A Simple Question


Marry for love. Marry the person, your heart cries out for.
-Death Comes to Pemberley, P.D. James

They say that love is patient, kind, and that it is never envious or even jealous. Love was also known to be extremely fickle and Darcie knew it all too well. However, it seemed that love was on her side this year, so far at least. It was only third month into the year, nearly the fourth, but she really was not keeping track. At least not daily.

Humming gently, the woman puttered about her kitchen, one of her dogs following at her skirts and gently barking every so often. Darcie grabbed the towel off the railing and moved to begin cleaning up after her late afternoon lunch, clearly content in her duties as today was one of her less stressful and relaxing days.

As she continued to clean, unbeknownst to her, a visitor arrived in the form of one of the people she loved more than anything in the world.

"Mi sol? Are you home?" Alexander's voice came from behind her front door, followed by a knock or two.

A smile spread across her face as she set the towel down and strolled over to the door, unlocking and opening it. She beamed at the tall, Daendroquin man who stood on her doorstep.

"And what have I done to earn a visit from you today, hm?"

Her tone was teasing as she allowed Alexander into her home and her smile widened visibly as Diana, the dog following her about that afternoon, rushed over to greet the man.

Alexander smiled brightly as he lowered himself and began to pet and talk to the canine, clearly he was just as pleased to see the dog as Diana was to see him.

Darcie chuckled as she closed the door and walked back over to the counter. She picked up her towel and moved to continue drying off her dishes, picking up her humming once more.

Alexander continued to ruffle and pet the dog's fur, before rising and strolling up behind her and gently touching the woman's back.

"So, is this a business or more personal visit, hm?" Darcie asked, her tone clearly jesting. She turned to face him, smirking up at him.

The Daendrocian man chuckled gently and leaned down, quickly stealing a kiss before stepping back and taking the woman's hands.

"Straight to the point then, I suppose that's one of the many qualities that you have that I so adore. Something has been made clear to me over the past week or so, something that I knew but never really grasped fully, the fact that I can't imagine my life without you in it.I don't know what I would do with myself if I didn't have you by my side. You have made each moment I am with some of the best moments of my life. I… I suppose what I am trying to say is, Darcie Miramonte, will you do me the wonderful honor of marrying me?"

During the course of his small speech, Alexander would have gotten down upon one knee and retrieved a box from the pocket of his coat and opened it to reveal a golden band with a diamond encrusted upon it. The sides of the band were carved to resemble a sort of floral pattern.

Darcie blinked and pressed a hand to her lips. The woman nodded her head vigorously, tears forming in her eyes. Happy and very joyful tears.

"Yes. Oh Spirit, yes, Alexander!" She replied, laughing as she threw her arms around the man's neck, hugging him close and nodding her head still.

The man chuckled and embraced her right back, before pulling away and assisting her in slipping the ring on. The couple shared a deep and quite love filled kiss.

Love was indeed a fickle thing, but as they say: all good things come to those who wait.

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"Good Spirit, took her long enough."