for minutes on end.
"Will find them... Zay hello to ma-ma for Tenshi."
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