A Sihai Can Dream

Discussion in 'Player Stories' started by indyfan98, Oct 11, 2021.

  1. indyfan98

    indyfan98 I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.

    Oct 21, 2013
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    Make sure to read the whole thing before commenting.
    There is important info at the bottom of the thread.
    "On the eve of the Winter, 309 AC, strange ships could be spotted off the horizon of the Holy City. Dozens of ships with blood red sails and dark, wooden hulls. After a long battle against the vampiric threat, the Regalian empire fears the worst: Kathar. However, once the ships are intercepted, it is quickly recognized that they are not elves of grey-skin, but rather a collective of people, both bestial and humanoid. Their epicanthic eye folds and dulled tans could not be mistaken; These were Sihai, come from the Far East. Quickly, they were escorted to the mainland. They barred no weapons, but some wielded magic the likes of which Regalia had never seen. Their ships could easily have outrun the Naught-tier Regalian Navy, thanks to the Easterners’ wind magic.

    The Sihai, upon reaching the mainland, with help from the Navy, quickly brought out mats to lay upon the ground. These mats were brought out by teams, who dared not tread on the foreign soil. Their leader, a New Dynasty Sihai who went by Ra’en-Xia, scoffed as he looked around the dilapidated city. The Sihai, who all refused to use the common tongue, instead speaking to diplomats, asked to be led to the Imperial Palace, claiming to have a proposal for the emperor. Mats were laid down across the isle, being picked up as the Sihai had all passed them. They seemed confident in their manners, but disgusted in their tone. Upon reaching the palace, they stepped upon the stone, sans mats, and walked up to the throne room. The Sihai, hundreds of them, seemed to not pay the guards any mind. The Regalian Navy was weary, as some of the Sihai that walked amongst them were clearly of great skill in magic and combat. Some had halves of their bodies split into various different elements or materials, floating in place. Mages of Aether and Naether, things of legend in Regalia, now walking the palace. The stones of the palace were not created with Eastern aberrancies in mind.

    Upon reaching the throne room of the Emperor, Ra’en-Xia stepped forward. His look of smugness did not leave his face. Ra’en-Xia spoke, with a translator, of Regalian origin, nearby. Re’en-Xia spoke something that roughly translated to the following:

    “Emperor of Regalia, I bring the word of Htai Mingcha. Our great Emperor, blessed by the Loong, brings great news to your ‘Holy City’. The Loong gave unto our Emperor a great vision, one where our Empires were to align with each other in our interests. For this to happen, we call upon you to sign this ‘Treaty of the White Sky and Blue Crown Thones’ of which our Emperor has drafted most carefully. To sign this treaty will combine our empires under the Great Banner of the Sihai Empire.”

    The Emperor of Regalia quickly laughed off the request. “To become a subordinate to the Dog Emperor Mingcha, would be nothing more than a joke. Your kind holds no power here” He promptly motioned to have the Sihai kicked out of the courtroom. However, the mages quickly arrived to the center of the room, unleashing Aether and Naether powers never before seen upon the Regalian Archipelago. The room filled with crystals and mist, and upon the clearing of the mist, the guards were all nothing more than a mass of crystals in humanoid form. The Regalian Emperor sat there silently, unsure what to do. The Sihai remained untouched. Ra’en-Xia spoke once again, speaking the same words as prior, continuing his speech even after where he had been interrupted, in the same tone, same volume. The Emperor’s eye twitched, being looked at right into the eye by a dog-man, a great affront to his power, but having no guards to call upon, he merely sat there and listened to the words, which pierced him thoroughly.

    Upon Ra’en-Xia’s speech, the treaty scroll was rolled out upon the floor, a brush was presented, and a dried up inkwell was refilled with water. The Emperor of Regalia stepped forward to sign. He looked around the room, mages scowling at him. Ra’en-Xia inhaled, and exhaled slowly as the Emperor signed the treaty which he could not read. The Emperor was quickly picked up and placed into Prison, the speech prior having been a lie. Quickly, the Sihai overtook Regalia. The Emperor had inadvertently agreed to Easternize the city. Slowly, over the next few decades, the Sihai overtook the Ailor Majority. Guards prowled the streets with Eastern blades, and any opposition was met with cruelty. Ra’en-Xia was crowned the Raang, ruler of a Sihain overseas territory. It would seem that Dexai had won, and that Regalia had fallen into the hands of a foreing adversary in its weakness.

    Then, suddenly, all went black. I opened my eyes, and there, I saw the canvas of my tent above me. It would seem the whole ordeal was nothing more than a dream. Of course, I knew that. They do not call me ‘Wan the Wise’ for nothing!" Wan-Xia inserted, sitting by the campfire of the Resistance Camp, telling the story to those who would listen to his dream.
    • Powerful Powerful x 4
    • Creative Creative x 2

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