Archived A Simple Tweak To Fast-swimming

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juice thought.
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
This is a fairly simple suggestion, the ability to turn off Fast-Swimming.

Sometimes, especially in shallow water or lava, Fast-Swimming will kick in when you don't want it to. If there was a simple command allowing you to toggle it, I think that'd make things a good bit easier.
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Nah, that'll never come in handy >_<

~Jumps into water~
"oh no, bad guys, I better slowly make my way towards them, and set up an ambush..."
*Fast-Swimming kicks in* ~Wisses right passed~

Nah, that'll never come in handy >_<

~Jumps into water~
"oh no, bad guys, I better slowly make my way towards them, and set up an ambush..."
*Fast-Swimming kicks in* ~Wisses right passed~


Under certain circumstances, it'd be better to be able to have the control of normal swimming rather than the slippery controls of flying. Even if not everyone uses it, I think it'd still be a nice feature.
Nah, that'll never come in handy >_<

~Jumps into water~
"oh no, bad guys, I better slowly make my way towards them, and set up an ambush..."
*Fast-Swimming kicks in* ~Wisses right passed~


If a maijar is trying to build something in the water but they are zipping from one place to another, how do you expect any work to be done?
Uhh... It was a joke (facepalm)
I was agreeing with you |-(
I said "I'll sneak up behind them" but because of fast swimming ~Wisses right passed~ Obviously being seen, and ruining the ambush ¬_¬

If a maijar is trying to build something in the water but they are zipping from one place to another, how do you expect any work to be done?
Yes, because building stuff is impossible in creative flight ¬_¬
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